I Hate You

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I wish Velvet wasn't here.

No...I wish I had never met her. That would be the best situation.


But, I don't have a time machine, and I know Velvet all too well, and despite everything, I want Velvet. So, this is where I stand now.

I took a moment to drink in the sight of the woman before me before shutting the door behind me. I rested my forehead against the cool metal of the door and took a deep breath, steeling myself for the inevitable.

The room suddenly felt suffocating, the air thick with tension as I turned back around to face the unexpected guest now sitting at my vanity.

"Velvet," I began, my voice trembling slightly as I struggled to find the right words. "This...this isn't a good time."

I could make time for her – it is my concert after all. I'm the biggest superstar in the city. She knows this.

Velvet's eyes flickered with a mixture of hurt and desperation, her bottom lip trembling as she met my gaze. "Please," she pleaded, her voice cracking. "I just...I need to explain."

I hesitated, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air between us. Part of me wanted to turn and walk away, to shut her out and never look back. That's certainly what Hazel told me to do, and Hazel has been right about things so far. But another part, a part that I couldn't quite ignore, reminded me of what Brindle had said.

"Fine," I said finally, my voice barely above a whisper. "But make it quick."

Velvet's expression softened with relief, and she nodded in response to my hesitant agreement.

"I know I've hurt you," she started, her words tumbling out in a rush as if she feared I might cut her off at any moment. "But I need you to understand...I never meant for it to go this far."

I listened silently, watching her. She looked uncomfortable, probably not used to being the one to beg for forgiveness. She gripped the edge of her skirt in her hands, twisting the material around her fingers.

"Yeah, Veneer and I only wanted to use you to take your spot. That was in the beginning, when we asked you out for lunch. But then, we both came to see you as a friend. And very quickly, things changed completely for me. I fell in love with you."

I felt as if the ground had been ripped out from under me, leaving me suspended.

"But...but you said you hated me. You said all of those horrible things about me that whole time I thought we were dating. Some of those recordings that Cherry had were taken only days ago."

Velvet flinched, but answered almost immediately. "That's not true! I mean, yes, I did say some of that, but it was all from months ago. Nothing I actually said was that cruel. That's why I think some of it was faked!"

Velvet stood up suddenly and walked towards me, but I backed away, my back pressing against the door. Her hands that were reaching out fell to her sides as she stopped, realizing this wasn't working for her.

"Please, believe me. It's all worse than it sounds. Just, forgive me. We can go back to the way things were, and you can tell the media what happened, and –"

Oh. So that's what this is about.

"You expect me to just believe you?" I retorted, my voice rising with anger. "After everything you said and did, you think I'll just forgive you because you say you're sorry? Then, Mount Rageous will love you again, and you can continue using me."

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