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The fog in the corridor was becoming deeper. The driver, Ali Ki-Moon, spotted it first. Initially, he could see the route through the mist. Then his vision gradually became blinding.

He pulled down the window to alarm, 'White smoke.' but sensed something approaching him. Suddenly a leather-gloved hand smothered his lips and another hand reached the back of his head. Before he could react, the owner of the hands wrenched his head and snapped his neck.

Those hands gradually leaned the driver's head away from the driving wheel. Then the hands opened and closed the car's front door.

When the team leader heard the car's door close, he cried out "Ki-Moon..."

The cops spotted a guy emerge from the deep fog. The man was totally clad in black, save for his deep set of eyes. They couldn't see clearly owing to the fog, but they spotted him raising his right palm in surrender and pointing to the lady with his left hand. The cop knew he was saving Jungkook from his captor.

The man in black approached the leader, who was struggling with a knife and an unconscious Jungkook. The commander was leaving him on the ground when he heard the words, "Let me hold him for you." Behind him, he heard a dark, commanding, deep voice.

"Yes." The leader believed he was a driver without noticing the difference in tone.

The man in black placed his left arm over Jungkook's back and tucked his right hand beneath his knees. He straightened his back as the commander placed the knife extremely close to his neck. As soon as the leader's gaze switched to the cops, the guy shifted and kicked him in the back of the knee.

"Ahhh..." The leader slipped on the road and struck his knee on the ground.

Officers took advantage of the disruption and shot the bald man's leg and the leader's hand. Bogum regained consciousness and dashed to the opposite side of the automobile after a few seconds.

The cops saw the man in black escape into the fog, holding Jungkook in his arms.

Then they learned Jungkook was taken again.

"Jungkook... Jungkook...." Bogum peered in the car and around the man but didn't see him.

Bogum gripped the leader's collar and demanded, "Where is Jungkook?" His eyes were wide and bloodshot at not finding him. Mainly, he was guilty.

The commander clutched his wounded hand, his face distorted in misery. He ridiculed Bogum, who had transformed into a tiger as a result of the officers' presence.


Bogum shoved the man aside and went through the fog with another police. He cried "Jungkook... Jungkook..." but couldn't see anything in the white fog.

He instantly felt a tug on his arm. The police dragged him, demanding, "Mr. Park, get into the car."

Then Bogum saw one cop staying behind to clean up the mess while the other three officers had already left in the black car.

Bogum inquired as he assisted the cop in dumping the three guys into the truck of the car. "Where's Jungkook?" Is he safe?

Jungkook's life, or Jackson Wang assaulting them again. Jackson would not stop talking until he had what he wanted, therefore Jungkook's life would be in risk until he handed over the original copy of the material to Jackson.

The police traveled to the secret training camp to interrogate the kidnappers and Bogum. They couldn't trust anyone.

Why was Jungkook unconscious while Bogum remained conscious? So Bogum was a leading suspect.

Yang was as hot as mercury in the President's house. His hand responded so quickly to the call that it did not even ring once. He soon realized he was becoming irritable, and others could see the changes in his conduct. So he remained quiet.

"President Yang, we have Park Bogum." "He is being moved to the secret base for questioning." The gruff voice came from the other end.

Yang's overarching goal was to prevent bloodshed. So, while he cared about Bogum's life, his main worry was Jungkook. So he didn't bother asking Bogum how he was doing. "What about Jungkook?" Is he safe? Despite his anxiety, he sounded really calm.

"Err... According to the personnel, Mr. Jeon was unconscious. During the confrontation, another individual took Mr. Jeon." The officer reported immediately.

"What!!?" Yang's agitated tone was harsh. "How could you lose the chance of saving him?" He demanded. He didn't want to contact Jackson Wang, who would make ridiculous requests.

The officer was taken aback, so he added extra words to keep the guy calm: "President Yang, Mr. Jeon is wearing the blazer. "Our team is tracking the GPS."

"I am coming to the secret base." His unwavering voice resonated. He wanted a clear report on how they could save one but not the other. He had some questions to ask Bogum in person. He wouldn't be shocked if Jackson Wang acquired more civil personnel than just Bogum.

Yang was 100 percent confident. Bogum purposely drove the car with Jungkook.

As if indicating to the spectator whose automobile Jungkook was in. Yang had assumed Bogum adored Jungkook and could never put him in danger while keeping the location of the hard drive protected. Jungkook would no longer be caught in Jackson's sights. Yang was proven wrong, and they discovered the mole. They only need to gather proof to back up their claims.

The irony was that Yang continued to feel he was doing it for the greater good.

The officer on the other end of the phone cautiously interjected, "But Sir..."

Yang hung up the phone without listening to the other person. He stormed out of the study room, hoping Jungkook was secure from Jackson's grasp.


Happy Reading

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