Chapter 3: At Dinner

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Later that night, Lyn cooks dinner for everyone after a long day. Kuai and Tomas look at each other hesitant to ask Lyn what happened between her and his brother. Kuai Liang nods to his brother, "Lyn I have a question for you." nervous how she will react as Lyn hears him calling her and stops what she is doing, "Sure Tomas what is it?" curious standing above the stove, "I know you answer this already but what happened last night between you and my brother?" she stares for a moment and gives him a response, "Nothing really. I went to check up on him to make sure he was okay." she turns back to look at the food she's making while Tomas looks at his brother with jealousy, "Well I'm still not convinced that's what happened." she turns around stunned. Hanzo turns to Tomas giving him a snarky remark, "Master Smoke it's alright she wants to make sure Grandmaster Kuai Liang is okay after what happened to Harumi. It's not like she's going to replace her." everyone takes a moment to process what Hanzo said at the table. Kuai Liang angered takes his student away into the training room so they don't interfere with the rest of their conversation, he wasn't happy, "Hanzo Hasashi, I understand that Lyn means well I thank her for her help but I do not appreciate what you said back there. I don't care how old you are you shouldn't say stuff like that." Hanzo rebuttals, "Master it's true and you know it. What going on do you have feelings for her? If so it's wrong but you can't deny it since it feels right." Scorpio isn't pleased with his student's behavior keeping his emotions in check, "Hanzo I do not have feelings for her do not come to that conclusion. I would never replace Harumi I don't have a thing for Lyn." Hanzo takes a breath, "Alright suit yourself but like Master Smoke said I'm not convinced." In the kitchen, Lyn and Tomas argue, "Lyn you didn't even come back to bed I waited for you all night! I slept by myself. What were you both doing?" Lyn fires back, "Tomas Vrbada I told you everything!! That is what happened! I checked up on your brother because I heard him having a nightmare! Why didn't you stay with him like I did so you wouldn't be so jealous?! You would've believed me if you stayed I can't believe we are having this argument it's fucking pointless!" Smoke stands there speechless and stutters. He is taken aback deciding to say something, "Do not use that kind of language you know how I feel about swearing. I don't think you have been honest with me but I have one thing to ask you: Do you have feelings for my brother? Harumi is gone you finally have him all to yourself right?" wanting to know her response as Lyn gets irritated, "Excuse me?!?! No I don't have feeling for your brother leave him out of this! That's terrible of you to say! How could you say that about your own brother?! He deserves better from you!" Hanzo and Kuai Liang hear their argument from the training room, "Grandmaster they are talking about you." he tells him while punching the dummy a coup,d of times. He looks at his student, "Hanzo you shouldn't be listening since it's not involving you. Lyn and Tomas will work it out trust me but out of curiosity what are they saying about me?" Hanzo tells his master, "Well Master Smoke just asked Lyn if she had feelings for you and still isn't convinced that you both didn't do anything in the bedroom." he puts his head down in shame, "My brother hates me." Hanzo cheers up his master, "He doesn't hate you he just shouldn't be jealous and he should've been there for you like Lyn said." the two let Lyn and Tomas argue. Smoke thinks about everything he said and realizes that Lyn is right, "Lyn..I'm sorry. I feel my brother is going off the deep end. Sometimes I wish he told me the truth." Lyn gives Tomas a kiss on the forehead, "I know I am too." Smoke gives her a hug holding back his tears. Lyn is worried about Kuai Liang, "I hope he gets through this." she thinks to herself embracing Smoke's affection. She couldn't stop thinking about what Scorpion did last night when he kissed her on the forehead, "I hope Tomas doesn't find out about his brother kissing me on the forehead and how I let it happen." she stops thinking about it and gets back to making dinner while Tomas sits waiting patiently. Thirty minutes go by and Lyn is already done making dinner, "Hanzo! Grandmaster! Dinner's ready!" Kuai Liang and Hanzo exit the training room, "We are going to hit the showers we will be right back." the two go get their things while Tomas and Lyn sit there and eat their food. As Scorpion and Hanzo get cleaned up, they see two plates on the table set for the both of them, "This doesn't prove that Lyn likes you she would do this for anyone really." They grab their plates and sit down to eat their food after dinner, they clean their dishes, go upstairs to brush their teeth, and head straight to bed due to training.

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