Chapter 11: Lyn's First Trimester

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It has been a month since Smoke moved back into the temple. Morning rolls around  as Smoke, Scorpion, and Hanzo wake up to start training while Lyn is sleeping in her bed by herself. After the trio leave for the day, Lyn wakes up and makes her bed. After she gets done cleaning her room and tidies her bed, she goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She walks in the hallway wearing pajamas, "I wonder if anyone is in the training room. It's funny that I'm not wearing my Shirai Ryu outfit it feels nice in pajamas." She enters the room and sees no one, Lyn sees knives as well as a bo staff that is similar to hers and picks them up. While in the training room, Smoke sees her throwing knives at a dummy seeing she's starting to show. He immediately stops her from throwing knives and has her sit down, "Lyn you shouldn't be throwing knives or do any sort or martial arts for the next couple months. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Lyn forgets that she is pregnant but conterargues, "Tomas I need to at least stay in shape or even make sure that my heart is working and moving to where I can't anymore." Tomas understands, "I get it but you need to take it easy and not get worked up. My brother would advise you to do the same." After thinking about what he said, Lyn realizes they are both right, "Your right. I was wondering would daily walks help? Well since it doesn't require fighting action?" Smoke tells her, "Yeah sure." The both of them get up as Smoke is walking away, she stops him, "Tomas?" Smoke stops, "Yeah Lyn?" She stands there with blankness in her eyes, "I have a question. Did you mean everything you said back there when Kung Lao was confronting me? What did you and your brother Scorpion talk about?" Smoke looks at her without stuttering, "I meant what I said back there. What me and my brother were talking about was about how we both have feelings for you. No matter what you did to me regardless if it was on purpose or accident I will always have feelings for you and I am still in love with you! I can't help it. My brother is also in love with you and I never saw it coming." Lyn looks at him with guilt but doesn't express that to him. While they were talking, one of the initiates is walking in the hall and sees Smoke and Lyn talking and listens to their conversation. Lyn tells Smoke, "I understand. I can't make you change your mind about your feelings for me." The initiate thinks there is something going on he turns to see who it is and he sees Smoke and Lyn talking and sees her pregnant belly. The male initiate goes to the grandmaster to tell him about their conversation, "Grandmaster I need to speak with you." The initiate catches Kuai Liang's attention, "You have my attention what is it?" The initiate stays silent for a few moments, "Grandmaster, are you aware about Master Smoke and one of the initiates that he's with?" He gives him a stern look, "I don't. What did you see?" The initiate is nervous, " of them is female and is showing?" Scorpion couldn't believe what he heard, "Wait showing as in what exactly?" The initiate tells him, "I think she is pregnant with Master Smoke's child sir. Are you going to talk to them?" Scorpion assures him, "Yes I will talk to both of them." Scorpion goes into the training room to see Smoke and Lyn, "You two, we need to talk." Back at home, the three of them have a talk Scorpion warns them, "You both realize that someone is onto the both of you right? Lyn, one of the clan members know that you are carrying a child." Lyn reminds him, "Kuai Liang. I don't think there is anything you need to worry about. They think I'm carrying Tomas's child as long as they don't think that it's yours it will be okay." Smoke agrees with Lyn, "No one can have suspicions that she is carrying your child. We have to act like it's mine so no one gets suspicious." Kuai Liang chimes in, "Your right. We can't say anything. No one can know it's my child she is carrying. You guys have to pretend to be together in the meantime she can't come back to the training area until she gives birth." The three of them agree and keep to themselves for the time being. Nighttime rolls around and the new male initiate turns out to be working for the Lin Kuei. He goes to his grandmaster and reports what he has discovered, "Grandmaster Sub-Zero. I have news." Bi-Han looks at his initiate, "Continue." The initiate tells the grandmaster, "To put it simple, one of the new initiates is with your brother Smoke and they are expecting a child together sir." Bi-Han congratulates him on his hard work, "Excellent. The child will be the first to meet uncle Bi-Han." he says with an evil look on his face.

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