Chapter 15: Lin Kuei Attack

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In the snowy mountains, Bi-Han sits on his throne watching the blizzard from one of the windows. One of his initiates named Frost walks in, "Grandmaster Sub-Zero our male and female initiates are back from trying to track down Lyn we have been unsuccessful." He looks at them with a stern look, "Frost you have done all you could your dismissed. The other two stay we have a lot to discuss." Frost bows and exits the throne room. Right as the door closes, Bi-Han tells the duo, "You both do realize that my brother is having a child. We need to lure him in by finding Lyn and kidnapping her. I have you go undercover initiates or should I say Silver and Harumi." The duo take off their masks and reveal themselves, "She is here and you both need to find her. Harumi I had Quan Chi bring you back from the dead and you fell in love with me ever since you married my brother Kuai Liang. I want you to rule by my side I love you. Silver you have been loyal to me since the day we met and have despised my brother since the moment he decided to betray me and I thank you." Harumi looks at the grandmaster, "Sir you have told me that Lyn betrayed us along with my husband Kuai Liang. Is it true that she is carrying his child?" Bi-Han tells the truth, "Yes it's all true she hurt Smoke there is no way that she can get away with something like this. We need to strike to put an end to this madness." Harumi looks at Sub-Zero with an evil smirk she gives him a kiss on the lips and whispers in his ear, "Kuai Liang is no longer my husband he will pay. I would do anything for you because I love you. I will find Lyn, Kuai Liang and his brother Tomas to make them all suffer just for you." Silver looks at Harumi with an evil grin, "I will love to see that would you grandmaster?" Sub-Zero looks at the both of them, "Yes. We will attack the Shirai Ryu temple and kill everyone if they don't agree to our terms before we can do that Lyn needs to be found." Harumi and Silver both bow down and say in unison, "Yes Grandmaster." Sub-Zero looks outside finally getting the chance to see both of his brothers to have them pay for what they did to him. Three months have passed since then and Lyn is in her fifth month of pregnancy. At Johnny's house, Lyn is seen eating pasta salad with chopped up cucumbers, tomatoes, and olives. Geras teleports into the living room to visit Lyn, "Greetings Lyn." She looks up to hear a calming voice calling her name overjoyed to see Geras. Johnny gets up from his bed due to hearing Lyn from the living room talking to Geras. He gets up to brush his hair and teeth then goes downstairs to see Geras and get food. Johnny looks at Geras, "Hey Geras how are you? Where's Liu Kang?" Geras tells him, "He's at the hourglass right now I came here to warn you both about something." Lyn and Johnny look at each other with worried looks and expect bad news, Geras warns them, "I need to tell you both about what Sub-Zero has been planning, he's brought back Harumi from the dead with the help of Quan Chi. He might be setting up a trap for you Lyn either to kidnap you or his brother Kuai Liang to get answers." Lyn looks at Geras, "But Harumi is dead we all saw her die in front of us. Does Kuai Liang know?" Geras responds, "No he doesn't that's why I'm telling you both. He's been through enough as it is." Johnny questions, "Okay so his wife has been brought back from the dead what does that have to do with us? Specifically Lyn? It's probably because she found out he banged Lyn and she's back for revenge." Geras hesitates to answer but feels they should know, "It has nothing to do with revenge. It has something to do with Quan Chi possibly controlling her or Sub-Zero is doing it." Lyn tells them, "Well let's hope she doesn't know about my pregnancy and that it's her husband's children." Johnny tells her, "Well let's hope not I know for a fact that she doesn't know where I live. I'm not sure if she remembers where the Shirai Ryu temple is or if she forgot entirely. But let's hope Kuai Liang and Tomas don't find out about her being brought back to life." Lyn stays quiet for a moment and Geras starts to think about the two brothers and how they might be in danger, Geras sees her, "Lyn what is it?" Lyn starts to freak out and finds her phone so she can call them, she calls Scorpion to check up on him, Geras gets irritated, "Lyn you are breaking your promise why would you tell him after everything that I just told you and Johnny Cage?" Lyn hears Geras talking but is trying to get ahold of Scorpion and tell him what I told you is risky. Lyn assures him, "Look I'm just calling him to see how he is doing." Johnny teases Lyn, "Oooohhh Lyn you love him. It's okay to admit it but I want to ask you something." Lyn listens, "Well who do you have feelings for? Is it Scorpion or Smoke?" Lyn doesn't want to answer that question, "Johnny I know you're asking nicely but I'm not comfortable answering that due to what's going on." As Lyn is calling Scorpion, the line connects, "Hello? Hello Lyn you there?" Lyn says, "Hello Kuai Liang can you hear me?" Kuai Liang looks around the room to keep his eye on Hanzo and his brother Tomas until he responds, "Yes I can hear you sorry I was keeping my eye on Hanzo and Tomas. How are you?" Lyn is glad she is hearing his voice, "Yes I can hear you. I'm glad I can hear you. How are Hanzo and Tomas doing?" Lyn tells him, "I'm good still pregnant haven't given birth yet but I have been meaning to ask you. Do you have feelings for me I'm not sure if I asked you?" Kuai Liang stands there not wanting to lie to her, "I mean......would you get mad at me if I said yes?" Lyn sits on the couch in shock, "Wait really?? Since when I'm pretty curious. I hurt Tomas and it's going to take a while to heal from what happened." Kuai Liang is going to answer until he hears someone break in and sees Hanzo and his brother on the ground unconscious, he looks to see his wife, "Harumi? I'm so glad to see you again." He goes to give her a hug and a kiss until she scoots back, "Harumi? It's me your husband." She eyes him, "I don't love you anymore I'm with Bi-Han and you're having children with Lyn. You have betrayed me and you will pay." Harumi knocks out Kuai Liang while he is on the phone with Lyn, she picks up the phone and starts talking, "Hello Lyn it's Harumi remember me? Congrats are in order for the mother to be which you stole from me and I will make you and Kuai Liang pay." Bi-Han takes the phone from Harumi so he can speak with her, "Hello Lyn it's been a while. My brother is safe and alive for now as well as Hanzo and Tomas." Lyn asks, "Why did you attack the temple? What are you trying to prove?" Sub-Zero tells her his plan, "Surrender  and they will live." Scorpion regains conscious, "Lyn don't it's a trap. I will answer your question since I couldn't before, I've loved you since the time we met but you were with my brother Tomas I couldn't admit anything. I loved you for you and it made me whole something Harumi couldn't do. You were right to be jealous of me being with Harumi and you knew that there was something off about her I should've listened to you. I have said it before you reminded me a lot of her that's why I fell in love with you." Lyn hears his response and starts to cry, Bi-Han gives a snarky response, "Hmm. So touching and admiring brother but it won't save you. Lyn I'm going to go easy on you because it's not worth going through the trouble. Surrender and they will live and if they don't all of them will die." Lyn says, "If that's what you want then so be it." Bi-Han responds, "Okay meet me at the Lin Kuei temple only you no one else." Lyn agrees and hangs up the phone, Johnny stands in her way, "Lyn you shouldn't go alone you don't know what Bi-Han is capable of or what he will do to his brothers and Hanzo." Lyn tells him, "Johnny I have to go and save all three of them in order for no one to be killed. He has Harumi like a puppet unless she never loved Kuai Liang to begin with if that's the case he will be crushed. I have to save them." Geras chimes in, "Lyn you can't your holding children it's to dangerous." Lyn looks at the both of them, "Guys I know it's dangerous but these children need their father and we need Smoke and Hanzo I care about them and I'm going to save them whether you like it or not." Johnny and Geras both agree to save them but teleport to get allies. Geras teleports back to Johnny's house to bring Kung Lao, Raiden, and Kenshi to help them get the others back. As they teleport to the Lin-Kuei temple, Lyn sees a set of stairs to the temple door eyeing Sub-Zero at the top along with Harumi sharing a passionate kiss which angers Lyn, she starts walking up the steps, "How could you do this to him Harumi? He loved you! You are his wife and no one should do that to someone!" As she's walking up the steps she pauses, "I can't believe you Sub-Zero I cared about you and wanted what's best for you until you kicked us out of the clan. How could you break your brother's trust like that?" After taking a pause she makes it to the top of the temple and comes face to face with them, "Alright I'm here you have me. Where are they? I need to at least know that they are safe." The two of them look at each other and shows Lyn that they are tied up, "Let them go! I'm here like you promised." Harumi tells her, "Not just yet. Kuai Liang tell her what else you have been keeping from her." Kuai Liang tells her, "Fine. Lyn the night of the festival when the Lin Kuei attacked us I accidentally killed Harumi I killed my unborn child." Lyn assured him, "Scorpion it wasn't your fault it was an accident." Bi-Han tells her, "Yes and she is pregnant again and it's my child she's carrying." Lyn starts to cry, "What do I do to set them free?" They both tell her in unison, "Nothing." She looks at them with anger, "I will figure something out where you don't see it coming." Little did the both of them know that she brought back up and that they are going to save them while she has Bi-Han and Harumi distracted. Kenshi sneaks in to take down all of the guards near the door while Geras teleports Scorpion, Smoke, and Hanzo outside. Johnny is keeping look out from the outside while Raiden and Kung Lao are with him in case no one makes it out of the temple. The trio pop out of nowhere and are out of harm's way and join up with Johnny, Raiden, and Kung Lao but don't know where Lyn is, Kuai looks at them, "Where's Lyn?" Johnny looks inside the temple and sees her, "She's still in there?" Geras doesn't waste any time to teleport her out of there, Bi-Han talks to Lyn as she is being held hostage until Geras shows up and teleports her out, Harumi is enraged, "No!!! She's gone!!!" Bi-Han tells her, "Let her go for now. We have something planned for her and my brother only." The group teleports back to Johnny's house to lay low for the next couple of months. Lyn hugs Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Hanzo thinking something was going to happen to them, "I'm so glad nothing happened to you guys I was so scared. For now on we are in this together not apart I couldn't take the whole phone thing." Johnny advises, "Okay for now on no one goes alone anywhere by themselves we all have a buddy that we can go with as well as keeping an eye on Lyn if she needs help with tasks." Later on, everyone is brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed, Lyn is in her pajamas walking to get water. She is trying to process what happened until Tomas walks up to her from behind and scares her, "Oh my goodness Tomas you scared me." Tomas feels bad, "I'm sorry Lyn I didn't mean to scare you. Are you going to bed?" Lyn answers, "Yes I am I'm scared to sleep after what happened." Tomas tells her, "Don't be I'll sleep next to you." Lyn hops in bed and sleeps next to Tomas while Hanzo decides to crash into her room, "Can I spend the night in here? I don't want to be alone." Lyn says, "Sure." He brings his pillows and sheets with him and crashes on the floor. Everyone else is seen sleeping in the living room except for Kuai Liang who decided to sleep in Lyn's room to make sure nothing happens.

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