Chapter 18: In Labor

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It is two o clock in the morning everyone is asleep, Scorpion is sleeping in his bed. As he turns to his side, Kuai Liang sees that Lyn isn't back from using the restroom, he gets up to check up on her. He opens the door and sees her on the floor breathing heavily, "Lyn what is wrong? Hold on I'm going to tell Johnny" he tells her worryingly. Lyn is sitting on the floor in pain trying to get a word out. Kuai Liang goes to Johnny's room to tell him what is going on, "Johnny wake up! I know it's two in the morning but it's urgent." Johnny gets up to answer Kuai Liang, "I'm up what is it?" he asks rubbing his eyes, Kuai panics, "It's about Lyn she's on the ground in the bathroom and is about to give birth. I need to find a way to get to the hospital or teleport her there." Johnny tells him, "It's probably a contraction how bad is it?" He asks as they both leave his bedroom making their way to the bathroom to see her on the ground, Johnny's eyes widen, "Oh this is bad! Get her to the bathtub none of the nurses will understand Outworld or Earthrealm magic. She has to give birth at home whether you like it or not." Lyn is heard struggling with contractions. Kuai Liang and Johnny carry Lyn to the tub. Back in one of the bedrooms, Tomas and Hanzo are woken up by her screaming. They rush to the bathroom to see who is making the noise and see Lyn in the tub. Kuai Liang is by her side while Johnny calls Gears to have him head to his place. Johnny instructs her and Kuai to stay, "Okay you both stay here. Lyn you need to give birth right away I'm going to get Geras so he can help you. Hanzo and Tomas guard the door in case any intruders come in." Johnny runs downstairs to see Geras and has him head upstairs. In the bathroom, Lyn is pushing while Tomas and Hanzo are seen outside the door hearing her scream. Kuai tells her, "Lyn do not stop! Keep pushing!" He says sitting in the bathtub with her. As she is pushing, Kuai Liang sees the first baby's head, "Good job Lyn you got the first kid out, the one I'm holding is a boy." She looks at him smiling, Johnny pops open the door to see blood all over the bathtub , "Wow that's a lot of blood also Geras is here to help you give birth to the next child." Geras is seen happy for Lyn and asks, "Its a boy. What is his name?" She looks at him, "KJ. I found it a beautiful name" she says taking as many deep breaths as possible. Kuai and Geras make sure the umbilical cord isn't tangled on the child's neck so they can get rid of it. As they clean up KJ, Lyn has another contraction and tries to push out the second twin, Kuai Liang helps her give birth to their daughter while Geras is holding their son for the time being. Lyn pushes out with all of the strength that she has left, Socprion sees the baby's head, "Lyn keep going you're almost there." She pushes more and sees the second baby covered in blood and has the umbilical cord attached to her bellybutton. Kuai Liang calls for his brother, "Tomas I need you real quick. Can you hold her so I can get rid of the umbilical cord?" He grabs the scissors to get rid of the umbilical cord. Lyn sees the others cleaning up and overhears Tomas and his brother, "So Kuai Liang what names did you pick out for your son and daughter?" Kuai looks at Lyn and smile at each other and says, "Well for our son I named him KJ and for our daughter I named her Harumi after my wife well ex-wife." Tomas tells them,  "I know for a fact that we have the baby clothes and the room ready for them to sleep so you both might just have to sleep in that room for the night." Lyn and Kuai help Johnny clean up his bathtub full of blood so it doesn't stain and are clean so people are able to use the bathtub. As they are done cleaning, Lyn and Kuai Liang take their kids to their room which has a crib and baby toys along with baby books. Tomas advises them, "Make sure you guys leave their door open in case there are people who invade the house. Do you guys want me to get your pillows since you both will be sleeping in here tonight?" Lyn tells him, "Probably not I think we will sleep in our beds but we are thinking of moving the crib in our room so we can keep an eye on them." Tomas and Hanzo go into the kids room to grab their crib to move it into Lyn and Kuai Liang's room. As they are done moving everything, Kuai and Lyn grab their pillows to lay on the bed as both twins are seen fast asleep. Tomas looks at the two of them sleeping to see if one of the twins is going to get up crying but makes himself go back to bed. Around seven in the morning, Lyn hears her daughter cooing and picks her up, she turns around to hear a noise coming from downstairs. She grabs her daughter quietly while Kuai Liang and her son are sleeping peacefully and heads downstairs. She sees Bi-Han standing in front of her, "So I see that you figured out where Johnny Cage lives took you long enough. Now cut to the chase what do you want? How did you figure out where we were?" Sub-Zero looks at her with an evil look on his face, "I'm not here to have a conversation with you but since you kindly asked I heard from Silver since I sent him to look for all of you all over the world and he ended up in Hollywood and found his house. Now where is my brother?" Lyn fires back, "Oh please even if you ask me I still wouldn't be able to tell you." as she is holding her daughter Harumi so she doesn't let her go. Kuai Liang wakes up to see Lyn and their daughter not there which scares him, he grabs his son to go downstairs and sees his brother standing there, "Brother what are you doing? If you're trying to be nice or be uncle of the year don't we want nothing to do with you." Sub-Zero freezes the front and back door shut so no one escapes, "Your right but I will say that your wife is taking a liking to me she prefers me over you. You didn't leave her she left you." Tomas and Hanzo get up to see everyone in their room is gone so him and Hanzo go downstairs and bump into Sub-Zero. Tomas with anger in his eyes, "Brother leave them alone. I don't care what you are trying to prove but you need to leave." Sub-Zero gets mad at his brother, "Not until Kuai Liang and I settle a score. I want to fight you until one of us is standing, Lyn could sit there and watch it happen or we just might put her to work." Kuai seemed confused until Harumi walks in, "Hello Kuai Liang and Lyn congrats on giving birth but you both won't see your children for long. You both won't be seeing them again after we are done with you." Lyn calls Hanzo and Tomas, "Both of you get the children upstairs for the time being while we handle them. I put the milk in the fridge for the both of them to have and there are diapers in the room I taught you both how to change a diaper so use what you have learned and get out of here." The two agree and grab everything to take the children upstairs. Lyn and Kuai Liang look at Harumi and Bi-Han menacingly waiting for them to make the first move.

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