Chapter 1: Six Months Later

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In the middle of the night, Kuai Liang wakes up from a nightmare he had about accidentally killing his wife Harumi. Tomas and Lyn are sleeping next door to him as she started living with them three months ago. Lyn wakes up to hear him screaming from their room, she goes to check up on him and opens the door, "Grandmaster!! It's me Lyn are you alright?" He looks at her with ease with sweat coming down his forehead as he breathes slowly and heavily, "Yeah I'm alright thank you." Lyn goes to the bathroom to find a rag or towel. She wipes the sweat off of his face with a rag she found hanging in the bathroom. He grabs her hand and holds onto it for a few seconds until Tomas walks in and let's go right away. Tomas opens the door and looks at the both of them, "Lyn what happened? Kuai Liang are you alright? I heard screaming but I wasn't sure if it was you or I was hearing things." They both don't say a word until she opens her mouth, "Yeah at first no, I heard him screaming. He was sweating in his sleep I got worried and went to check up on him. I will go back to bed whenever I can." Tomas lets it slide since it is involving his brother and his well being. Lyn looks at Kuai Liang to see if he has calmed down by asking him, "Hey Grandmaster how long have you known Harumi? What made you drawn to her?" He puts thought into her question, "We've known each other since we were kids we would often spar together. She was the love of my life, fierce, and intelligent just like you. Lyn you remind me so much of her by having compassion, kindness, and your beautiful." Lyn is stunned to hear his answer realizing why he feels guilty for what he has done, "Can I ask you a question? If that's okay?" He is curious on what she is going to ask him, "Of course anything." she hesitates for a moment, "It's hard to say but I'll tell you anyway." she asks, "Do you want me to stay with you for the rest of the night? In case you have another nightmare?" He agrees, "Sure thank you for looking out for me." He lays back down on his bed while Lyn grabs a pillow and sheets to set up on the floor, "Okay if you need me, I'll be sleeping on the floor." He lays on his bed looking at the ceiling, "Lyn you don't have to do this but if you insist. Thank you for helping me it means a lot." She turns her body on her left side so she's in a comfortable position giving him eye contact, "Of course I would do anything for you and Tomas. After all you both have done so much for me I would do the same in return." Lyn continues, "It's uncomfortable on the floor can I sleep on the other side of the bed?" Kuai Liang lets her, "Sure." She gets up and climbs on the as he scoots over to make room. Lyn admires how beautiful his eyes are as he looks at her beautiful deep wine red eyes in awe of her beauty. Scorpion is about to close his eyes but tries to keep them awake, Lyn assures him, "Kuai do not be afraid to fall asleep if you have another nightmare I'm right here." After a moment, Lyn closes her eyes to get sleep, Scorpion goes to lean in to kiss her forehead but remembers she's with his brother. Realizing how wrong it would be, he kisses her on the forehead. He leans his head back thinking to himself, "Oh no what have I done? Hopefully she wasn't looking when I did that? How would my brother react?" He thinks to himself with a worried look until Lyn sees him sitting up, "Go to sleep." she uses her arm to bring him to lay down. Kuai couldn't shake off the feeling he has in his chest struggling to sleep. In the middle of the night around three in the morning, Scorpion gets up from bed to go downstairs to get a glass of water. Lyn sees him get up and follows him without making a sound to see if he's sleepwalking. As she is about to walk downstairs, she sees Tomas in their bed sleeping, "Awe he's so cute when he's sleeping hopefully he doesn't hear me making foot noises." she says thinking to herself. She walks from their room door and starts walking down the stairs to see Kuai Liang getting water looking out the window admiring the night sky. Lyn walks towards him quietly until he looks back to hear footsteps as she quickly hides, "Who's there?" Lyn doesn't make a sound putting her hand on top of her mouth. Scorpion walks towards the wall while Lyn tries to go upstairs to the bedroom without being seen, she looks back to see him not there. She gasps and looks back to see Kuai standing in front of her covering her mouth struggling to break free until he calms her down, "Why were you following me? I came downstairs to get a glass of water." Lyn tells him, "I'm sorry I just thought you were sleepwalking that's all I won't follow you like that again. We agree to never talk about this to anyone." the two agree and go back upstairs to go to sleep. Lyn lays there feeling bad while he's thinking of what could've happened to Lyn if he thought it wasn't her hiding but brushes it off and falls asleep.

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