Chocolate Mustache

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It's been a week since the club incident, and I hadn't been able to do anything outside of work since then, especially hanging out with Velvet and Veneer.

It was strange – after becoming friends with Velvet and Veneer, I had hung out with them almost every day for an entire week. Then, in between all of our separate work and, honestly, just pure exhaustion, I had only been able to text them.

Veneer sends a constant supply of videos and photos, and I make sure to respond to each one accordingly, even if they are somewhat cringy. On the other hand, Velvet and I had only text separately a couple times. She kept on asking me about the collaboration, but I continuously avoided her questioning.

The reason?


I love Hazel. I truly do. I consider her to be my best friend, and the only person I can share absolutely anything with. Well, almost anything. Ever since I decided to become friends with Velvet and Veneer, I had been keeping some things from her. Namely, I had yet to tell her about the proposed collaboration.

It wasn't that I was scared of how she'd react. I've just put her through so much lately, and this would be yet another thing for her to worry about. I'm just waiting for the right moment to bring it up.

After an awkward social lunch with the mayor (he had one-too-many mimosas) and an impromptu meeting with the "running heels" company (that drug on well into the night), I wanted nothing more than to sink into the couch. Hazel and I stumbled into the house, both of us letting out simultaneous sighs of relief. I made a beeline to the couch, collapsing face down.

"Today was brutal," Hazel commented, flopping down onto the cushion next to me.

I kicked off my heels, stretching my sore feet. "Tell me about it. I just want to forget about everything for a while."

I turned my face to look at her, and Hazel glanced down at me, a tired grin on her face. "How about a movie night? I never made up for it last time."

I gave a small smile back. "Perfect."

Hazel perked up, excitement written all over her face. "Great! I'll go get us some snacks."

"I'll pull up the movie. Still on for 'The Bergen Bride'?"

"I'd be crazy if I wasn't!" Hazel called from the kitchen.

It's nice to just have a friendly moment like this with Hazel. It feels like it's been forever since we haven't been involved in work or my drama. Through these thoughts, I was taken back to our college days.

She had been so shy when I first met her, but I instantly admired her super cool hair and clothes, and told her so. When she finally opened up, we became instant inseparable friends. We would often give each other makeovers with our different styles while talking about our dreams for the future.

The familiar scent of buttery goodness filled my nose as Hazel came back with popcorn, ice cream, and some of our favorite drinks. Since Brindle had the week off, we were left to fend for ourselves for meals. Of course, we chose junk food to sustain our appetites.

Hazel sat down next to me and snuggled underneath the blanket I had chosen for us. I pressed play on the movie and settled into the familiarity. If I closed my eyes and imagined the couch beneath me as a hard, school-assigned mattress, it would almost be like we were in college again, avoiding our assignments by watching old movies.

The stress of the day melted away, and I dug into the treats, savoring every bite.

After a while, my mind started wandering. I contemplated whether now was the right time to bring up the proposed collaboration. Hazel was relaxed and playful – she was in a good mood. I ultimately waited until the end to bring it up.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now