Chapter 20: Interrogation

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Lyn goes upstairs to check up on everyone, "Tomas are you and Hanzo okay? Are the children alright?" giving a concerned look. Hanzo advises, "Lyn they are okay like we told the grandmaster we changed their diapers and made sure they were fed don't worry about it. Also try not to send us in a somewhat small room we were crammed in here." she was relieved that nothing happened to them. Kuai looks at Lyn, "So one question who is watching my brother and Harumi?" Lyn is about to answer until Johnny wakes up with a loud yawn, "Morning everyone." Johnny sees everyone looking at him, "What is going on? Why are all of you in one room? Someone tell me why there is water on the floor?" Kuai answers, "Well there is water on the floor—" Johnny interrupts him, "That can wait I'm gonna go downstairs and get coffee." Everyone yells out, "Johnny no!" He is stunned by how he is being treated, "Screw you guys I'm gonna go downstairs and get a cup of coffee!" He angrily heads downstairs towards the kitchen until he sees Bi-Han and Harumi tied up, "Oh...that's why." Lyn heads down to see if the two were still tied up, "Yeah that's why. They came into your house and destroyed your things including the Hichuli that Kuai and I replaced." Johnny is irritated, "No way!! That was expensive that's not cool!!" Lyn grabs a ball that is on the ground and throws it at Bi-Han, "So how did you find our location? I gotta say I'm impressed that it took you both this long." Johnny chimes in, "May I join you in the interrogation?" Lyn snickers, "Get the baseball bat that's in the closet." Johnny goes to the room for a moment, "Back to what I was saying how are you....alive?" pointing at Harumi refusing to answer. Kuai Liang hears the conversation from upstairs, "I have to get down there incase they escape Lyn's watch." Tomas agrees, "Okay we can handle it from here but be careful." Kuai Liang rushes downstairs to see his brother and Harumi, "You both just don't know when to quit." Lyn looks at Kuai, "I'm in the middle of something." Kuai adds, "Your doing great at it." as he leans in to kiss her on the cheek while his brother looks at him disgusted, "How could you date Lyn? She's not even that pretty." Kuai slaps his brother across the face, "How could you not be polite to her after everything she's done for you? Need I remind you that you're the one who drove the three of us out." Harumi adds, "At least I wasn't the one who decided to get with another woman and get her pregnant after I died." Lyn gets frustrated, "Still doesn't answer my question as to how you're alive." Johnny comes back from the closet, "Okay I got the baseball bat and to add I also got you a hammer and your staff in case things get out of hand." Lyn gasps, "Oh thank you Johnny you know me so well." grabbing her staff as Kuai takes the hammer Lyn's eyes turn a deeper red with black surrounding the outer area of her eye, "Need I remind the both of you that I can easily finish you just by drinking your blood you either tell me how your alive or I drain Bi-Han's blood make your choice." Johnny hits Bi-Han with his baseball bat, "You heard the lady tell her." Harumi yells at Johnny, "Do not hit Bi-Han he is the grandmaster you should show him respect." Johnny laughs, "Oh honey after everything he's done he doesn't deserve respect." Upstairs baby KJ starts crying, "Shhh it's okay KJ." Tomas says rocking him back and forth, "Your parents will be right back I promise." Hanzo starts rocking baby Harumi back and forth, "I hear you crying we are right here." She cries loudly to where everyone downstairs can hear her, "Uhh baby crying upstairs." Johnny says looking at the two parents, "Kuai I'll be right back remember do everything you can until they break." Kuai Liang nods his head as Lyn head upstairs to check up on the kids, "Alright undead ex-wife you're next." Johnny comments out of nowhere while Kuai Liang gives his brother the death stare. Johnny goes to the kitchen to look through the drawer to find an electric pen, "So brother do you want to know why you're able to see Harumi in front of you?" Kuai pays attention to what his brother has to say, "Why and how is she able to be standing here in front of everyone? That's not possible I saw her die." Harumi chimes in, "Bi-Han brought me back something you didn't do because all you could think about was Lyn. How is it having children with her? Oh congrats by the way for forgetting me and having children with someone who is not me." with bitterness in her voice. Kuai Liang looks at Harumi and ignores her, "Dude you know even by ignoring her everything will go away. As someone who has an ex-wife you have to eventually face it." Kuai looks at Harumi to hear her out, "You are mad at me I don't blame you but you should hear this. Your brother brought me back from the dead with the help of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. He told me everything you and Lyn have done and decided to join him to make the both of you pay." Johnny and Kuai Liang couldn't believe what they heard, "So in short Kuai your brother brought your ex-wife back from the dead and banged her." He laughs and continues, "You banged a corpse? That's hilarious!!" Lyn overhears the conversation, "Well that's pretty disgusting. What are we going to do with them?" Smoke suggests, "We have to wake up Geras and have him tell Lord Liu Kang there's no other option." Hanzo chimes in, "So we go to the boss and be snitches? Great plan Master Tomas." he says with a hint of sarcasm. Lyn grabs baby Harumi from Hanzo and holds her, "Hello sorry for leaving you and your brother behind. You both are my sunshines. Daddy is downstairs handling a situation." Tomas adds, "Yeah the situation that you are suppose to handle along with Kuai Liang now we have to—" Geras gets up from a good night sleep and sees everyone, "Good morning everyone." he looks around the room, "Where are Johnny Cage and Kuai Liang?" The group stays silent for a moment, "No one is going to tell me?" Hanzo walks up to Geras, "Well...there is a situation downstairs that you might want to handle and tell Fire God Liu Kang about." Gears stares at them for a moment. Back downstairs, Johnny and Kuai keep interrogating the duo, "So since the cat is out of the bag between the both of you, mind telling me if you're having kids?" Kuai seemed annoyed, "Johnny she is having kids with my brother she is about six months pregnant." looking at Johnny with his mouth wide open due to shock, "Wow no way!" Geras teleports to the living room, "You both have caused enough trouble time to see Lord Liu Kang." he grabs the pair and teleports to the temple so they can have a word with Liu Kang to discuss their punishment.

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