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Velvet wakes up before you, surprisingly.

The soft morning light filters through the windowpane, casting a soft pink glow over the room. After weeks of bad storms and cloudy skies, it seems like the weather is clearing up, and now the sun is just barely rising above the horizon.

She takes a moment to observe you lying peacefully beside her. Your hair tousled, your usually thoughtful expression calm in sleep. Velvet didn't like to think of herself as the sappy type, but she can't deny how beautiful you are.

In another world, she would drop everything to keep this, keep you. Watching you sleep, she wonders what it would be like to just be content with her situation. A tender smile graces her lips as she silently daydreams about it. She didn't believe anything would ever be more important to her than fame, but here you were, unknowingly trusting her.

However, as the warmth of the morning light embraces the room, so does the reality of the situation. Velvet's thoughts shift, and a wave of guilt washes over her. The whole reason you're even in this situation is because of her. She plans to use you and throw you away, and it's too late to back out now, right?


There's no other way to become the best. Seeing that Lifer Award in your studio definitely confirmed that fact. She'll always be second-best next to you. She wrestles with the thoughts, with the conflicting emotions, torn between her desire to continue with her plan and the growing affection she feels for you.

She could pretend to hate you all she wants, tell herself that all of this is to gain your trust, but she really, really, cares about you now.

Velvet tried to tell herself that that entire date she planned was to trick you into trusting her more, but she knew that wasn't true. She wanted to do that for you, she adored the way your eyes sparkled at each surprise. And of course she didn't mean for what happened later on in the night to happen, but she definitely wasn't complaining. It might be fun to wake you up and finish what she started, but...

Velvet quietly sips out of bed, careful not to disturb you as she moves your limbs off of her. She paces the room, twirling a strand of her hair, her thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty now.

Admitting to Veneer that she's fallen for you would make her weak. She's never been weak – she's always been the strong one, the one to bring her and her brother to top where they belong. A sigh escapes her lips as she runs a hand through her hair and gazes back at the bed where you remain asleep.

She's not weak.

She can't be.

The entire situation weighs heavily on her, but one thing is clear – you are growing on her in ways she never anticipated. The initial hatred-turned-detachment for you is gone, replaced by something genuine.

Velvet gets back into bed and wraps her arms around you, pulling you closer to her. You shift lazily in your sleep to accommodate the new position, and nestle in closer, shoving your head into the space between her neck and shoulder.

If Velvet decides to lose you, she at least wants to savor what time she has left.


When I wake up, the sun is shining brightly. I sleepily blink against the morning light, trying to orient myself. As my senses gradually return, I realize I'm not in my own bed, and I'm definitely not alone. The events of last night flood back, and I raise my head to see Velvet, who's already awake and watching me with a soft smile.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now