Snow Day

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I was woken up by light being thrown onto my face, the curtains roughly shoved aside. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found myself in a rather compromising position. Hazel stood by my bed, her expression morphing from confusion to anger as she took in the scene.

I was confused as to why she looked so angry, as she's used to waking me up when I insist on sleeping in, but then I groggily shifted and became aware of the warmth beside me. The events of last night flooded back, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Hazel, uh, it's not what it looks like," I stammered, attempting to extricate myself from the sheets and distance myself from Velvet. It proved to be a harder task than I had originally thought, as my hand was tangled in Velvet's hair, and her arm was wrapped around my stomach, holding me as if I were a stuffed animal. How did we get so close while sleeping?

Hazel crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently. "Really? Because it looks like your competition decided to have a slumber party. In your bed."

Velvet stirred, slowly awakening to the awkward tension in the room. Her eyes fluttered open, and she let out a soft yawn, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

"What's going on?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

Hazel's gaze shifted from me to Velvet, her anger showing. "You two have some explaining to do. Why are you in Y/N's bed?"

Velvet blinked, seemingly processing the situation. "Oh, right. We had a little too much fun last night and decided to crash here."

Hazel's eyes widened in disbelief. "Crash here? In Y/N's bed? Seriously?"

I attempted to salvage the situation. "It was just a spontaneous decision. We were all a bit buzzed from karaoke, and it seemed like a good idea at the time."

Hazel's stern expression softened into a disapproving glare. "A good idea? Karaoke? You should have been working! Y/N, I expected better judgment from you."

Velvet sat up, running a hand through her disheveled hair. "Come on, it's not a big deal. We were just having some harmless fun."

Hazel got angry again. "Harmless fun? This is my best friend's bed we're talking about. And what's with all the tangled sheets? Did you two—"

I cut her off, panicking. "No, Hazel! No! Nothing like that happened. We just slept."

Were my feelings really so obvious that Hazel would assume the worst?

Hazel sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "This is not how I expected to find you this morning. Do you have any idea of the media bribing I've had to do to keep pictures of you two galivanting around town from getting out? I quite literally have a meeting with Cherry today about it, where she's probably going to threaten me with something bizarre."

I looked down shamefully, fidgeting with my hands. With how much fun I've been having recently, I had forgotten about keeping out of the public eye, let alone controlling the rumors about Velvet and I are secretly dating. They probably were controlled by Hazel.

Hazel glanced down at the floor, where Veneer was still snoring, then back up at us on the bed, "The three of you should get dressed. I'll tell Brindle we have more company." She said the last word almost in a hiss.

As Hazel left the room, closing the door behind her, I sank back into the bed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and regret.

"Well, that went well," Velvet commented, trying to make a joke out of it.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now