Chapter 14: Doctors Visit

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The sun rises in Los Angeles. Lyn wakes as sunlight hit her face shining on her dark red eyes. As she gets up, brushes her teeth, and goes down stairs to eat breakfast seeing Johnny and Geras drink a cup of coffee and greets them happily, "Good morning Johnny and Geras." Johnny and Geras greet her in unison, "Good morning Lyn." Johnny instructs her to get ready, "Lyn don't forget to get dressed I have to take you to the doctors for a check up." Lyn agrees and tells him, "Okay after I'm done eating I'll get dressed and we can go." After she is done eating, Lyn goes upstairs as they both have a conversation with each other, "Johnny Cage. In the next couple of months she needs to be ready to have this child, I'm starting to think that Kuai Liang made the right decision to have her here for the time being." Johnny agrees, "Yeah Geras you're right. The thing is Kuai Liang wanted her here. There is more to the story that even we don't know she could've been watched without us knowing." Geras tells him in response, "Maybe but just know that I am here to help the both of you." Lyn comes downstairs with a navy blue shirt with leggings and black tennis shoes so she is more comfortable. The three of them leave the house to go to her doctors appointment. On the way there, Lyn is sitting in the passenger seat putting on brown eye contacts in to cover her dark red eyes. Geras decides to put his in as well, he wears normal clothes since he is adjusting to Earth culture. On the other side of Earthrealm, Smoke and Scorpion are sitting at the table talking about what was said before they went to bed. Kuai Liang looks at his brother, "Tomas, did you mean what you said last night about cheating on Lyn first or did you make that up?" Tomas is gutted, "To be honest yes. I feel bad for it everyday, how dishonest I was and how I lied but you didn't seem to lie to her. I know she reminds you of Harumi a lot or is it because you had a thing for Lyn while you were with Harumi?" Scorpion didn't know how to answer, "You want the truth? I had feelings for her before I met Harumi she does remind me of her of course I have feelings for her you're not the first person to tell me that. Hanzo confronted me about it not to long ago in private because he thought it was wrong but Lyn brings out something in me that Harumi for some reason couldn't achieve: happiness and selflessness. Plus she made me realize something: Why did Harumi die just like that? It makes me wonder if she was working for someone or her death was staged." Smoke doesn't get mad by this theory and answer, "For me the reason why I fell in love with Lyn was because she always made me happy and secured, her selflessness stood out to me as well as her fighting skills. You think your wife would do something like that just betray you for no reason?" Scorpion has his suspicions, "I mean it's possible what if her along with the random spy could've been spying on Lyn and we just didn't know? I feel we should tell her." Smoke agrees as they call Lyn on his cell phone. Lyn answers, "Hey guys I'm at the doctor's office with Johnny and Geras. Scorpion asks her, "Out of curiosity you haven't seen the doctor yet have you?" She replies and laughs, "No I just said that silly the three of us are in the waiting room at the moment waiting for my name to get called. I know you called to check up on me and ask me something." Kuai Liang listens to her, "Well I wanted to tell you the real reason why I sent you with Johnny and Geras. There was a person spying on you for months and Tomas and I think it could involve our brother and my late wife Harumi."  Lyn hears Scorpion tell her, "Wait there was a spy watching me the entire time? Is that why you guys sent me to Johnny's place and have Geras watch me so no one is able to hurt me? What does this have to do with Harumi?" Tomas chimes in, "Well it's just a theory but it might be because she might've known about my brother having feelings for you while being married to her and decided to join the Lin Kuei. We were thinking that the male spy could've been her secret partner that we didn't know about." Lyn tells them, "Guys you might be looking too much into this. I don't think you are wrong who knows if she was keeping up with Bi-Han or telling him what's been happening behind our backs she could've been plotting to get rid of me." Tomas tells Lyn over the phone, "Well we don't know for sure what her motive was but we could ask our brother ourselves." Lyn and Kuai Liang gasp in unison to hear Tomas say that. Scorpion forbids him, "I don't want you to meet up with him Lyn and Tomas you don't know what he's going to do to you. I don't want to stress you out it's not good for the baby." Lyn thinks to herself for a moment hearing a heartbeat coming from her stomach. She looks at her pregnant belly and puts her left hand on it surprised she can read its thoughts but hears more than one. She says with tears streaming down her face, "Wait can you hear me?" Kuai Liang gets concerned, "Yes I can hear you. Are you okay? I don't need to come over there do I?" Lyn hears Scorpion talk to her, "No Kuai Liang you won't believe this: I heard its thoughts." Kuai Liang asks, "Who's thoughts?" Lyn replies, "The baby's. It's telling me that it's going to be okay mom and that he misses you. It's worried about you." Kuai Liang starts to cry but doesn't make it obvious, "I miss you too I can't wait to meet you when this is all over I love you." Lyn reads the baby's mind, "It says I love you dad. It is also saying thank you Johnny and Geras for protecting my mom." The nurse walks in, "Lyn?"she stands up as Johnny asks the nurse, "Excuse me? Is it okay if I go with her? We have been very protective of her ever since she got pregnant and it's just a precaution." A couple minutes go by and the doctor walks in greeting them, "Hello I'm Doctor Franklin. Okay let's get down to business: Why are we here today?" Lyn looks and the doctor and tells him, "Well doctor I came for a checkup because I'm two months pregnant. This is the baby's uncle Johnny the father of the baby couldn't be here today due to a business trip." The doctor says, "Okay lay down for me I will put some gel on you stomach to see what condition the baby is in, it might be a little cold so just bear with me." Lyn agrees, "Okay when you do that can you tell me the gender of the baby?" The doctor examines the baby, "Alright there's the feet and the head right there and it's moving around as it should be. Well Ms. Lyn it seems like the baby is doing just fine it looks pretty healthy. Wait a a second" The doctor freezes to look at the screen. "Would you like to know what you are having?" Johnny and Lyn look at each other and say at the same time, "Yes." The doctor gives the news, "You are having twins one boy and one girl." The both of them are in shock, "Doctor I think the machine you have is a little too loud but I could've sworn you said that I am having twins." The doctor looks at her, "Yes Ms.Lyn you are having twins congratulations. Would you like a photo of an ultrasound?" Lyn agrees to have a photo of the ultrasound to keep on the fridge. On the way back from the doctors, Johnny and Lyn tell Geras, "Geras you want good news or bad news?" Geras wants to know, "Both." Lyn tells him, "The babies are healthy." Gears replies, "Oh that's good. Wait did you say babies?" Lyn replies, "Yes I am having twins one boy and one girl. I'm just shocked as on how that is possible." Johnny tells her, "It's possible when there's a will there's a way. We are here for you Lyn." She smiles with gratitude as they drive home from the doctors. It's around one o clock right as the three of them get home. Lyn walks in and takes her shoes off on the rug so she can relax and watch television by herself but calls Scorpion and Smoke. She picks up her phone hoping they pick up, "Cmon guys pick up I need to tell you." Tomas sees the phone ringing and answers, "Hello?" Lyn hears Tomas, "Hello Tomas. I need to talk to you and your brother about the doctors visit." Tomas gets up to get his brother, "Of course. I'll go get him right now and tell him it's urgent." Lyn waits for Smoke to return to the phone with his brother after a couple moments, he returns to the call where his brother is listening, "Okay Lyn my brother is here with me. Can you tell us what happened at the doctors today?" Lyn is nervous to tell them, "Umm the babies are healthy. Kuai Liang we are having twins one boy and one girl." Both of them couldn't believe it, "Guys are you there? I even have proof of the ultrasound the doctor said that everything looks good." The two brothers try to process the news, Kuai Liang asks, "Lyn are you sure that it's twins? If so, then you need to be extra careful when you are doing daily activities." Tomas tells Hanzo the news, "Wait Lyn is having twins master Smoke? What no way!! How is that possible? I thought it was one kid! Wow Lyn if you can hear me congrats!" Kuai Liang looks at his student stressed with his head in his palm, "Lyn, Hanzo gives his congratulations. I'm just in shock I haven't been able to focus since you left." Lyn adds, "I know it has been stressful for you and for everyone but you have to understand the reason you had me stay with Johnny and Geras so I can hide from your brother so he doesn't find me." Tomas develops tears into his eyes, Hanzo stands there comforting his teacher, "Master it's going to be okay I know your freaked out about her we all are." Kuai Liang turns around to see his brother crying, "What is it brother?" Tomas tells them, "I know I'm worried about Lyn but the thing is I wanted kids with her and she is having kids with you Scorpion. I'm not upset at the both of you it's my fault for her leaving I should've been a better partner." Lyn overhears their conversation and starts crying, she puts the phone on mute to talk to Johnny, "Hey Johnny I heard Tomas crying it's because I heard that he wanted kids with me." Johnny gasps, "Wait really? Wow and you guys are apart I know for a fact after everything that you and his brother put him through he's willing to give you a second chance. If he actually got over you he wouldn't be here helping you. There are people out there who aren't willing to do that. He did say it was his fault that you left and that he wasn't a good partner." Lyn unmutes herself, "Tomas. Everything is not your fault that we didn't work out. I understand that you should've been there for me and that you regret it everyday you're not the only one with regrets. I have something to ask you." Tomas listens, "Of course anything." Lyn says, "After everything that's happened do you think I deserve a second chance?" Tomas feels bad, "Of course you deserve a second chance I know we aren't together but just know that doesn't change on how you are as a person." Kuai Liang thinks to himself feeling guilty. Tomas asks Lyn a question, "I know you will be having twins with my brother but were you serious about the name for the boy? I love the name for the girl and I'm very happy you chose that name but I was thinking of something more clan based or something unique but KJ I'm not so sure." Lyn tells him, "Well do you have another name you want to throw out there?" Tomas suggests, "Yeah I was maybe name him after our father's grandmaster Takeda it's much better." She disagrees, "Okay I would but honestly I feel Kenshi is going to take that name." Kuai Liang comes in, "I like the name that Tomas suggested to you just now. The name Takeda stands out more than KJ for some reason we should name him that. But if you like KJ we can name him that. Lyn tells him, "I'm thinking of suggesting that name to Kenshi. So out of curiosity what time is it in Japan? I know it seems pretty late or is around nighttime over there." Scorpion answers, "I mean it's starting to be around five to six at night so we have to make dinner good thing you taught us how to cook." He starts laughing, Tomas sees his brother smile, "Brother I'm happy she's bringing out the best in you. I hope after this is over we get to see the kids." Kuai Liang smiles, "Yeah me too. Well Lyn I'm glad you are doing well and that the twins are doing better we have to get going dinner won't make itself." Lyn agrees, "Okay I will call you if anything happens okay bye." The both of them hang up, Lyn looks at Johnny and starts to make fun of her by making smoochy faces. She hits him out of frustration and playfulness while Geras watches television with her waits for the morning to be over.

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