Concert Kisses

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"Well, Hazel, Velvet and Y/N reacted exactly how we wanted them to."

Cherry and Hazel sat in Cherry's dressing room, only one day after Cherry exposed Velvet and you.

Hazel leaned back on the hot pink couch and crossed her legs, a troublesome expression on her face. It was true that you and Velvet had reacted the way they wanted, choosing to embrace the relationship for the public. Still, Hazel was worried about you.

Cherry watched Hazel's expression from the mirror, where she was fussing with the signature pink curls in her hair. She put down the comb, sensing Hazel's unease.

Cherry got up and walked over to sit on the couch next to Hazel, placing a comforting hand on Hazel's knee. "What's bothering you, Hazelnut?"

Hazel laughed dryly, rolling her eyes, "No one's called me that since high school."

Cherry raised her other hand in mock surrender. "Sue me, I'm sentimental. It was my favorite nickname for you."

Hazel sighed, her gaze distant. "Yea...I guess I'm just worried about Y/N. She really likes Velvet, and if we don't expose Velvet fast enough, Velvet will be the one to turn on her and break her heart and career."

Cherry paused, not sure what to say to comfort Hazel.

Hazel looked up at Cherry, her eyes searching for reassurance. "What if Y/N finds out? What if she can't forgive me?"

Cherry tilted her head, studying Hazel's face. "Look, we knew there would be risks. But it's all for the greater good, for Y/N's career. Y/N will understand eventually."

Hazel gave a bitter smile, "You haven't seen how stubborn Y/N can be."

Cherry chuckled, her fingers gently squeezing Hazel's knee. "If you could handle me, you can handle anything."

Hazel managed a small smile. "You're right. I just need to trust the plan."

Cherry grinned, leaning in. "Exactly. Trust me, Hazel, everything will work out in the end. Now, let me finish my hair, and then I can go out and do another segment on their relationship. That kiss in the car last night is going to do great."

Hazel nodded, and Cherry patted her knee again. Cherry got up to return to her hair, and Hazel stood to leave, her consciousness only slightly relieved.

Cherry watched Hazel again from the mirror, but before Hazel left, Cherry stopped her. "Hazelnut, how about you come 'confront' me later with Y/N? You can pretend to be angry, yell at me some, have Y/N see you get worked up?"

Hazel raised an eyebrow. "A fake confrontation?"

Cherry grinned. "Yes, make it seem like you're angry and upset about the situation. It'll help throw Y/N's scent off the trail."

Hazel rolled her shoulders backwards, straightening her posture. Cherry was scarily good at this whole deceptive-lying thing. She guessed that's what makes Cherry the best in the business.


I sat in the living room on the couch, lost in my thoughts, fiddling with the silver bracelet on my wrist. I was mostly waiting for Hazel to return, as I hadn't seen her in a while. Plus, since she hadn't been answering my calls, I seriously wanted to speak to her.

Almost as if she could hear my thoughts, I heard the familiar sound of keys jangling and turning in the lock, then the door creaking open. I sprang up, eager to see Hazel and share everything that had happened.

𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now