Warming Up

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We entered Velvet's penthouse shivering, the chill from the stormy weather still clinging to our clothes. The warmth of the luxurious entryway enveloped me as Velvet closed the door behind us. We both kicked off our shoes and hung our coats, the small pieces of ice stuck to them falling off as we did so.

Velvet turned to me, a playful smile on her face. "Looks like we made it just in time," she said, gesturing to the windows, where the sleet was coming down hard. "Cozy and safe, as promised."

I laughed, feeling nervous but excited. "Well, I'm here. What's next?"

Velvet stepped closer to me, her hands finding their way to my waist, pulling me to her. "I'd say we should warm up a bit."

Before I could react, she pulled me into a tight embrace, her lips meeting mine in a passionate kiss. I closed my eyes, sinking into her hold. I don't think I could ever get sick of this – it's heaven.

When the kiss finally broke, Velvet looked into my eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Better?"

I grinned, a sense of contentment washing over me. "Much better."

I glanced around, a sudden realization dawning on me. "Wait, is Veneer here?"

Velvet chuckled, her fingers gently tracing patterns on my back over my coat. "Don't worry. Veneer is out with his Ritzy for the night. We have the place all to ourselves."

She said the last words slowly, looking down at me. I felt myself flush at the comment, and noticing, Velvet laughed.

She pulled away, and I followed her to the kitchen, where she retrieved a bottle of red wine and two glasses. "Let's take this upstairs, shall we?" Velvet suggested, her voice suddenly low.

I eagerly nodded and followed her upstairs, no hesitation.

Damn. I really just do whatever she says.

In her bedroom, Velvet dimmed the lights, leaving only the bedside lamps on. She settled on the bed, on top of the comforter, patting the spot beside her. "Join me?"

I gladly obliged, sitting next to her as she poured us more wine, because apparently we didn't have enough during our romantic dinner. We clinked our glasses once again, toasting to one of the best evenings of my life. Velvet handed me the remote, letting me choose the movie.

We settled into a comfortable position, our shoulders touching as we sipped wine and watched the film. However, as our chosen movie started playing, we began talking more, our attention completely on each other. Velvet was more captivating than anything I could think to put on the screen.

At some point, Velvet set the wine aside, and we found ourselves just lying on her bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets, the movie playing as mere background noise. Velvet moved to set her glass down on the table closest to me, reaching over me to do so. One hand was placed on the bed by my hip for support, and as she sat back down in her original position, her hand brushed my side, making me flinch.

She noticed my reaction and a mischievous sparkle lit up her eyes. "Are you ticklish?"

I blushed, admitting, "Yeah, a bit."

Without any warning, Velvet attacked, her fingers started to dance across my sides, sending ticklish shivers down my spine. I burst into laughter, squirming to escape her teasing touch.

"Velvet, stop!" I pleaded between fits of giggles, but she only grinned, enjoying the playful torture.

I tried to push her hands away, but Velvet was too quick. The tickling continued, and I found myself laughing uncontrollably. She laughed back, closing her eyes as she did, and I seized the opportunity to grab her wrists. In one swift move, I pinned her hands to the bed and leaned over her, turning the match in my favor.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now