Morning After

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My head hurts like hell.

I woke up to the pain radiating through my skull, blinking my eyes open but shutting them again when the light hit them. I must have drank more than I thought to be this hungover.

After a few moments of just laying there, wishing the pain away (unsuccessfully), I opened my eyes slowly to look around.

The room I was in came into focus, and the first thing that hit me was the strong perfume that was...jasmine scented? Yeah, this definitely wasn't my room. Or my bed.

Moving a little bit, much to my body's protest, I found myself wrapped in a blanket that wasn't mine, laying on a couch that wasn't mine, in Velvet and Veneer's living room.

As my groggy mind struggled to piece together the events, I noticed Velvet and Veneer sleeping. They were sprawled on armchairs, their clothes from last night slightly disheveled. What kind of crazy partying did we do?

I tried to recall what happened last night, but the memories were elusive. There was a flash of someone's leering grin, a drink being knocked out of my hand, and then... darkness. Whatever happened last night was definitely not going to come back to me anytime soon.

I carefully sat up, the movement sending another wave of pain through my head. The room spun for a moment, and I clutched my temples, hoping to stabilize the dizziness.

"You're alive!" Veneer, suddenly awake, lunged from his position across the room towards me, wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me.

"Ow...ow." The sudden jostling sent more pain through my head and limbs, making me flinch.

"Oh! I'm sorry, sorry. Ugh, I'm just so happy you're awake. I am so, so sorry."

"Uh, why are you sorry? We just had a few drinks..."

Even as I spoke, I knew that couldn't be true. The last thing I clearly remembered was walking into the club. Everything after that was hazy.

"Shit. Well, yeah, I guess you don't remember. Makes sense. Let me get some water, and then I'll–"

We were interrupted by Velvet groaning and shifting in her sleep, muttering something unintelligible. The position she was in must not have been comfortable, but she was too deep in sleep to care.

Veneer turned back to me, a small grin on his face. "She'll probably be out for a while. She only went to sleep an hour ago – kept on insisting that she needed to stay up to check on you every ten minutes."

My eyes widened at that. Velvet had stayed awake just to check on me? I hadn't expected that level of concern from someone I barely knew, let alone someone like Velvet. I was surprised. It was a strange feeling.

"Seriously?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of gratitude and disbelief.

Veneer nodded, a fond smile on his face. "Yeah, believe it or not, she has some semblance of a heart." He chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Now, let me grab that water for you. You look like you need it."

As Veneer disappeared into the kitchen, I lay back down on the couch, clutching my head. This has to be the worst I've ever felt, and I still don't know why.

"Morning, sunshine," Velvet's voice suddenly called from across the room. So much for her getting some sleep. She was stretching and yawning, a golden strap falling off of her shoulder as she did so. I tried to sit up and get a better look at her, but that only hurt more, so I remained tucked under the soft blanket on the couch.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now