Chapter 4: The Secret

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Kuai Liang, Hanzo, Tomas, and Lyn wake up to start their day. Lyn and Tomas make their bed and brush their teeth. She exits the door first as she walks into the hallway, Lyn bumps into Kuai Liang and Hanzo as they all stare at each other awkwardly, Scorpion is the first to speak, "Hello Lyn sorry for bumping into you."feeling embarrassed as Lyn responds with sincerity, "Hello Kuai it's okay it happens."Scorpion looks at her, "I just wanted to ask if everything is okay between you and my brother." she lets out a smile, "Of course thank you for asking.
Listen about the other night nothing happened between us, it wasn't your fault. Tomas gets a little jealous he knows that." while talking to him she feels all of her is put off of her shoulders. Lyn feels something in her heart that she hasn't felt with Tomas. Hanzo chimes in, "Ms. Lyn I apologize for what I said last night I should've known better. Please find it in your heart to forgive me." he says bowing down. She admires Hanzo for apologizing since she least expect it from him. Scorpion wants to get to know Lyn since she was good friends with Harumi, "I just want to ask if you had anything to do later today if you're not busy?" Hanzo snickers quietly, "Could you excuse us for a moment?" they turn around and whisper, "Grandmaster what are you doing? Are you asking her out please don't." he asked full of embarrassment, "Hanzo it's not a date she's with my brother why would I do that?"disagreeing with his student, "She's with Master Smoke it's not a good idea. I knew you liked her  you can tell me I won't tell anyone unless you want me to tell her that you kissed her on the forehead." Kuai Liang looks at him in shock, "Please do not tell her or my brother I beg of you. How did you find out about that?" his student reveals, "I won't tell anyone but just know what you are doing isn't considered a date you both are just allies nothing more. Besides don't you want closure? Plus I found out because I was getting a glass of water and saw it happen." Kuai Liang doesn't know what to say. He has to go along, "Your right." They turn around and pay attention to Lyn while she waits, "Ms. Lyn we are back. Master is there something you wanted to ask her?" he is nervous to where he has butterflies in his stomach, "Yes I wanted to ask if you had anything planned for later?" She seemed amazed by his somewhat confidence, "No I don't why what's up?" he stumbles his words, "I was wondering if you had anything planned  I would love to hang out just me and you." Lyn is mentally thrilled, "Sure I have nothing else planned," he sighs in relief but wonder what Harumi would think if she found out, "Phew that was a close one." Smoke finds Lyn at the end of the hallway seeing her with his brother and Hanzo and catches up to her, "There you are I thought you were at the training grounds." putting his arm around her as Lyn blushes, "Sorry Tomas I was talking to your brother on tips I can improve on." Smoke is happy, "We should go I need your help with something ." the two walk together to the training grounds and leave Kuai and Hanzo by themselves. Scorpion and Hanzo walk with each other as Hanzo pokes fun at him, "I can't believe you scored a date with Lyn." Scorpion looks at his student irritated, "it's not a date I'm just getting closure that is all." Hanzo finds his response suspicious, "Sure it is." with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Right as they arrive, Scorpion begins teaching everyone while Hanzo stares at Lyn and notices thinking to himself, "There's no way she loves him! Who should I tell? They would make a great couple luckily she doesn't know what Master Smoke did with another initiate which would break her heart." He feels bad for not telling her but feels Smoke should be the one to tell her so he keeps his mouth shut.

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