Caught on Camera

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The next morning, I was rudely awoken by Hazel flinging open my curtains. I squeezed my eyes shut, but the early-morning sunlight pierced through my closed eyelids like a relentless intruder. Grumbling, I buried my face into the pillow, attempting to shield myself from the unwelcome brightness.

"Hazel, why?" I mumbled, my voice muffled by the soft fabric.

"Come on, Y/N! Rise and shine! We've got a busy day ahead," Hazel chirped, undeterred by my half-hearted protest.

Reluctantly, I pried my eyes open, adjusting to the assault of sunlight. Hazel's readiness for the day was contagious, even if I wasn't quite ready to match her energy.

As I sat up, she handed me a steaming mug of my favorite morning tea. The spiced aroma of my drink filled the room, providing a much-needed incentive to embrace the day. Hazel, with her ever-efficient demeanor, had already laid out a schedule for the day, complete with interviews, meetings, and a surprise consultation for a music video.

Despite my initial grumpiness, the combination of caffeine and Hazel's infectious energy gradually worked its magic. I stretched my arms above my head, mug still in hand, and yawned as Hazel spoke.

I honestly don't know what I would do without Hazel. She's been with me ever since the start of my career, but we've been friends even before that, since college. She always supported my dream of becoming a singer and eventually a popstar, and I've always supported her dream of controlling everyone behind the scenes. I pick on her for being a control freak, but we both know that that's what she really wants. We're honestly the perfect team.

We haven't lived apart since college, and I plan to keep it that way. When I finally had enough money at the beginning of my career to purchase a home in the city, we both looked for places that would allow us to live together, and eventually we settled on this house. It's close to the studio I work at, but still not too far into the heart of the city.

Hazel left the room so I could start getting ready. Rolling out of bed, I shuffled towards the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath my feet waking me up. The mirror greeted me with the aftermath of a night's rest – a few stray strands of hair framing my face and sleep-induced creases on my cheeks.

The day officially began with the splash of water on my face, a refreshing ritual that chased away any lingering traces of drowsiness. Of course there was still a bit of mascara under my eyes – the brand that Hazel makes me use never comes off completely the night before. But, Hazel knows best.

As I reached for my favorite facial cleanser, I thought about the events of the previous evening. Everything that happened with Velvet and Veneer lingered in my thoughts, but the Lifer Award that was placed downstairs, ready to be nestled on a shelf in the studio, served as a reminder of the triumph I felt.

After cleansing, I moved on to the more glamorous part of my morning routine – the beauty regimen. Moisturizer, foundation, and a subtle touch of blush worked their magic, turning my face into the one the public was used to. My makeup routine was simple, just enough until I got to professional stylists that actually know what they are doing.

I ran a brush through my hair and tied it up into a low ponytail. With the face and hair sorted, the wardrobe beckoned. Hazel had picked my outfit today: a creamy white sweater and loose jeans, paired with my favorite tan boots. A simple and comfortable outfit to start the day. Hazel knew me so well.

Some silver jewelry and a quick check in the mirror later, I was ready to head downstairs. The scent of breakfast wafted from the kitchen, where Brindle was probably cooking. I may not spend all of my money on incredibly fancy things, but one thing that I always fantasized about as a kid was having a personal chef. My guilty pleasure is great food, so I hired Brindle as soon as I could afford it.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now