Limited Edition Cupcakes

491 28 154


I take back everything nice I've ever said about Velvet.

She is difficult, stubborn, annoying, and all of the other negative words in the dictionary that describe someone as prissy as her.

We've been working on this song for ten days now, and we've barely gotten past the idea and some lyrics because nothing is good enough for Velvet.

Every suggestion I make gets shot down by her. She dismisses my ideas as if they're trivial, not even giving them a second thought. We'll be in the middle of a creative flow, and she interrupts with a condescending smirk, offering her expert opinion that inevitably sends us spiraling back to square one.

"What if we add a line about the sun and moon?" I suggest, trying to inject some energy into the song.

Velvet glances at me with a raised eyebrow. "The sun and moon? Really? That's so cliché. We need something fresh, something groundbreaking."

"Fresh", "groundbreaking" – these words have become her anthem, repeated ad nauseam throughout our endless sessions. She insists on reinventing the wheel, and every time I try to steer us in a practical direction, she pulls us off the road.

And the late nights – oh, the late nights. It's as if Velvet thrives on keeping us working until the early morning hours. I'm exhausted, my brain barely functioning, but she won't let us rest until she's satisfied. She scrutinizes every lyric, every melody, searching for perfection that seems perpetually out of reach.

And I would like to say that Veneer is better, but really he doesn't help at all. At least in the beginning he would be there for emotional support, but now all he does is ignore our frustration and play on his phone. It seems like he's just along for whatever ride Velvet takes him on.

I've never been more frustrated in my life. We're supposed to be a team, collaborating on a project that should be enjoyable, but every suggestion feels like a battle I have to fight. It's draining, and it's starting to wear on me.

Tonight, as we huddled around a table cluttered with notebooks and empty coffee cups, I mustered the courage to voice my concerns.

"Velvet, can we maybe try to streamline the process a bit? Hazel's on my ass about this, and we're getting too caught up in the details."

She looks at me as if I'd suggested sacrilege. "Hazel? I still don't know why you listen to her as if she's anything more than an assistant."

I rolled my eyes. I've been over this with her dozens of times, but she still doesn't seem to understand. "Velvet, I'm tired of you saying things like this about Hazel. She is my friend. You can't keep on disrespecting her."

She looked like she was about to argue back, but thought better of it. "Fine. but you're still your own boss. You don't have to listen to her about deadlines."

I bit my tongue, resisting the urge to argue. But as the clock ticked away, and fatigue settled in, I found it harder to keep my frustration in check. Late into the night, after yet another heated debate about a particular chord progression, I decided to call it quits for an hour. I pushed back my chair, exhaustion etched into every fiber of my being.

"I'm heading out for coffee. I'll be back in a bit."

She barely glanced up from her notebook. "Fine, go. Bring me back a latte, would you?"

I rolled my eyes, silently mocking her in my head, before grabbing my things. As I was closing the door behind me, Veneer stuck his arm and pushed it back open. I gave him a confused look, but allowed him to follow me out of the room.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now