Chapter 19: The Fight

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As Lyn and Kuai Liang stare immensely at Bi-Han and Harumi, Hanzo while holding KJ tries to open the door to see what is going on but finds out the doors are frozen shut, "Master Tomas the door is locked I don't know how that's possible" he says struggling to turn the knob on the door, Tomas while holding Harumi turns the knob to open the door, "Oh no it's frozen shut it won't open! Don't worry Hanzo your grandmaster and Lyn are going to win they won't lose." Harumi looks at Kuai Liang with disgust, "You know it's funny I never thought you would end up with Lyn. It doesn't change our relationship." Kuai glances at his ex-wife and starts to cry, "Harumi I have waited for the day you came back to me and wanted children with you and you end up with my brother?! How could you?! I'm glad I cheated on you with Lyn and she treats me better than you ever did. Tomas didn't appreciate it but at least he put it behind him." Bi-Han buts in, "Brother she loves me now I call her my queen. She's having my child and there's nothing you can do to stop us." he says as he grabs Harumi giving her a kiss to make Kuai Liang mad. Lyn grabs his hand to calm him down, "Kuai Liang you do not deserve this at all I love you and I would never leave your side. We have children to protect and in order for us to protect them we need to fight." she says putting her hands on his cheeks to wipe his tears. Lyn looks at the pair and grabs her staff while Scorpion grabs his Kunai. Lyn gives Harumi a cold stare and simply waits for her to make the first move while Kuai Liang charges at his brother, "Harumi I even waited for you to come back to be with Scorpion how could you and Bi-Han break his heart like that?" she says holding her staff in her right hand. Harumi tells her, "I knew you both had feelings for each other since the moment I met you. My ex husband didn't want to admit it to me not even his own brother and you didn't do anything to stop it maybe you wanted to cheat on Tomas. How did it feel to hurt him so bad? Would it be okay if I visited your children?" Lyn starts to get angry, "You crazy?!?! Stay away from them!!!" Harumi smirks, "Touched a nerve didn't I?" She says as she charges towards Lyn to attack her but successfully dodges. Kuai Liang looks back to see Lyn getting attacked as he is fighting his brother, "Wow she is amazing at fighting I never noticed how fast she is then again she's an immortal dragon that drinks blood to stay alive. I have to keep fighting to keep my children safe." as he punches Bi-Han across the face. Back upstairs, Hanzo is trying to break the doorknob by kicking his leg "Even with my powerful kick It's not working. What are we going to do Master Smoke?" Tomas keeps his cool so he doesn't scare his student meanwhile, Lyn slides on the floor tripping Harumi landing on her face. She turns around, "I have every right to be mad at you Lyn. You took my life, my future, my husband..." Lyn cuts her off, "I stole everything? Need I remind you that it was you who fell out of love for your own husband and betrayed him and for what his own brother??! He's not even that good looking! What do you see in him?!" Lyn tackles Harumi to the ground. On the other side of the room, Bi-Han gives his brother an evil smirk, "So you and Lyn?" Kuai Liang upset with his brother, "So what? She loves me for me and would risk anything for me unlike you. I don't want my children anywhere near you not even Hanzo nor Tomas" Bi-Han is angered, "Tomas is not our brother. Our father was a fool in taking him in." Lyn knocks out Harumi quick enough to see Bi-Han charging at his brother. She gets up, runs towards him, and knocks him out cold, "You alright Kuai?" she asks looking like he is traumatized, "Yes I am alright my love. What are we going to do with them?" looking at Lyn as he remembers the others being trapped in the room upstairs. The duo tie up Harumi and Bi-Han to get answers out of them as Kuai runs up to melt the doorknob. He freaks out to look at Hanzo and Tomas, "Are you both alright? Are my kids.."Hanzo tells him, "Yes grandmaster they are okay. We have been with them the entire time plus we change their diapers. You're welcome." Downstairs, Lyn questions Bi-Han and Harumi, "So you both just wanted revenge? Good luck trying to escape since the rope and everything I trapped you in can't have you guys use weapons and powers." Harumi and Bi-Han look at each other annoyed at Lyn for trapping them.

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