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It's been five days since I've been able to see Velvet again. The bad weather had rendered the city almost unrecognizable, with streets and sidewalks transformed into icy, treacherous paths.

Two of my concerts were canceled, and my work schedule was pushed back indefinitely – no one could travel anywhere. I listened to the news, the weather reporter saying that these were record low temps, and it would be several more days until the ice let up. I felt a twinge of disappointment as I looked out my window, watching the sleet tapping against the glass and coating the ground.

Any other time, I would be eating this break up and relishing in the cozy atmosphere in the house, wrapped up in blankets, but with Velvet and I just somewhat confessing our feelings for each other (not so much in words), all I wanted was to see her again.

Of course I text Velvet and Veneer, expressing my regrets about not being able to see either of them and hoping for better weather. Thankfully, due to Hazel's previous pushing, we were about two weeks ahead of schedule for the song, so we could afford to take a break.

I had yet to text Velvet separately, though. What are you supposed to say to the girl you just kissed three separate times? Quite suddenly, at that! Are you just supposed to say, "Hey girl, let's kiss again sometime." No! That's weird! Besides, she hasn't text me separately either.

Despite my nervousness and lack of conversation with Velvet, I found myself lucky to have Hazel by my side for these long and quiet days. In the morning, Hazel handled all of the work and arrangements for the canceled concerts and appointments, and by lunchtime she was all mine.

With Brindle unable to come in and cook for us, Hazel and I took to experimenting with new recipes (and failing at some miserably). Our nights were spent curled on the couch, binge-watching our favorite movies and munching on whatever sweets we could scrounge up.

One the fifth night, she agreed to let me give her a makeover, even though I was nowhere near as good at makeup as she was. As I put a headband on her, pushing back her bangs so I had more room to work, she smiled at me. We were sitting on my floor, my various makeup products strewn around us. I don't know why I suggested something like this, but it felt good to do something so simple with her.

I pulled out the first item on the agenda, a face mask, and sat on my knees in front of her. She was sitting cross-legged, looking up at me. She closed her eyes, letting me apply the mask with a brush. There was a strange satisfaction in taking care of her in this small way.

When I was done, I applied a similar hydrating mask on myself, and laid back on my rug. We laid there together for a while, staring at the ceiling. After a moment, Hazel and I began talking about my social media. Hazel always handles my posts, and usually posts some pre-taken photos of me every couple of days.

Hazel turned to look at me, and asked, "Do you want to do a post about self-care or something? Maybe something about staying in and staying warm in the cold? It'll be a nice way to connect with your fans in the downtime."

I was a little taken aback, as Hazel never asks my opinion on these kinds of things, but shrugged and agreed. "Sure, yeah. Sounds good to me."

Hazel sat up and began posing me, fanning my hair out behind me and adjusting the lamp on my vanity for lighting. She took a few test shots with her phone before finally settling on a pose.

"There we go. Just relax and look cozy," Hazel instructed.

I followed her guidance, trying to look relaxed. Hazel snapped a couple of pictures, adjusting angles and expressions until she was satisfied.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now