27. Her Deserved Reward

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In that bright room, bathed in a gentle light, Natasha Romanoff's eyes flickered open. The transition from darkness to light was palpable, and she found herself instinctively looking to Doctor Strange for an explanation. 

The enigmatic sorcerer met her gaze with a rare smile, a smile that held the weight of wisdom. "Regret, Ms. Romanoff. Regret, guilt are the reasons for darkness. Hope for a new beginning is the only way to light," he spoke, his words resonating with a profound truth that seemed to echo in the room.

Natasha absorbed this insight, recognizing the depth of its meaning. The revelation hinted at the possibility of redemption and renewal after a history stained with shadows. Her nod acknowledged the lesson learned in that brief exchange.

As Dr. Strange sighed, his gaze became more scrutinizing, as if he were carefully examining Natasha. "As I had promised, there is a reward waiting for you, Ms. Romanoff. But it's up to you if you want to accept it or not." Natasha sighed, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension in her expression. She questioned whether there were realities in need of fixing, perhaps still caught in the turmoil she had been sent to untangle.

Dr. Strange, with a chuckle, assured her that there were no realities requiring correction. However, he introduced another facet to her potential journey. "There are some people who may need you to heal. The question is, do you want to heal them?" The query hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities.

Natasha's contemplation lingered in the air for a moment. Her mind swirled with thoughts of the various Natashas across different realities and the destinies they faced. She questioned Dr. Strange, seeking clarity on the fates of those alternate versions where Steve met a different end. " Please tell me what happens with those other Natasha in other realities after Steve's death."

His sigh carried a weight of understanding, and he shared with her the comforting truth," Just like you, they made peace with their own realities. You, Ms Romanoff, are the same across all the universes."

The tears she had held back threatened to surface again, but this time they weren't tears of sorrow; they were tears of acknowledgment, of embracing her own strength.

Determined, she turned her gaze to Dr. Strange, asserting her readiness to embrace the reward awaiting her," I deserve that reward, after running around many realities, at least." The echoes of her past as Natalia, the deadly Red Room agent, seemed to dissipate in the face of her resolve to bring healing. Dr. Strange acknowledged her decision with a warm smile, a silent acknowledgment of the strength and growth she had exhibited. 

Dr. Strange's rare smile lingered, an acknowledgment of the journey they had traversed together. He extended a hand, and Natasha clasped it, a silent expression of gratitude passing between them. The sorcerer's words carried a certain finality, a recognition of Natasha's resilience and the impact she could have in the realms of healing.

"Sure. It was great to work for you, Natasha Romanoff," he said, his tone holding a mix of professional respect and genuine warmth.

With a flourish, Dr. Strange conjured a portal, revealing a tranquil lakeside bathed in the soft hues of an otherworldly sunset. The scene held a serene beauty, promising a respite from the complexities of multiverse travel. Natasha gazed at the picturesque landscape, her eyes reflecting a spectrum of emotions — relief, curiosity, and a flicker of anticipation for what lay ahead. She surely wants a well deserved rest. 

As she stepped through the portal, the transition was seamless. The cool breeze of the lakeside enveloped her, and the sound of gentle waves whispered a soothing melody. Natasha found herself on the shores of a pristine lake, the waters reflecting the fading sunlight like liquid gold.

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