Stormy Skies

563 23 215


I was woken up to the sound of rain pattering outside of my window, gently tapping at the glass. The weather matched my mood, as it had for the past couple of days.

I groaned and flipped myself onto my other side under my blanket in the dimly lit room, the darkness enveloping me like a heavy shroud. For the millionth time that morning, I wiped away the tears staining my cheeks after another long, restless night. I wanted to sleep peacefully, I really did, but every time I closed my eyes I only saw Velvet's face. Therefore, I was only able to sleep in bits and pieces.

It had been four days since Cherry's exposé, yet the wounds still felt raw. Velvet's speechlessness, Veneer pleading with me to stay, me running out of the room and unable to face her again.

I sniffled and breathed in deep, unwilling to poke my face out of the blanket and get a breath of fresh air. This has been my routine for the past couple of days: Lie in bed under my blanket, cry silently, and ignore anyone reaching out.

Sharp knocks on my door pierced through the silence, causing me to flinch. With a heavy sigh, I pulled the blanket tighter around my trembling form, dreading the intrusion. The knocks persisted, growing louder and more urgent, until finally, the door creaked open and Hazel's concerned voice cut through the darkness.

"Y/N, are you awake?" Hazel's voice was soft, laced with worry as she stepped into the room, casting a gentle glow from the hallway light.

I remained silent, my heart pounding in my chest as I avoided uncovering my face. I couldn't bear to face the sympathy in her eyes, couldn't bear to confront the painful reality.

Hazel approached the bed with cautious steps – I could hear the gentle click of her heels on the hardwood floor, then the muffled steps on my rug before I felt a weight settle beside me. She waited a moment, seeming to hesitate, before her hand reached out and was placed gently on my shoulder.

"Y/N...please talk to me. It's been days," Hazel's voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.

With a choked sob, I finally allowed myself to break, the floodgates of my emotions opening as I threw the covers off of myself and sat up to face her.

"I-I can't do this, Hazel," I whispered brokenly, my voice trembling with anguish. "I hate her so much. She said so many hurtful things, she doesn't even care about me for God's sake. I thought...I thought she wouldn't care about where we are in the charts, that we could get over it."

I bit down harshly on my lip as tears fell freely from my eyes and my voice cracked. "How could I have been so stupid? How could I have believed someone like her, someone so unpredictable, so...bipolar, could actually care about me?"

Hazel's hand tightened on my shoulder, but she remained silent, letting me talk it out. I had been trying to hold myself together the past few days, trying to not to break down, but I couldn't do it any longer.

"I should have known better," I murmured bitterly, my voice thick with self-recrimination. "I should have seen through her facade, seen her for the manipulative liar that she truly is."

As I spoke, memories of our time together flooded my mind – the laughter, the stolen moments away from the paparazzi, the whispered promises. And despite everything, despite the lies and the deceit, I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing, a desperate yearning for her.

"I hate her," I whispered hoarsely, the words a mantra of defiance against the ache in my heart. "But God, Hazel...I miss her."

Hazel pulled me into a hug, wrapping her arms around me and holding me close to her. She didn't offer any empty condolences or futile reassurances; she simply held me as sobs wracked my body. Minutes stretched into eternity as I finally allowed myself to surrender to the torrent of tears and not attempt to hide my pain.

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