The Truth

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Hazel slammed the door of the limo behind her and looked up at the old, dilapidated building.

She could hear the dull thump of the bass blasting through a speaker, brightly colored lights flashing through windows. Obviously, there was a huge party happening on the very bad side of town.

Hazel was never one to back down from a challenge, however – especially when it came to protecting the people she loved.

Wait...loved? That couldn't be right.

What Hazel felt for Cherry wasn't love. At least, she didn't think so. Cherry had been an awful girlfriend in high school, back when Hazel didn't know what love was supposed to look like yet. Plus, Cherry had been an awful partner these past couple months. She used Hazel and you to discredit Velvet, lied to the media, then abandoned Hazel once she had met her goal.

Hazel couldn't deny it. It hurt.

Yet, Hazel also couldn't deny that she cared for Cherry. She didn't want to, but she couldn't help it. It was something about Cherry's purpose, her drive. Cherry was just so much different than the aimless, incredibly mean teenager she had fallen for in highschool.

So, she supposed that she couldn't help but be drawn to the change, even if Cherry's goals were questionable.

At least when Hazel ruined your relationship with Velvet, it was for a good cause. Velvet was using you for her career, and was eventually going to ruin your career. Hazel was doing this for you. Cherry did this for herself.

Still, Hazel found Cherry attractive – she had some good qualities under there. After all, Hazel loved a project – she also guessed that that's why she took your career on full-force.

Hazel ran up the creaky, dimly lit staircase, her footsteps cautious yet purposeful. The air grew thicker with each step, a blend of sweat, smoke, and music pounding from above. She reached the top, where the sounds of an out-of-control party were spilling out from a slightly ajar door.

She pushed the door open to see a frenzy of Rageons, bodies swaying to the beat and moving in a frenzy. The overpowering smell of alcohol permeated through the air, and as Hazel pushed through the crowd she noticed several D-list actors snorting some sort of powder off of the orange-tinted stomach of a cheering lady.

Hazel recognized this as one of the underground parties that you always got shady invitations to. These were usually kept secret, except for the more famous of Mount Rageous' society. Of course, Hazel never permitted you to go to one of these, so Hazel had never seen these kinds of lawless, chaotic parties up close. She was sure that Cherry had come here to dig up some gossip and had gotten carried away.

Hazel made her way around the apartment that the party was taking place in and opened up various doors. On more than one occasion she walked into orgies, averting her eyes. None of the rooms contained Cherry. She tried to call Cherry on her phone, but Cherry didn't answer. Hazel became more panicked, worried that she was passed out and near-death on the grimy floor. More and more scenarios played out in her mind, each more terrifying than the last.

Finally, Hazel found the bathroom. The door was unlocked, but was being blocked by something. Hazel rammed her shoulder into the door, ignoring the pain that flooded her arm with each contact. Finally, she was able to push whatever was in front of the door out of the way and made her way in.

On the opposite side of the room sat Cherry, eyes wide and wielding a bar of soap as a weapon. She had almost chucked it at Hazel's head when she seemingly realized who it was.

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