Author's Announcement and Q&A

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Author's Note


I can't believe this story is over – I feel like it's become second nature to me to work on it before bed every night. How am I going to live??

I just want to take this time to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who read this story. The amount of praise and encouragement I have gotten from y'all is absolutely insane. Like, I never expected to gain some really cool friends, get fanart (OMG??), and have people go out of their way to comment and tell me how much they love my work. I mean, some of y'all have been here since Discordant Desire, which is insane.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who gave me direction and suggestions. I had a much different ending planned out at the beginning, but the people in my comments helped to guide me this way. Cherry and Hazel being a thing was NOT part of the plan lmao, but I'm now a Cherrynut/Chazel fan 4 LIFE!!

Anyways, as promised, I have a little Q&A for this. All of you have asked these questions, and I have delivered. If you have any more questions, just ask in the comments!


Q & A

Q: Why did you make Velvet so kind and sappy towards the end? She is nothing like that in the movies.

A: I have a very strong feeling that Velvet is a bit of a hard-shell-soft-inside type of person. I think that as soon as she cares about somebody (which takes a while), she is all for them, going completely out of her way to do everything she can for them. In the movie, she obviously cares for her brother and takes him under her wing, even if her methods are a bit destructive. In my story, when she realized that she liked you, she suddenly became fiercely protective of you. Plus, when she finally felt comfortable around you, she let her soft side come out – maybe it's a defensive measure for her? Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, but that's how I see her character!

Q: Why does Velvet like antiques in your story? In the movie, she has tons of new, modern-looking things.

A: Okay, this is such a good, cool question with a very good answer. Velvet is obsessed with fame and longevity – in the movie and in my story. The lyrics to Mount Rageous (i.e. Fame by Irene Cara) states that she and Veneer want to live forever, basically saying that they want to be known by Mount Rageous forever and ever. I feel like Velvet would really connect with antiques because they have been around for a long time and are still in good shape, or desired. I don't think Velvet would be very open about it, so in her public places like studios and dressing rooms she would have the newest, most expensive things. But, in her home, she would collect old antiques and old items from history. Basically, she wants to be like them. Again, this is more of just a headcanon on my end, so everyone can have their opinions, but I think this would be a really cool element to her character.

Q: What are the sexualities of the characters?

A: Okay okay, so some of these are headcanons, and some are my choices, so bear with me lol

Velvet: Lesbian (hc)

Veneer: Gay (hc)

Kid Ritz: Bisexual

Hazel: Lesbian

Cherry: Lesbian who dealt with a LOT of comphet

Brindle: Straight (but ally woohoo)

Q: What in the world happened with Cherry and Hazel in highschool?

A: Cherry and Hazel went to the same inner-city high school growing up. Their relationship was a bit of a cliche, with Hazel being the quiet girl in the back of the class and Cherry being the most popular. They met under the bleachers at a school game one night – Cherry was trying to get away from her current boyfriend and Hazel was trying to remain unnoticed. They bumped into each other and really hit it off, eventually kissing a week later in Cherry's bedroom while listening to records. They began to date in secret, and Hazel really came out of her shell. However, Cherry was confused with her sexuality, and not wanting to like girls, cut Hazel off completely after three months of dating. Hazel only knew what happened when she saw Cherry making out with a guy in the hallway before class (yikes, I know). Cherry felt awful, but didn't know how to apologize. She came out years later after dropping out of college and starting her gossip show. Hazel was hurt, but the experience taught her to be independent. Unfortunately, it would take meeting you in college to really make her come out of her shell again.

And yes, Hazel had a scene phase in high school through college. The day you signed your first record label (while still in college), she got rid of all of her old clothes and traded them in for a professional look, claiming that "your assistant has to be top-notch."

Q: Do you and Hazel make up in the end?

A: Honestly, I left that whole situation very open-ended on purpose. Some of you love Hazel and think that she was only trying to protect you, while others hate her and wish a plague upon her (yes, that was a real comment I got). So, it is completely up to you to decide if you forgive Hazel!

Q: What is Brindle's lore?

A: There's really not much to his character, honestly. Something that I never really wrote in, but I think is cool, is that he is a Vacationer (from Vacation Island)! He loves food, and traveled the world for a bit to try new flavors and dishes. He eventually settled in Mount Rageous due to a lack of funds and got an office job, where he tried to climb the ranks by dating the boss' daughter. He, however, fell madly in love with her. Him and his wife eventually saved up enough to where Brindle could quit his job and pursue his true passion: cooking. He got a great job working for you, and couldn't be happier. Him and his wife will soon be trying for a kid!

Q: Do you prefer Cherrynut, Chazel, or Cherrynut?

A: I love all of them equally!

Q: Did I mean to make Cherry so cool or was it an accident?

A: Haha, it was completely on purpose. Since I knew that Velvet was going to soften up by the end, I needed at least one super cool, bitchy character. So, yes, Cherry was supposed to be this cool.

Q: Do you have any plans for future stories?

A: As of right now, no, I do not. My life has gotten extremely busy with all of my research work in the lab, my mini grant for coastal research being accepted, general classes, and my job. But, I will NEVER say never!! I might get a sudden burst of energy next week and decide to do a Cherry/Hazel spinoff...who knows?!

Q: What is your inspiration?

A: Honestly...I'm not really sure! Obviously the source material, but probably also just my life experiences and what I want to happen. While I write these stories for you guys, of course, I also add in some things that cater to my tastes, just to make it fun for me.

Q: How did you get so good at writing?

A: First off, thank you so much!! I'd never consider myself a professional, but I have practiced a lot. I've been writing for forever, since I was little. I didn't really start writing fanfiction until December of last year, and I was a little scared to post it. But, I really liked the first few chapters and I saw some people online who wanted a story similar to mine, so...I posted it! I got tons of constructive criticism with Discordant Desire, which really helped to shape Superstars. So, all in all, I would say just practicing. Write for yourself, write for a friend, write for your dog – just write.

Q: What are you studying in school?

A: Thank you for your interest! I'm studying environmental science with a concentration in coastal conservation. I hope to someday work on coastal restoration, which is a huge passion of mine.

Q: Do you have any good book/film recommendations?

A: Of course! I love the movie But I'm a Cheerleader, and I really love the Interview With A Vampire books. A lot of my writing style comes from the Interview With A Vampire books – I just really like the way that they express feelings and how deeply everyone feels (or doesn't).

If you're looking for something not as complex, I loooove some good My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and, of course, the entire Trolls movies and series.

Q: What program do you use for digital art?

A: I really don't do digital art much, I'm more of a traditional artist (I do pet portraits/commissions on the side for extra money), but I use IBISPaint X. I'm sure if I got more into digital art I'd spend money on a program, but for now I'm happy with this one.

Thank you all so much for reading 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨!

- Ayden :)

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now