28. 'See You In A Minute'

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Steve sighed, a weariness etched across his face as he calmly picked up a bottle of water. "It's December 2023. Which year are you coming from?" he asked, his voice carrying a weight that hinted at a deep understanding of the complexities of time.

Natasha struggled to recover from the shock of Steve's revelation. "2015," she managed to say, realizing that Steve was acutely aware of her origin from another timeline. The question lingered in the air — how did he know? Natasha couldn't fathom how this Steve had acquired knowledge beyond the scope of his own reality.

"Steve, how did you know?" she pressed, her eyes searching his for answers. Steve sighed, his gaze reflecting a pain that resonated with the Steve she knew from her own time. "I just came back last month, after traveling through many realities," he admitted, his voice heavy with the weight of his experiences.

Her eyes widened in astonishment as the pieces of this temporal puzzle began to fall into place. "Why did you..." she started to ask, but Steve looked away, struggling with his own emotions. "I was... just... watching someone," he finally confessed, his gaze returning to meet hers. There was something in his eyes, an unspoken connection that eluded her comprehension.

He sighed once more, his shoulders bearing the invisible burden of grief. "You, I mean, Natasha from this reality... died a month ago," he disclosed, and Natasha felt her breath catch in her lungs. The revelation struck her with an unexpected force, realizing the reason behind Steve's pain.

"That's why, leave however you came here, before others can see you," he instructed, turning away.

She took a deep breath, the weight of the revelation settling heavily on her shoulders. "How?" she asked, her curiosity overcoming the reluctance in Steve's eyes. He sighed, clearly reluctant to delve into the painful details, but she pressed on. "Please. Tell me."

Leaning against the small sink on the wall, Steve began recounting the events. "Five years ago, a monster from another planet came here to destroy everything. We couldn't prevent it. The monster wiped out half of the population on Earth, including some of our friends. After five years, we found a way to bring everyone back. We planned to retrieve the Infinity Stones." 

Natasha interjected, "Infinity Stones?" Steve looked at her, surprised. "How do you know?" 

She shook her head, urging him to continue. "We planned a time heist. Natasha went to a planet named Vormir to get the Soul Stone. She had to sacrifice herself to obtain it, so she did. We won, but at what cost?"

Natasha sighed in a mix of relief and understanding. "So... you're saying Natasha, I, sacrificed myself to help others?" Steve nodded, his expression clouded with confusion. She sighed again, a mix of emotions swirling within her. "Thank God, at least I was worth something."

Steve's eyes hardened at her words. "What did you say?" he demanded. She almost flinched at the intensity of his gaze as he approached the couch where she was seated. Standing in front of her with a hard glare, he continued, "You're glad? Do you have any idea what pain you caused me? You said, 'See you in a minute...'" He stopped, closing his eyes, his strong posture visibly breaking. Despite the turmoil, he held his tears back. . 

Steve huffed in anger and grief, the tumult of emotions swirling within him. "You won't understand. You're not her. You're not Natasha. Leave quietly as you came." His words were laced with pain, and she could see the weight of the past in his eyes. 

Though unsure of the exact events that unfolded in this reality, Steve's reaction was undeniable proof that her presence had caused him anguish once again. Determined, she shook her head, "I won't. I've earned this reward, this chance. I won't let it go worthless."

Steve looked at her, a mix of confusion and curiosity in his eyes. "What?" he asked. 

Tears welled up in her eyes as she confessed, "You said it yourself, no one can understand you better than me. And I realized that after paying a huge price." His eyes showed genuine curiosity, prompting her to continue, "In my timeline, I killed you."

His eyes widened in shock. She nodded solemnly, "I put a damn curse on you while holding the Reality Stone in my hand, and it became real. My angry words ended your life. Hey, do you have any idea how much I suffered to save your existence in this multiverse?" Understanding flashed in his eyes; he knew Natasha was not one to complain, and the agony in her voice spoke volumes about the pain she endured.

 Holding back tears, she continued, "Your life was in my hands, literally. But guess what? The infamous killer Black Widow failed to save your life many times. I traveled through time and across universes, each with a different version of yours..."

Steve interrupted her, suddenly kneeling down in front of her and wrapping his arms around her. Tears streamed down both their faces as the floodgate of emotions opened. How much he had missed her, and how much she had missed him. 

She let her tears fall onto his shoulder, and he let his tears fall on the crook of her neck. "You promised... you promised to see me in a minute. Oh, Nat. I was dying every moment," he confessed, the weight of their shared pain lifting in that vulnerable embrace. She clutched onto him, finding solace in the warmth of his presence. Despite the divergent events across the multiverse, their shared agony transcended the boundaries of time and space.

In the quietude of that room, with the hum of construction outside and the weight of the past lingering, Steve and Natasha found solace in each other's presence. They didn't delve into the intricate details of their respective timelines immediately. 

Steve, with a heavy heart, informed Natasha that Tony Stark was no more in this timeline. The great Iron Man had sacrificed himself to protect Earth from the merciless onslaught of Thanos. Another shock rippled through Natasha, and she shared with him how Doctor Strange had played a pivotal role in her journey.

The weight of the revelations hung in the air, but they decided to reserve a more comprehensive discussion for the next day. For now, they needed the comfort of each other's embrace. Natasha gently persuaded Steve to join her on the couch, where they curled together. His arms wrapped around her securely, providing a shield against the pain and grief that were undeniably present.

The room, with its sparse furnishings, became a sanctuary for two souls burdened by the complexities of time and alternate realities. Their silent embrace spoke volumes, a testament to the unspoken understanding that had always existed between them. Pain and grief were evident, etched on their faces, but somehow, amidst the cosmic chaos, they found themselves blessed with another chance. A chance to release their regrets, to mend the fragments of a life they had always wanted.

As the night wore on, a profound fatigue settled in, and the worries of the multiverse could wait. In each other's arms, they succumbed to the gentle pull of sleep. The room became a haven of tranquility, shielding them from the uncertainties that lay beyond. The world outside may have been in constant flux, but within the cocoon of that room, Steve and Natasha found respite, wrapped in the warmth of each other, ready to embrace what lay ahead. 

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