Bergen King

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"Hazel, are you sure this is supposed to be so...skimpy?"

Hazel rolled her eyes as she worked on pinning my costume into place. I looked down at my body and watched the silver sequins sparkle under the dressing room lights as I shifted. This was definitely one of the most beautiful pieces I had ever worn, but I couldn't help but feel more than a little exposed in the revealing outfit.

"It's supposed to be that way. It goes with the theme, and this is what the artists and costume designers envisioned for the video," Hazel explained, her tone slightly exasperated.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, the silver costume hugging my curves and leaving very little to the imagination. The sheer fabric in some places created an almost-nude effect, the parts that were opaque just covering the parts that really needed covering. I couldn't deny that it was a departure from my usual style.

"But it's just so...revealing," I mumbled, still adjusting to the idea.

Hazel laughed, giving me an amused look in the mirror. "Well, if you hadn't slept through that creative meeting we had when we started this project, you could've had more of a choice. Velvet came to the meeting and approved the idea."

I sighed – unfortunately she was right. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You know when you wake me up in the morning and I say 'five more minutes' I really mean five more hours."

She chuckled while she finished adjusting my costume, stepping back to admire her work. "Trust me, I know. But, on the bright side, you look good. You're a star, Y/N, and stars shine the brightest when they step out of their comfort zones."

I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "You should become a motivational speaker."

"Then I'd have to leave you."


Hazel smiled, giving me an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "Velvet and Veneer should already be out there, so you can just go join them on set. I need to go talk to the director."

I nodded and started making my way towards the set, the silver sequins on my costume catching the light with every step. As I approached, I could hear the faint murmur of music playing and the crew running around, signaling the beginning of a very long day of filming.

I entered the first set, eyes widening at the decorations and theme. Everything looked as if it was covered in clouds, with a rosy sky painted as a backdrop. It almost looked heavenly with the soft metallic touches. I was thoroughly impressed with the amount of detail.

My attention, however, was almost immediately drawn to the center of the room, where Velvet was sprawled on the plush, cloud-like settee. She was scrolling on her phone, thoroughly unimpressed by the people scurrying around her. I watched as she flipped her hair over one shoulder, the motion catching the light on her outfit. It was matching mine, but of course in her signature gold.

When she saw me, she pulled herself into an upright position and crossed her legs. I didn't realize I was staring at the way the gold fabric shifted across her breasts until my eyes met hers, and I looked away blushing.

She rested her chin on my hands, smiling slyly. "It's okay to stare, you know. I know I look good."

I moved to sit on the settee next to her, and she wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her and letting her hand rest on my hip. "Speaking of looking good, you look amazing. I couldn't stop imagining what you'd look like in this when the costume designer showed me his ideas."

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