Chapter 12: Morning Walk

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Scorpion, Smoke, and Hanzo get up to check on Lyn. Before they leave, Kuai Liang sees her sleeping in her bed peacefully and writes her a note, "Lyn. Tomas, Hanzo, and I will be out running errands as well as training the soldiers for the next couple of hours. Smoke made some breakfast for you and I made you lunch since we know that you have specific cravings such as ramen, rocky road, pistachio ice cream, and dumplings. Just relax until we get back and take daily walks like Tomas and I advised. Love Kuai Liang." He puts it on her door so she reads it when she wakes up. An hour after, Lyn wakes up from her good night sleep, "That was a good sleep I had. It won't be like that for the third trimester." sitting there trying not to think about it. She sees the note that Scorpion wrote for her, "Oh a note." She reads the note and takes her time reading it. After reading it, she goes down stairs to see that there is breakfast for her that Smoke made, "That's so sweet of him, he made me my favorite breakfast: Eggs with fruit." She is happy that Tomas made her food. After she eats, she goes outside and takes a walk. While on her walk, Smoke sees her from far away and calls Hanzo, "Hanzo step forward. I need you to do a favor: Can you go and watch Lyn? I'm starting to worry about her so is the Grandmaster." Hanzo looks at Smoke and agrees, "Yes Master Smoke." Hanzo goes off of training earlier than usual which catches Kuai Liang's attention, "Why is Hanzo leaving early?" he thinks to himself finding it suspicious. Lyn is walking near the back of the Shirai Ryu Temple adoring nature like both brothers, "It feels nice out here." Hanzo puts his training to use to sneak up on her. Before he can do anything, Lyn's hearing is extra enhanced and hears Hanzo from more than a mile away and dodges his sneak attack, "Try again you missed." Hanzo gets irritated since he hasn't been able to master the technique yet, "Darn I thought I had it. Sorry Lyn I thought I could use what I have learned and sneak up on you." Lyn admires his fighting spirit, "It's okay Hanzo at least your tried to sneak up on me. My senses have been extra heightened since being pregnant. I'm walking at the back of the Temple hopefully your master doesn't get mad at me." Hanzo predicts, "Well the Grandmaster didn't send me since he knows that you can take care of yourself." Lyn questions him, "Well if it wasn't your master who sent you to watch me then who did?" Hanzo admits, "Master Smoke sent me to make sure nothing happened to you. I guess after everything that's happened he still has feelings for you.
I know Master Kuai Liang has feelings for you since he made his actions obvious with the note he wrote. He wrote love instead of yours truly." Lyn think to herself, "Wait...Scorpion likes me??? I mean I kind of saw it coming but did he have feelings for me while he was with Harumi? I know he didn't admit it to me." Hanzo continues, "But it's probably nothing too big but I would ask him if you're curious. He's admitted it to me." Lyn says, "Oh okay." The two of them head back home for lunch. Later at night back at home, Hanzo and Lyn have dumplings for lunch, Lyn has extra on her plate. After the two of them are done eating, Kuai Liang and Smoke both walk in and see the two of them making more dumplings just for the two of them to eat. Kuai Liang looks at her, "Lyn what are you doing? Didn't you see the note that we made you food so you didn't have to?" Lyn says, "Yeah I did. To be honest though it doesn't seem fair that you both are the ones taking care of me. It would make sense if it worked both ways? You both want dumplings? I know the two of you have been busy with training you need energy." The two brothers are stunned to see how amazing she cooked the dumplings. After they ate, they sit for a little bit and talk to Lyn, Tomas states, "Lyn out of curiosity you haven't been feeling weird since becoming pregnant right?" Lyn replies, "Oh no not that I know of. I will say my senses have gotten a little more heightened than usual which I'm not to concerned about that's how I caught Hanzo with his sneak attack that he used on me." Kuai Liang asks her, "Are you mad at me and my brother?" Lyn lets him know, "No it's none of your faults and I'm not mad at you either. It is mine for not being honest with your brother. I actually can't wait to be a mom I've always been reckless and didn't make good choices but the best decision I've ever made was joining the Shirai Ryu and fighting by your side." Scorpion and Smoke happy with her response. Hours after dinner, the group clean up by taking a shower and brushing their teeth. Lyn is in the bathroom taking a shower and hears Scorpion knocking at the door, "Who is it?" No one says a word, "Who's there?" Scorpion replies back, "It's me Kuai Liang. Are you almost finished? All of us need to shower and brush our teeth we have a big day tomorrow." Lyn starts to get irritated scoffing, "I'm coming." Tomas hears her snarky response, "Lyn you don't need to be mean. We all have a big day tomorrow and all you're doing is giving attitude I would appreciate it if you stopped." She looks in the mirror, "I shouldn't have said that." realizing what she said was out of line. She looks at her two month pregnant stomach and puts lotion all over her body. Lyn puts on her pajamas and opens the door to see Smoke, Scorpion, and Hanzo waiting patiently as she exits, she walks past everyone without saying a word until Scorpion stands in front of her from walking further. Lyn bumps into him seeing him standing there, "Hi. I need to get to my room and go to bed if that's okay with you." Kuai Liang doesn't let her take another step, "Lyn this needs to stop this doesn't give you an excuse to be mean to me and the others." Lyn gets upset and punches him across the face falling to the ground, "Don't touch or get near me!" Kuai Liang doesn't tense up knowing that he will make it worse, he tries talking to her, "Lyn this is a lot we are here for you." Lyn lets loose realizing her anger got out of hand, she gasps putting her face into her palms and starts crying, "Oh god!! I'm so sorry Kuai Liang I just... I..... I...I don't know what's wrong with me!" He witnesses her crying giving her a kiss on the lips while Tomas and Hanzo watch, he carries her to her room, "I'll tuck you in." She smiles having her eyes closed. He gets to her room puts her to bed, grabbing her sheets to tuck her in, he sees her pregnant stomach asking to rub it, "May I?" She lets him, "Sure I'll let you know if it's uncomfortable." He starts rubbing his hand on her stomach, "Kuai Liang it's very comfortable I wonder how it feels when someone kisses it" he kisses her belly. She starts giggling, "That tickles." laughing with a big smile on her face, "Want me to give him and her more kisses?" continuing to rub her tummy laying flat on her back, "Sure climb in bed." He jumps on her bed to cuddle with her. Little did they know the Lin Kuei spy is spying on them from outside the window and goes to tell Sub-Zero. At the Lin Kuei temple, the spy goes to see the grandmaster, "I need to speak to the grandmaster." Sub-Zero is seen training his Lin Kuei warriors until the spy walks in. He grabs the spy by the throat as punishment to not interrupt him, "I am in the middle of training!!! What could be so important?!?!" The spy is nervous to tell him, "Well....your brother expecting a child...and you won't believe with who...." Sub-Zero's patience was wearing thin, "Okay. Tell me who's the girl?" The spy looks at him, "A girl that went with both of your brothers when you driven them out her name is Lyn, she is apart of the Shirai Ryu." Bi-Han looked satisfied with his answer, "Good. This will be easier than I thought. We will find a time to strike." He says with a menacing face.

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