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Hazel hated Velvet and Veneer.

And not just in the "these people are our competition way" – she genuinely, unforgivably, hated them.

However, you like them.

You were always too trusting. But, you've been like that since college. More times than Hazel could count she had had to pull you out of situations that you had unknowingly gotten yourself into, including but not limited to: stalkers, bar fights – even an attempted kidnapping.

And it didn't help that you were breathtakingly beautiful, kind, charismatic – an unintentional flirt. And god, when you performed, it was like magic happening on stage. Hazel was more than happy to take care of you, though. After all, you had taken care of her in the beginning.

Hazel had started college with no social life, no friends. But you helped her open up, get out, and eventually discover her passion for control. Not in a bad way, of course. It was just that Hazel loved the rush of being the one in charge of it all and making sure that everything went her way.

After college, when you had started singing in bigger places than just bars and small clubs, Hazel was more than happy to join the ride. You needed somebody to watch your back. The world got bigger, the opportunities flowing in. Everyone got what they wanted. It was a win-win situation.

Now, you were going to throw it all away for some green-haired snakes.

So, Hazel was going to fix this, just like she always does.

Late at night, after your concert, Hazel found herself in the alleyway beside the twin's penthouse. Velvet and Veneer's sudden interest in you was worrying, but what was more worrying was that Hazel couldn't figure out a way to get you to see what was happening.

Hazel leaned against a wall, a black hood covering her face, watching the doors to the building. Of course she had known that Velvet and Veneer were at your concert – the orange wigs hid nothing. Hopefully, she would catch them as they were walking in.

Only minutes later, Veneer pulled up to the front entrance of the building in his fancy car and got out, shaking his head at something his sister was saying.

Hazel, hidden in the darkness, waited patiently, her eyes following their every move. The valet, eager to impress, hurriedly approached, extending a hand for Veneer's keys.

"Mr. Veneer, your car is in the safest hands," the valet said with an earnest smile.

Veneer responded with a nod, handing over the keys without a word, disappearing into the luxurious lobby. The valet rushed to get behind the wheel, ready to bring the vehicle away to the parking garage.

This was Hazel's chance.

She emerged from the shadows, her hood concealing most of her features. Approaching the valet in the driver's seat, she greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hey there," Hazel said, her voice carrying a friendly tone. "You know, I just adore Velvet and Veneer. They're such amazing artists. I've been a fan for years!"

The valet, taken aback by the unexpected conversation, smiled nervously. "Uh, yeah, they're something else. Big fans, huh?"

"Oh, absolutely!" Hazel exclaimed. "I was at their concert just a couple weeks ago. It was breathtaking. I can't get enough of them!"

As the valet chuckled nervously, Hazel continued her friendly banter, distracting him with small talk about the twins' performances and her admiration for their artistry. Meanwhile, her nimble fingers worked surreptitiously to unlock the back door of Veneer's parked car.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now