22. Reliving the Hell

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The metal door swung open with a resonant bang, sending vibrations through the dimly lit room. An imposing figure barged in, his black uniform exuding an air of authority. In a swift motion, he seized Steve Rogers by the back of his neck, effortlessly tossing him towards the entrance like a weightless object. The display of strength was both astonishing and menacing.

As the agent's steely gaze fell upon Natasha, he observed the empty water can rolling away, a silent testament to her desperation for sustenance. His expression tightened with displeasure, and he glared back at the incapacitated Steve with a fierce intensity. In a low growl of frustration and anger, he demanded an explanation in Russian, his words cutting through the tense air, "Water?!"

Without awaiting a response, the agent unleashed a barrage of merciless kicks upon Steve, targeting his abdomen and chest. Despite Steve's valiant attempts to shield himself, the blows rained down with ruthless precision. Each kick echoed in the confined space, a symphony of brutality that intensified Natasha's sense of helplessness.

Her heart ached as she watched Steve endure the relentless assault, his efforts to protect himself futile against the agent's unrelenting aggression. Natasha, weakened and confined, felt a surge of anger and sorrow welling up within her. She wanted to rise, to intervene, but her feeble body betrayed her will, forcing her to remain seated, a silent witness to the torment unfolding before her.

The crescendo of violence reached its peak as the agent, satisfied with his display of dominance, kicked Steve out of the room and slammed the metal door shut with a resounding thud. Natasha flinched at the sound, her tears flowing unabated. The cruel fate that bound her to witness Steve's suffering seemed inescapable, a relentless reminder of the agony that threaded through the fabric of her existence.

A sob escaped her gut as she heard faint growls of pain of Steve as it was clear that other agents joined in the party to beat him mercilessly. She tried to cover her ears desperately. Why its always Steve enduring pain? Why its always him, because of her? She questioned to the silence in that room and as expected she didn't get any answer. Some time later, the kicking and hellish punishment stopped she guessed, as she heard muffled noise from outside agents saying put Steve in his cell. 

Hours later, the agent, who was assaulting Steve walked into her cell again, and grabbed her arm harshly, saying," Its your turn. Masters are waiting." Her knees were giving up to walk but that agent dragged her through the corridor. She saw Steve, and her heart burst open in sorrow and helplessness, Steve was being tied up in a cell in front of a room. His face had been burst open and blood and blood was all over his face, he had his hand low as blood dripping from his mouth. The agent pushed her into a room and locked the door from outside. Natasha fell on the ground, when she lifted her eyes, she wished she could die then and there, because the two men are looking at her, eyes filled in lust.

 Natasha's stomach twisted in disgust, not for those men, but for herself. Because Steve was right outside of the room, while she would be treated as a pleasurable object in this room, by these two men. She had already endured this torture in past, but never she let Steve find out. But seems like, in this universe, Steve will definitely know how dirty and impure she was. Those men grabbed her by her both arms and threw her on a dusty and stinky bed. She let her silent tears fall, knowing what's coming. 

The dim light in the Red Room's corridor cast long shadows as Natasha, clad in her torn and tattered clothes, navigated the haunting space. The silence that enveloped the corridor echoed with the memories of countless widows who had walked these halls, each bearing their own burden of pain and sacrifice.

Her steps were deliberate, a conscious effort not to falter. She leaned against the cold, unforgiving walls for support, her weakened body protesting every movement. The corridor, both familiar and terrifying, was a passage through time, marked by the horrors she endured and the indomitable spirit that kept her moving forward.

Entering her quarter, Natasha's eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of change or disturbance. The air was heavy with the scent of desperation and resignation, a testament to the collective agony of the widows imprisoned within these walls. Some regarded her with dirty looks, resentment simmering beneath the surface, while others offered sympathetic glances and silent gestures of support. Natasha, however, remained resolute, brushing past the judgment and compassion alike.

Stepping into the bathroom, the one place that offered a brief respite from the suffocating atmosphere, Natasha closed the door behind her. The sound of running water drowned out her quiet sobs as she let the cold liquid cascade over her body. It was a ritualistic attempt to wash away the physical and emotional grime, a futile yet necessary act of cleansing.

She avoided looking at herself in the mirror for as long as she could, knowing that the reflection would be a harsh reminder of the brutality she endured. When she finally did, she saw a woman on the verge of breaking, her spirit tested but not shattered. The bruises and scars painted a picture of suffering, but the determination in her eyes spoke of a deeper resolve.

In the solitude of the bathroom, Natasha allowed herself a moment of vulnerability. She cried, the silent tears merging with the water that enveloped her. The chilling droplets served as a metaphorical baptism, a cleansing of the soul and a renewal of purpose.

The wish to end it all tugged at her heart, but the unwavering commitment to Steve anchored her to the reality of survival. The dichotomy of despair and determination played out in the quiet solitude of that bathroom, a battleground for her inner demons.

In the Red Room's oppressive silence, Natasha found strength not in the absence of pain but in the refusal to surrender to it. Every drop of water that fell on her skin became a testament to her resilience, a silent vow to endure not just for herself but for Steve, whose days were inexorably linked to her own. 

The sterile atmosphere of the Red Room's training hall couldn't stifle Natasha's determination. With every deliberate shot she fired, she aimed not just at imaginary targets but at the constraints that bound her. The rhythmic staccato of gunfire echoed through the hall, punctuating her silent rebellion.

Madam B, the embodiment of authority in the Red Room, observed Natasha's intentional misfires with a critical eye. A slap across Natasha's face served as a harsh reminder that deviation from perfection was not tolerated. "Concentrate, Natalia. One bullet, one head," Madam B admonished, her voice cutting through the air like a whip.

Undeterred, Natasha continued her deliberate mistakes, knowing that true freedom lay not in perfect marksmanship but in the pursuit of a higher goal. Another slap from Madam B marked her defiance, a defiance that simmered beneath the surface like a silent rebellion.

As Madam B left, warning Natasha that she wouldn't sleep until her training was complete, Natasha sighed in frustration. The confines of the Red Room were suffocating, each slap a reminder of the walls closing in around her. Yet, Natasha had an ace up her sleeve, a glimmer of hope that had just entered the room.

Recognizing the distinct attire of a fellow agent, Natasha's heartbeat quickened. But this wasn't just any agent; it was Steve Rogers. In that moment, the weight of the Red Room's oppressive rules melted away, leaving only the instinctive desire for connection.

Without a second thought, Natasha abandoned the pretense of Natalia, the obedient and relentless trainee. She ran towards Steve with a speed and fervor that defied her training. The calculated, precise movements of a Black Widow were replaced by the raw, impulsive actions of Natasha Romanoff.

As she reached Steve, the boundaries of training hall decorum shattered. Natasha threw her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace that conveyed a desperation born out of years of isolation. Steve, initially stunned by the unexpected gesture, quickly reciprocated. His arms, strong and comforting, wrapped around Natasha, offering solace to a soul that had long been denied such warmth.

For Natasha, that moment transcended the confines of the Red Room. It was a stolen fragment of humanity, a respite from the dehumanizing routine she endured. The familiar scent of Steve, the beating of his heart against hers, grounded her in a reality that went beyond the walls of the training hall.

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