Reel Friends

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So, good news: Velvet, Veneer, and I are now friends! At least, we said we're friends. Which, to me, is a start.

Bad news: The entire world knows that Velvet, Veneer, and I are friends, thanks to Cherry's interview.

After the interview, Velvet and Veneer's driver dropped me off a block away from my house (in case Hazel was home and would see), and I snuck in through the back. From there, I went up to my room, put on some pajamas, and got under the covers. Only minutes later, I could hear Hazel coming in through the front door and running up the stairs. I held my breath as she knocked softly and entered my room.

Hazel peeked into my room, concern etched across her face. "Hey, Y/N, how are you feeling?"

I mustered a weak smile, doing my best to look convincing. "I'm not feeling great. I think I caught a bug or something. Just need some rest."

Hazel approached, placing a hand on my forehead to check for a fever. "You do feel warm. Maybe you should see a doctor. I can call and schedule an appointment."

I shook my head, trying to maintain the façade. "No, no need for that. It's probably just a minor thing. I'll be fine with some rest."

Hazel sighed, still worried. "You should have told me earlier if you weren't feeling well, we could've just stayed home. Let me take care of you now."

As much as I felt guilty for deceiving Hazel, I couldn't afford to let her dig deeper into why I skipped the recording session. "Thanks, Hazel. I appreciate it. I just need some time alone right now."

Hazel nodded understandingly, fetching a thermometer from the nearby bathroom. "Alright, but I'm checking your temperature. And if it goes any higher, we're going to the doctor, got it?"

I nodded, knowing I had to play along. I felt like a child playing sick so I wouldn't have to go to school. Hazel handed me the thermometer, and I reluctantly placed it under my tongue. While it measured my temperature, Hazel disappeared into the kitchen, presumably to prepare some soup.

When she returned, she found me still lying under the covers, looking more fatigued than I actually felt. The thermometer beeped, and Hazel checked the reading. "Not too high. I'll bring you some soup when I'm done making it, and you better rest. No arguing."

I feigned gratitude, nodding weakly. "Thanks, Haze. You're the best."

Hazel smiled, and left. Minutes later, she returned, placing a bowl of steaming soup on the bedside table. "Now, eat up, and I'll check on you later. If you need anything, just call."

Hazel left the room, but I couldn't shake off my guilt for deceiving her. Hazel genuinely cared, and here I was, fabricating an illness to keep her from asking questions. It wasn't the ideal situation, but it seemed like the only way to navigate my competition-turned-friendship with Velvet and Veneer without Hazel worrying.


The next morning, I "miraculously" recovered from my illness and was determined to make up for my missed work yesterday. Hazel, still concerned, but trusting in my swift recovery, helped me get ready.

At a delicious breakfast with Brindle's cooking, I checked my phone. Veneer had sent me a video of cats playing with puppies, and I snickered as I watched it.

Hazel looked up from her plate with a questioning look. "What are you watching?"

"Oh...just a video of some animals. A fan posted it to my feed."

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now