Chapter 10: A Fight Between Brothers

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After sitting with Lyn at the couch, Smoke and Scorpion go to a private room to discuss what they are going to do next. Tomas gives his brother a bitter look but decides to punch Kung Lao who just barely walked into the room, "Kung Lao you kind of deserved that for putting Lyn in so much distress." Kuai Liang looks at Tomas not surprised by his response, "Why didn't you punch me?" Smoke replies, "Well you know what you did was wrong but you obviously don't know what she wants." Scorpion tells him, "Your right. The thing is I don't and you don't know what she wants! She's in love with me and was there for me when Harumi died you weren't!" Tomas begins to get even more upset with his brother, "How dare you!!! I have been there for you every step of the way! All three of us ran away from Bi-Han when he wanted to kill us and now you go and do this? To be honest, I think she is trying to replace Harumi it makes sense why Hanzo was upset at you!" Kuai Liang holds back his anger, "Wait Hanzo was mad at me? He didn't seem mad when I spoke to him." Tomas tells him, "Well you might just have to ask him yourself. Well Tomas you're right I'm in love with her and I can't stop thinking about her." which upsets Tomas greatly. In the other room, Raiden and the others comfort Lyn on the couch she looks to see Scorpion and Smoke gone, "Hey guys, where are Tomas and Kuai Liang?" everyone is seen looking at each other not knowing where they are, Johnny goes to each room in his house to find the duo until he hears a loud noise coming from the walls. He walks in to see them fighting each other, "Hey guys! Stop it! Why are you both fighting? If you're going to fight go outside I have expensive stuff that doesn't need replacing." Smoke and Scorpion stare at each other menacingly ignoring Johnny's warning. Tomas tells Johnny, "Johnny this is no joke leave us be." Raiden gets up from the couch to see what Johnny is standing in the middle of the hallway, "Johnny what's going on?" Johnny turns his head, "Well thunder lad the two brothers are fighting in this room due to the fact they were having a conversation about betrayal and are fighting for Lyn's affection." Lyn overhears their conversation thanks to her super hearing. She gets up from the couch and walks towards Johnny. Right as she gets to the door, she sees the two brothers in the bedroom giving each other death stares. Lyn gets in the way and tells them, "Boys you both were fine not too long ago and were nice to each other. What happened?" She doesn't know what to do, "Tomas? Kuai Liang? Are you both still going to stare at each other like this?" The brothers keep staring until they see Lyn and decide to back off of each other. Johnny is stunned to see both brother fight over a girl, "Whoa!!! Okay so you both really like her??" He starts laughing since he obviously thinks it's funny while Kung Lao, Raiden, and Hanzo just keep to themselves. Johnny advises, "Again if you're going to fight take it outside plain and simple." Kuai Liang thinks about Johnny's response and answers him, "Johnny be honest with me?" Johnny tells him, "Yeah? What's up?" Kuai Liang says in a calm manner, "I was wondering and Smoke needs to hear this as well as her. Did Lyn ever tell you anything about me such as have feelings for me?" Johnny didn't know how to answer, "Uhhhh....I mean.....wellll....ummm yeah once. It was before she was with Smoke and before you dated and married Harumi. Why do you ask?" Scorpion tells him, "I was wondering because I noticed something about her something different....I'm not sure what." Tomas asks his brother, "Brother when did you start having feelings for her?" Kuai Liang answers his brother with honesty, "I started having feelings for her when we went on a walk back at the Shirai Ryu Temple just me and her. I also started liking her before I met Harumi but never pursued a relationship with her. The energy she possess is radiant and pure. I noticed she reminded me of Harumi, she might not look like her but they both have one thing in common: A warrior's heart and fighting spirit." Tomas didn't know what to say, "Wow I'm speechless I liked her because she brought out the best in me. She's just beautiful, very blunt, and tough as nails. You could say I like strong women." to which Kuai Liang agreed, "I like strong women too." The others weren't shocked to hear that the brothers have a type, "That makes sense." Raiden tells them with a smirk. Lyn looks at them and asks, "So we don't need to go outside right?" They look at her and assure her that it won't happen but Johnny would want to see it, "I hope they do! I want to see who wins!" Tomas looks at her and wants the best for her regardless of what they have done, "I want you to be a good mother and we are going to help you. I'm sorry for fighting you Kuai Liang it was wrong of me." Scorpion apologizes to his brother, "I'm sorry too. For hurting you and betraying you as well as well take you ex fiancé." Lyn is very broken since she is left with a choice; she either chooses Scorpion or Smoke as her future love.

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