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Hazel paced the expanse of Cherry's dressing room, biting her nails nervously. She hadn't done that since before she met you and decided to invest in healthier coping habits (such as micro-managing everything going on around her), but desperate times call for desperate measures. And, if she wanted to calm herself by biting her nails, she sure as hell would.

"Cherry, are you sure tonight is the right time to do this?" Hazel asked. Her voice was uncertain, getting quieter at the end of the sentence and betraying her feelings.

Cherry, unfazed by Hazel's anxiety, looked up from her phone where she was making a post hinting at some juicy gossip for tonight's show. "Hazel, darling, timing is everything. When you told me about Y/N and the twins' little project, I knew that the timing for this would be perfect. The public loves a good drama, and they'll be moving in droves to support Y/N – ultimately boosting the attention on the new song. And Velvet will look as awful as ever. It's a win-win situation."

Hazel frowned. "Number one, stop calling me darling. Number two, is that fair to Y/N? She's really happy about this song...is there no way we can wait until

Cherry rolled her eyes, getting tired of Hazel's reluctance to finish what she had started. "I'll call you whatever I want, darling. And you're the one who wanted to get this done before Velvet did something to Y/N. Why are you slowing down now?"

Hazel stopped pacing and sank down on the couch next to Cherry, placing her chin in her hands. "I talked to Crimp a lot during filming for the music video. She didn't have anything negative on the twins, no matter how much I pried. Either she's a really good liar, or maybe...maybe they never wanted to hurt Y/N in the first place." Hazel glanced sideways at Cherry. "We could be taking their actions and those recordings out of context."

Cherry turned to face Hazel head-on and began tapping her heeled toe on the floor in impatience. "You are not backing out now. We both know that Velvet and Veneer are no-good, and those recordings were pretty clear. We. Are. Finishing. This."

At that, Hazel suddenly shot up and quickly grabbed her purse and phone, nervously making her way to the door. This situation was suddenly becoming much too real for her. She kept on thinking about how much she adores you, how good of a friend you are – there has to be a better way to break the news about Velvet being a liar than spreading it on live television.

Hazel began to type a text to her driver, telling him that she was ready to go as she spoke to Cherry. "I-I'm sorry, Cherry, I can't do this to her. I'll find another way, but she's really in love with Velvet. This will break her heart, and I don't know if she'll recover."

Cherry was quick to follow Hazel, and hurriedly got in front of her. Cherry reached the door before Hazel could make it there and slammed it shut with a force that made Hazel jump. Hazel was no stranger to tough situations, and had stood up to Cherry many times before, but the look in Cherry's eyes scared even her.

Cherry had her hands on either side of Hazel's shoulders, effectively trapping her, and was staring down at her. Cherry's voice was low and threatening as she leaned in to speak. "Oh, no, Hazelnut, you are not leaving until we finish planning my segment and you have decided to come to your senses."

Hazel gulped as Cherry drew in closer, her face only inches from her own. "Cherry..."

Cherry's eyes narrowed, and slammed an open palm on the door, making Hazel wince. "Don't forget that I can just tell Y/N myself, and I will gladly throw in the fact that you were involved as well. I will have my story, Velvet and Veneer will become relics of the past, and Y/N will be okay."

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