Chapter 7: A Shocking Discovery

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Two weeks later, Lyn hasn't seen Smoke since he moved into Johnny Cage's house for the time being. She doesn't have his ring on her finger anymore, they broke things off for a while now. She is feeling down for what she had done and is emotional than before, Scorpion starts to worry, "Hey don't be so down. He will forgive you he's my brother I know him. Don't worry about it." Lyn starts to cheer up wiping the tears off of her face, "Okay." She walks up to Scorpion and gives him a hug. Lyn smells what he is making and is waiting patiently to eat it, "That smells amazing. I can't wait to eat it." Scorpion realizes that something is off, she never eats a lot of food but doesn't comment on how much she has on her plate, "I'm just realizing how much is on your plate. Are you sure there isn't anything off?" Lyn looks at him while eating, "Not that I know of. There's this thing that people do called emotional eating." Kuai Liang assures her it's most likely nothing to worry about, "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal." Hanzo agrees with his master and decides not to make a big deal about it, "I'm not gonna comment like you're doing it's the right thing to do." After eating, Lyn goes back to her room to put on her clothes, she notices that it's more difficult to put her Shirai Ryu uniform,  "Oh god that's not possible I have to tell Kuai Liang about this." Back at Johnny's place, him and Smoke are living together playing the Wii until the phone is heard going off. Johnny pauses the Wii to answer the phone, "Hey Lyn if you're calling about Smoke he doesn't want to talk to you." Lyn tells him, "No it's not about Smoke. I have a question. What do you know about protection like a condom?" He stares into blank space not knowing how to answer that question, "Well I mean it protects you from pregnancy. Wait what's going on what are you trying to say?" Lyn asks for Johnny's  help, "It might be impossible to tell but I think I'm pregnant." Johnny doesn't believe her, "Wait are you sure? Do you want me to buy you a pregnancy test?" Lyn is very certain that she is, "I'm pretty sure I don't know what to do." Another week goes by and Johnny goes to the temple to see Lyn and Smoke goes with him, Tomas feels if he goes with her it's for support. Johnny starts asking her questions, "Okay I need to know this: Who did you have sex with last? And was he wearing a condom? Another questions what symptoms have you been experiencing?" Lyn answers his questions, "I did it with Scorpion and he wasn't wearing any protection. Second, I have been experiencing nausea, headaches, and a bad taste in my mouth." Johnny couldn't believe what he heard looking at Smoke thinking it wasn't true, " had sex with...!!! Oh my god no way!!! Smoke!!! She had.... Wait hold up... you had sex with Scorpion aka Kuai Liang? His brother?!?!?! I can't believe that!!! Scandalous!!!" Johnny goes through his bag to give her a pregnancy test. Smoke and Johnny look at each other hoping she isn't pregnant, "Read the instructions as it says  go to the bathroom and pee." Lyn goes to the bathroom to take the pregnancy test and waits a couple of minutes. While Johnny and Smoke are waiting for her, Hanzo and Kuai Liang walk into the room to see them sitting there, "Tomas? Johnny? What are you both doing here?" Kuai Liang wonders as Johnny replies, "We are here for Lyn. We wanted to check up on her since she was telling me she was having physical issues such as headaches, nausea, changes in appetite, and a bad taste in her mouth. We think it's possible that she's..." Hanzo looks at the both of them aggressively, "She's what?" After fifteen minutes, Lyn is sitting on the toilet waiting for the results. She looks at the test while holding it, "That's not possible." seeing a plus sign on the test. Lyn opens the door and walks out of the bathroom seeing Hanzo, Johnny, Smoke, and Scorpion all standing there, "Guys. It came back positive I'm pregnant." All of them are in shock to hear that she is pregnant with Scorpion's kid since they didn't think it was possible.

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