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Everything feels awful.

The past week had been terrible. I found out my girlfriend secretly hated me, her and her brother were going to damage my career to boost their own, my heart was broken by said girl, and I got kidnapped by my (mildly) crazy girlfriend. Now, to top it all off, I had just found out that my best friend was plotting against me and my relationship this whole time.

Hazel has always been my protector, my life-saver – I depend on her very, very heavily.

Was all of that a lie?

Apparently, her and Cherry were working together to break my relationship apart and discredit Velvet and Veneer in front of the public the entire time that I thought we were working to protect my relationship. Yes, Hazel was right about Velvet in the beginning. I'll give her that. But she was so, so wrong in the end.

What gives her the right to mess with my life like that?

How could she think that framing Velvet is good for me? If she had to make fake clips, obviously there was something else was going on. Could she not have asked questions? Confronted Velvet and Veneer? If she had only investigated further instead of jumping to conclusions with Cherry of all people, we could have avoided all of this.

She said she was protecting me, but she went about it in the worst way possible.

Friends don't do that.

Plus, what is going on with her and Cherry? I barely registered it while everything was going down, but I noticed Hazel's smeared lipstick and Cherry's half-undone zipper on the side of her dress.

What the hell is happening to my life?


Velvet didn't know what to do.

The past week had been terrible. The plan that she had had for you all of those months ago got exposed on that stupidass Cherry Bomb show, fake evidence was created against her and her brother, the entirety of Mount Rageous hates her guts, and, worst of all, she lost you – the girl she was supposed to hate, but ended up loving more than the fame.

Now, she found out that Cherry and your best friend Hazel were behind all of this, she lost her cool (so much for those anger management classes in her teen years), and she had to watch your heart break again.

She knew Hazel was shady and overprotective, it was very obvious. But, she never thought Hazel was one of the driving forces behind all of this. Back when Velvet was still planning on using you and Hazel had confronted her (Velvet easily lied), Velvet enjoyed the little game of taking you from Hazel. Apparently, Velvet had pushed that too far, leading to this.

Plus, she thinks that Cherry and Hazel have at least something going on, because those two looked like deer caught in the headlights when Hazel popped out from behind that couch.

Also, you know, the hickey forming at the base of Cherry's neck was quite noticeable.

Velvet could tell that you wanted to leave, to go home and just walk away from the situation, but she knows that that won't help this time. So, when you try to get into the back of Ritz' car and pull her in beside you, she doesn't let you. Instead, she grabs your shoulders and looks you dead in the eyes, forcing you to listen.

"You don't get to ignore this problem. We are not leaving here until this is fixed."


𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now