Bad Weather

608 29 163


Hazel was upset. And sad. And bitter. And worked up.

Why wouldn't she be all of these things? You just don't listen to her anymore.

It was so painfully obvious that you had developed a crush on Velvet. Hazel thought about every instance in the past couple of months that she had seen you interact with Velvet. They way your eyes softened when looking at her, the subtle smiles you gave her, the touches that lingered just a bit too long. Your pupils practically became heart-shaped when looking at her.

Hazel laid back on her bed and stared straight up at the ceiling, feeling the tears fall from the corners of her eyes and trail down her skin. She replayed the argument over and over again in her head. The way your eyes filled with tears when Hazel put her foot down, the defiance in your voice as you asserted your independence, the way you stormed out and ran to Velvet for comfort. It was a heartbreaking scene.

As she lay on her bed, the suffocating silence of the room surrounding her, Hazel felt a surge of anger. Anger at herself for not getting through to you, for not finding the right words to make you understand. Anger at Velvet for seemingly taking advantage of your vulnerability. And anger at you for not seeing through the obvious, blatant lies those twins were telling you.

But beneath the anger, she was just sad. Hazel had always been there for you, supporting you through the thick and thin of your career. Now, she was losing you to a girl you had known for two months. The thought of losing you completely, unable to stop the fall of your career and everything that you had worked for, was unbearable.

Then, Hazel thought about the beginning of your friendship. You had held Hazel while she cried when her parents virtually disowned her. You cooked Hazel's favorite meals for her when she went through her first breakup. You were so kind and caring – the best friend ever. This was just a momentary hiccup. Hazel would not lose you. She couldn't.

The tears continued to flow unchecked. Hazel reached for a tissue, dabbing at her eyes as she tried to regain composure. She couldn't let her emotions get the best of her anymore. There was work to be done, and Hazel needed to focus on finding a solution. Hazel made a silent vow to herself. She would find a way to protect you, even if it meant going against your wishes. Velvet and Veneer might be able to deceive you, but Hazel would make you see.

After cleaning herself up and gathering her things, Hazel went downstairs. Brindle was still there, cleaning up the kitchen before he left for the day. He was deep in thought, and Hazel startled him when she walked in, making him drop the fork he was drying off.

One look at her face and Brindle knew the reason Y/N had left so quickly with Velvet and Veneer. Hazel was about to walk out the door, determined to get into the studio and do some productive work, but Brindle stopped her.

"Hey, noticed you didn't eat anything this morning. Want a quick snack before you go? Griddle's still warm."

It wasn't, but Brindle wanted an excuse to keep Hazel here and calm her down before she did anything she would regret.

Hazel was silent for a moment, conflicted, before ultimately choosing to sit down at the table. A quick bite wouldn't hurt. Hazel offered a small, appreciative smile before running her hand through her hair, unintentionally messing up her bangs. "Thanks, Brin."

"Do you want to talk about what's going on?"


Brindle started grabbing the ingredients for Hazel's favorite meal, chocolate-chip pancakes, while Hazel talked. She told Brindle everything she knew and had done, holding nothing back. Brindle listened attentively while cooking, only interrupting to ask if she wanted more syrup. Hazel recounted the many nights she had spent following the twins, sneaking into their studio and home, the heated arguments with you, and all of the hurt she felt.

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