Chapter 16: A Full House

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Lyn's alarm goes off and sees all three of the Shirai Ryu men sleeping in her bedroom before going downstairs, she brushes her teeth so her breath smells nice looking at her five month pregnant belly. She laughs quietly so she doesn't wake anyone up and goes downstairs to make food. Lyn grabs a pan, a couple of eggs, pack of bacon, and potatoes to make breakfast. Johnny goes downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee and sees Lyn getting the food out of the fridge and freezer, "Hey Lyn. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!! Let me help you." Lyn sees Johnny, "Oh hey Johnny I'm going to make breakfast want to help me?" Johnny accepts the offer by turning on the stove and the oven for the potatoes and bacon. Lyn grabs a bowl and starts cracking the eggs in half, she throws the egg shells in the trash, washes her hands, and starts using a mixer to mix the eggs. As everyone is asleep, Kuai Liang hears noise coming from downstairs and smells something bitter, "Uhhh what is that awful smell?" He can smell it from where he was standing. He brushes his teeth in the bathroom, Kuai Liang goes downstairs to see who is making noises and sees Johnny and Lyn making breakfast. Lyn sees him up, "Good morning Scorpion." he greets her back, "Good morning Lyn." Johnny makes his coffee and goes to watch the stove so the potatoes don't burn, Lyn asks both Johnny and Kuai Liang, "How did you both sleep?" Johnny answers, "I slept pretty good. What about you?" Kuai Liang complains for a moment, "I didn't sleep well because my back started hurting since I slept on the floor with no sheets to cover my feet. Luckily it's not cold because I would've felt it on my feet. Hanzo wasn't cold because he had a blanket and Tomas slept on the bed." Lyn told him, "Kuai I would've told Tomas to scoot over so you can sleep on the bed." She walks up towards him staring into his eyes by grabbing his shoulder, " you want to help us?" Kuai asks her, "What kind of help?" He asks looking into her beautiful dark red eyes, Lyn responds, "With breakfast silly? Did you refer benefits? You're funny Kuai it's kind of cute." Johnny looks at her, "Awe that's adorable" he says flipping the potatoes. Kuai raises his eyebrow at Johnny, "So you think we are cute together?" Johnny doesn't sugarcoat, "Uh yeah. Have you seen how you act around her? You're always nervous and your touching her pregnant stomach with affection." Kuai tells him, "Johnny you're lucky Lyn is standing in front of me." Johnny asks, "Wait why?" Lyn stays silent knowing Kuai Liang looked a little irritated, Kuai Liang tells him in response, "I will take you to the Netherrealm if you said a word about this to anyone no one will bring you back." with a glare in his eyes. Johnny turns around not saying a word, "Okay note to self do not make you upset just to be funny or no reason at all." Lyn looks at Johnny snickers, she starts to hold his hand for a second to give him a kiss on the cheek until Johnny interrupts, "Hey lovebird can you start making the eggs please? They aren't going to make themselves." Lyn snickers, "I'll be right there" she says holding his hand, "So will I see you?" Kuai Liang tells her, "Yes I will be back im going to go workout with Tomas and Hanzo. We have to stay strong." Lyn knows, "Yeah you're right okay I'm going to make the eggs go make yourself strong" she says with a smile on her face. He walks upstairs to wake up Tomas and Hanzo ready so they can workout outside as Lyn makes scrambled eggs. As Johnny and Lyn get done with breakfast, Raiden, Kung Lao, and Kenshi wake up and smell the food coming from downstairs in the kitchen. The three of them brush their teeth and go downstairs to see Johnny and Lyn put the breakfast food on the table. Kenshi is amazed, "Johnny I want to think that you did this all by yourself but you didn't since you had some help." Lyn tells him, "Yeah you could say I had some help but anyways guys come eat before it gets cold." As they are ready to sit down, Kuai Liang, Hanzo, and Tomas walk in sweaty since they were doing hand to hand combat, she smells all three of them and is disgusted, "Eww what is that smell? Oh it's all three of you! Go take a shower you all smell bad!" Tomas persuaded her, "No don't send us in the shower. We don't smell that bad! I promise you let us eat before we shower please?" Johnny tells Tomas, "Might want to do as the lady says you three do smell bad." The three Shirai Ryu members go get new clothes to take a shower. While everyone grabs their food, Lyn goes to check up on Kuai Liang after sending them all to the shower, she walks up to the door and knocks, "Hey Kuai Liang it's me Lyn may I come in?" Kuai opens the door to let her in, she walks in and sees his upper body completely showing with his six pack on full display. Lyn is amazed, "Oh never mind it can wait." She turns around to leave but Kuai Liang stops her by grabbing her hand, "I'm sorry I'll put a shirt on. How are the little ones doing in there?" He puts his hand on her belly to hear their heartbeats. Lyn puts her hand on top of his, he looks at her like she wanted him to stop but doesn't, "You know this is wrong" he says with sexual tension. Lyn gets turned on, "But it feels so right. Want to pick up where we left off?" they begin to kiss intensely. The two exit the bathroom and head to the bed. Both of them lay on the bed with Lyn on top kissing Kuai's chest. Kuai stops for a moment, " it safe to do this? You're five months pregnant and I don't want you or the children to get hurt." Lyn reconsiders, "Maybe you're right we should stop." The two head downstairs to get food and to their surprise they see Tomas and Hanzo downstairs. Hanzo teases the both of them, "You both made a lot of noise. How did it go?" Johnny starts laughing, "Kid you can't keep things to yourself." Lyn tells them, "Oh you heard that? Well just proves the walls aren't that thick." The two of them join the others in eating and fill their plates with food. Lyn is glad that the three Shirai Ryu men shower so she doesn't have to deal with the filthy stink.

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