Chapter 5: Afternoon "Date"

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Late in the afternoon after morning training, Lyn goes on her afternoon walk to meet up with Kuai Liang. He walks over to her, "Kuai the reason why I wanted to walk with you is because I wanted to tell you something." walking slowly with him as he listens, "Sure what is it?" looking at her as she stares into his eyes saying to herself, "Admit you have a thing for him. It wouldn't kill you to admit you have feelings for him." she keeps those thoughts to herself, "So the other night when I slept in your room on the bed did you kiss me on the forehead? I'm not going to tell anyone since Tomas and I just made up." Scorpion didn't know how to react as his heart started racing and couldn't move a muscle, "Yeah I did. I'm really sorry I wanted to tell you but just didn't know how to." feeling guilty. She tells him, "I knew it! I'm not gonna tell anyone since I'm not gonna be mean to you. I let it slide since you've been through a lot after what happened." she gives him a hug and realizes why he met up with Lyn in the first place, " I know you got along with Harumi and I just want to know what did she say about me?" Lyn wonders why he asked her that but feels he deserves to know, "Kuai Liang...she loved you with all her heart. You were best husband she could ever ask for." he was relieved as she continued, "I know if she was here...she would still love you for you and wouldn't leave you for anyone else. I miss Harumi everyday she was a warrior just like you never afraid to speak her mind." he thinks to himself, "Wow I didn't think Harumi loved me this much she really was there for me when I needed it." he says out loud, "I'm glad you four are apart of my life especially you Lyn. You remind me so much of Harumi."he tears up as Lyn walks closer to him, "What would that be Scorpion?" he stares into her eyes, "Beautiful, fierce, didn't take no for an answer, and most of all...her pure heart and I admire you for that." Lyn stands there in shock and tells him, "It's nice having this talk with you Scorpion do you want to meet up later tonight?" she asks innocently as Kuai gladly accepts, "Yeah sure what about Tomas?" she kindly tells him, "I'll ask him maybe the three of us can do something. I'll see you later." the two walk away and go back to the training grounds. Around seven o clock, they head home after a tough day to find a note from Smoke reading, "Hey Lyn I'm out practicing my abilities after almost getting hurt by one of our initiates since I messed up on one of my moves. I'm sorry I won't be able to see you or give you a kiss or hang out with my brother or Hanzo. Love you fiancé, Smoke. P.S. I made dinner before I left out of the kindness of my heart." Lyn loves the letter that he wrote, "You know Kuai Liang, I'm glad you have a brother like Tomas. He's so thoughtful, selfless, and most of all..kind."Kuai is happy that Lyn is apart of the family, she goes into the kitchen to pour him tea as he sits on the couch, Lyn looks at him, "Kuai is something on your mind?" he sits there ashamed, "It should've been me not Harumi." Hanzo goes downstairs to but stops halfway to hear his Grandmaster talking to Lyn and hides, "I wish I could take back that horrible night." Lyn gets up from the couch to sit next to him, "Don't say that! It was never your fault. If Harumi was in your position, she would tell me the same thing and I will give her the same answer. I will tell you this until the day I die. You don't deserve death." the two look at each other to lean closer and lock lips. They realize what they are doing and stop but couldn't help themselves. She takes her shirt off as he takes his off and begin kissing each other uncontrollably on the neck, lips, and chest. Hanzo sees what they are doing from upstairs, "Oh no. I knew they fell for each other what would master Smoke think? I can't let them see me." he continues, "I have to tell someone. Smoke? Johnny? Liu Kang? Raiden? Kung Lao? Someone has to know!" He hears Lyn and Kuai Liang running up the stairs as Hanzo rushes back to his room to pretend he's sleeping, "Phew that was close." he stands outside of the room door to see through the cracks to see Lyn and Kuai Liang making out even more, "Wow just wow." he whispers without getting their attention. She sees his six pack, "Whoa that's even better than your brother's. You're my Grandmaster." she says seductively in his ear. She fully takes her clothes off and takes his pants off. Kuai bites into Lyn's skin drinking her blood, "I belong to you forever." He stops for a second as the two talk laying in bed, "Wow an hour has gone by I'm impressed." she says with sweat dripping down her forehead, "Yeah no kidding." she looks to see burns on her skin, "I think you got a little carried away." laughing revealing burns she got due to his pryomancy as he apologizes, "Yeah sorry about that I couldn't help myself." letting out a faint smile, "It's okay don't worry about it I can heal pretty easily. I'm an immortal dragon not a vegetarian." shocked to hear her answer, "Does my brother know?" Lyn tells him, "Well he knows I'm a dragon not that I'm immortal and can regenerate. I have elemental powers which is pretty neat I've been born with these abilities. I've been immortal since I turned twenty one been the same age since then." he was amazed, "Wow that's incredible." she looks at him, "Do you want to see how long I can do this for?" he was ready for anything, "Yes of course!" she gets on top of him letting out his "rage" for the next couple of minutes. An hour after doing it again, they finally stop and lay in bed, "Wow I didn't think you had it in you." with Lyn laying there speechless with sweat coming down her neck and forehead, "Yeah I didn't think I had it in me either. I did it with Tomas once but he used protection since we weren't in a position to..." she stops speaking with Kuai giving her a worried look, "What's the matter?" quickly taking off the covers, "Wait..." noticing he wasn't wearing protection, "Where is your condom?" confused by her question, "What's a condom? You're immortal you can't get pregnant." she continues, "I'm surprised Johnny didn't talk to you about that let alone your father teaching you guys about that stuff." Hanzo steps away from the door processing what he witnessed in the living room, "Okay Hanzo you saw two adults have you know what between your Grandmaster and his brother's fiancé. I have to talk to the both of them before I tell Master Smoke." he runs off to the shower bathe before he eats dinner. After the two fall asleep, Lyn wakes up to see Kuai Liang sleeping, "Okay he's still asleep." thinking to herself. Lyn puts her clothes on and leaves his room quietly bumping into Hanzo with his stuff to take a shower and his toothbrush, "Hey Hanzo I was just making sure Grandmaster went to bed okay." knowing she isn't telling the truth, "Lyn stop I know what going on. You and the Grandmaster had sexual intercourse in his bedroom I saw the whole thing I'm not stupid you can act like I am but I'm not. Master Smoke doesn't know what you both did and we are going to keep it that way for now but eventually you have to tell him." she gives a worried look. Tomas shows up after his training, "Hey Lyn. Hey Hanzo. Where's my brother?" feeling guilty for what her and his brother did, "He's asleep right now, I went to make sure he wasn't getting nightmares again." Smoke feels relieved and goes to take a shower giving Lyn a kiss on the cheek walking away. Hanzo gives Lyn the death stare, "I know what you both did. Your better than that Lyn don't break Smoke's heart or I will be the first to come after you." she starts getting scared and goes off to catch up with Tomas. She lays down in her bed with Tomas beside her regretting what happened but doesn't express it since Hanzo told her not to.

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