Makeup Cleanser

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I was wrong.

So, so wrong.

I woke up with a start, rays of sunlight piercing through large windows and directly into my eyes. My body felt stiff, and every muscle protested as I started to move.

Where was I?

I opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them and taking in my unfamiliar surroundings.

Shit. Shit shit shit shit–

I'm still in Velvet and Veneer's living room. At their apartment. When I should definitely not be here. Judging by the sun's position in the sky, it's at least nine in the morning, and I should have been at rehearsals for my concert tonight at six this morning. On top of that, I should have been home hours ago.

I glanced around the living room. It was quiet, and the remnants of the movie night were scattered across the room – empty popcorn bowls, discarded blankets, and the dim glow of the television that must have been left on. Velvet and Veneer were nowhere in sight.

Groggily, I reached for my phone, which had slipped down between the couch cushions. The moment I unlocked it, I was met with a barrage of notifications. Dozens of missed calls and texts from Hazel flooded my screen. Panic surged through me, and I quickly scrolled through just some of the messages.

Hazel: Y/N, are you okay? It's midnight and I haven't heard from you.

Hazel: I've been trying to reach you all night! Please let me know that you're okay.

Hazel: It's 4 AM!! Answer your phone!

Hazel: If you don't respond in thirty minutes, I'm calling the police!

That last one was sent only twenty-five minutes ago. I hastily dialed Hazel, fumbling with the screen and dropping my phone again in the process. Oh, she was going to be pissed.

There was barely even a ring before Hazel answered.

"Y/N, where the hell are you?!"

"Hazel, I'm so, so sorry," I began, the words tumbling out in a panicked rush. "I must've fallen asleep here while we were watching movies. I didn't realize it had gotten so late. I am so, so sorry."

There was a pause on the other end. I could almost feel Hazel's frustration leaking through the screen. When Hazel finally spoke, her voice was laced with disappointment.

"Can you be at the Boombox for dress rehearsals in thirty? I can't hold off the crew much longer."

"Yes, I-I can."

"Good. I'll see you there." Another pause. This time, her voice was softer. "I'm glad that you're okay. I thought that they might've done something to you."

"Thanks Hazel."

The line clicked, and I dropped my head in my hands, guilt gnawing at me. We had just had a discussion about communicating and being careful, and here I was, neglecting my duties for an accidental sleepover.

I started getting up, popping my back as I did so. That was when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. I turned, started, to find Velvet leaning against the doorframe, holding a bowl of cereal and watching me with a smug look on her face.

"You know, I don't let my assistant speak to me that way."

I felt a flush of embarrassment, realizing that Velvet had witnessed my entire frantic phone call with Hazel. I avoided her gaze as I started gathering my things and combing my hands through my (probably) extremely messy hair. Unlike Velvet, who was dressed in a silky pink robe and had her hair laid in an extremely flattering manner (despite looking as if she just got up herself), I definitely looked like death reincarnate.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now