Cherry Bomb

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Early the next morning, I found myself sandwiched in between Velvet and Veneer at a corner booth. The coffee in front of me didn't exactly scream quality – "overpriced" and "not-so-good" were the words I would choose to describe the drink. But, this shop was only a block away from my studio, making it the optimal spot for our coffee meeting.

Hazel, doing her usual work in her office for some upcoming brand deal, didn't notice when I slipped out. I had used some empty hallways and back stairwells to get out. It wasn't that I had to sneak out, but I wasn't going to risk Hazel's eagle-eyed scrutiny; that woman could spot an escape artist a mile away.

After an "accidental" drink spillage at the reception desk, I was able to slip out undetected, the automatic door closing behind me with a muffled click. I slipped on my oversized coat and wide-brimmed hat, stepping out into the cold morning air. Winter was coming in, which meant it was especially chilly in the morning.

The city welcomed me with the morning buzz, my heels clicking on the sidewalk as I blended into the crowd. The smell of freshly ground coffee greeted me as I stepped into the coffee shop only minutes later. I scanned the crowded shop, looking for familiar faces. It seems that Velvet and Veneer didn't buy out the entire shop this time, opting for something more casual.

Making my way inside, I couldn't help but crack a grin as my eyes found Velvet and Veneer. Their disguises were nothing short of comical – Velvet, with an oversized hat and huge sunglasses, and Veneer, rocking a fake green mustache. They looked ridiculous, but I'm sure I did too. At least our disguises seemed to be working, as no fans approached us.

Our eyes met, and we all laughed a little. It felt nice to just laugh. Veneer got up to let me into the corner booth, and I squeezed in next to Velvet. It was a little cramped, so we ended up with our shoulders pressed against each other, but I didn't mind.

"We look like cheap knockoff spies," Veneer said, laughing as we situated ourselves.

Velvet added, "If we're spies, then we're definitely the best-dressed ones in town."

Well, these two were certainly in a better mood.

A waitress came over and got our orders, giving us an odd look, which only made us laugh even more. All three of us started talking about how bad the coffee was, and how we had better stuff at home, each statement punctuated by a burst of laughter. Unlike yesterday, the conversation flowed easily. Eventually, we got onto the topic of assistants.

"Assistants, huh?" Veneer mused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Crimp, our assistant, seems to have mastered the art of misplacing everything. I had hair gel specially delivered before a concert, and she lost it in her office. It's one room? How is that even possible?"

Velvet rolled her eyes, her sarcasm cutting through the air. "I once asked her for a cup of coffee, and she brought me a potted plant. If she hadn't been working for us for so long, I probably would have fired her right there."

I laughed at their banter. "Well, Hazel's been a lifesaver for me. She's organized, efficient, and she actually gets my coffee order right. Plus, she's an amazing friend."

Velvet raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Wow, a competent assistant. Must be nice living in that fantasy world."

Veneer chimed in, his tone light. "Seriously, though, Y/N, Hazel sounds like a gem. Is she for hire?"

I shrugged playfully. "Sorry, guys, Hazel's mine. She's been my friend since college, and she hasn't left my side yet. She's the only person who knows how to organize my chaos."

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