Chapter 17: The Third Trimester

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Lyn plants flowers and vegetables in Johnny's backyard. Tomas sees Lyn from inside and sees she is struggling to get up due to being seven months pregnant, he pulls the door aggressively and runs to aide Lyn, "Lyn are you okay? I know you like gardening but you're seven months pregnant you can't keep pushing yourself like this. You have to sit as well as I don't know read a book I will help you garden." Lyn appreciates the kind gesture as he helps her up, "Oh thank you Tomas you are so sweet. Where are Raiden and Kung Lao when you need them? Too bad they are back in Fengji." He liked to garden since his mother and father taught him before they were murdered by the Lin Kuei and the grandmaster took him in. Kuai Liang sees Tomas and Lyn outside talking to each other, Johnny sees him staring at them, "So you're worried about her still? None of us are going to judge you for banging her besides I wouldn't be surprised if you asked her out." Kuai is astounded, "Wait ask her out? Also why would you guys judge me for banging Lyn? I know you guys heard it from the table two months ago but none of you said anything? Why?" Johnny gets honest, "Well dude I'm gonna be real when you do it with someone and you hear it you don't talk about it besides it's a judgement free zone. Again I think you are perfect for her regardless of what's happened. Your brother's feelings for her faded away since he doesn't talk about her anymore unless he hasn't told us anything then again I can't read minds." Kuai responds to johnny, "Well yeah I love Lyn and would anything for her and our children. I give her food, I massage her back and would help her bathe if she needs to but most of the time she's by herself but I stay near the bathroom door in case she has an accident." Johnny sits on the couch by teasing him, "Awe Kuai that is so sweet that you would do anything for her. You're such a good partner she appreciates you and has told me about you a lot. She did tell me that she would choose you anytime don't tell her that I told you. Just ask her out she will say yes." Lyn and Tomas open the door and walk inside from gardening the backyard, Johnny looks at Scorpion, "There she is ask her!" Kuai looks at Johnny and glances at Lyn. His gut starts feeling weird like he has butterflies in his stomach, he looks at Johnny nervous, "Johnny Cage what have you gotten me into? My stomach is starting to feel weird as well as my heart and it won't stop." Hanzo walks in the living room to get more water, his master sees his student to ask him for help, "Hanzo Lyn is coming over here what should I do? Should I ask her out since she is walking this way with my brother?" Hanzo replies, "Master why are you worried you like her right? I would ask her out. Her and Master Tomas aren't going to get back together she told me as well as he did. Beside he is seeing someone else why not ask her out? They are just friends he was helping her outside gardening since she can't do stuff on her own due to her being seven months pregnant." Kuai thinks about what his former student said and agrees, "You know what Hanzo and Johnny? You both are right I'm going to ask her out since we've liked each other for a while." Lyn is about to walk past Kuai Liang until he calls her name, "Hey Lyn can I talk to you for a second?" Lyn looks at Tomas as he tells her, "I'll see you in a couple minutes Lyn I have to use the restroom." Smoke walks away and Lyn's attention is on Kuai Liang, she stares at him while he is nervous, "Kuai Liang are you okay? You seem nervous about something." Johnny and Hanzo look at him worried not knowing what to do until Lyn puts her hands on opposite sides of his face to calm him down. He forgets what he is worried about and tells her, "Lyn I have told you in the past that I have feelings for you and I would risk my life for you and our children to give you all a normal life. I fell madly in love with you since the day we met which was before I married my ex-wife but I realize that the real love of my life is right in front of me so I have one thing to ask. Will you go out with me?" Lyn stops and answers, "Kuai Liang yes I would love to go out with you. It's not because we are having children together I can tell you really care for me which is very considerate. I would risk my life for you and our kids you mean the world to me." Lyn feels both babies kicking, "Whoa!!! The babies kicked." Kuai gasps and puts his hand on her pregnant belly to feel the movement. Hanzo wants to put his hand on her stomach to which she agrees, "Be gentle Hanzo the last thing I need is stress on the babies." Tomas walks out of the bathroom and sees everyone putting their hands on Lyn stomach which concerns him, "Wait Lyn what happened is something wrong?" Lyn tells him, "No Tomas nothing is wrong I am okay everyone wanted to put their hands on my stomach because they wanted to feel the babies kick." Tomas stops worrying and goes back to the backyard to admire both their hard work. Lyn tells Kuai while trying to sit herself down on the couch, "I meant to tell you that I really like is painting as well as dancing but not like the break dancing type of thing it's more of ballet along with nature plus video games. What do you like?" Kuai stands there with Johnny standing beside him, "Umm I like nature just like you do and painting. Have you made an origami before? How do you garden? Another thing what is this console called the Wii?" Lyn tells him stunned by his response, "I don't make origami's a lot but I should make more. Gardening is pretty easy you grab some seeds whether it being flower seeds or vegetables. Lastly the Wii is a console to where you play games I haven't ragequit while playing and I never will." Kuai Liang asks Lyn, "What does the term ragequit mean?" Johnny answers, "Oh ragequitting is where you get mad at a game and cause damage to objects such as a TV or a table stuff like that. I ragequit last week and broke one of the Wii remotes I had to replace it by ordering another one." Kuai tells Johnny by whispering, "I hope she doesn't do that because if she does I'm blaming you." Johnny replies, "Okay dude deal. You two should at least have a romantic dinner at some point." Lyn sits there a little irritated, "Guys I can't wait for the babies to come out since it's starting to become a hassle for me to daily activities. It's hard for me to get up and now I have to wear house shoes when I go outside since I can't wear real shoes" she says laughing about it. Kuai Liang helps her from the couch so she can get up and go to her bedroom and take a nap, he takes her to her room so she can sleep for a little bit. As he takes her to the room and puts her in the bed, Lyn advises him to stay, "Kuai Liang can you stay? I don't want to be alone." Kuai decided to stay and lays down with her, he asks, "Lyn do you think the children will end up like you or me? Are there more stuff that we have in common?" Lyn thinks and answers, "Of course! I know for a fact we love to stay in shape as well as socialize you have gotten better at it. You're not a big party person I'm not either and you started to watch anime lately same with me and it's better than actual TV." Kuai is satisfied with his answer and feels like he made the right choice by asking Lyn out. The two of them lay in the bed together and share a passionate kiss with each other while she has her hands on his biceps and his hands wrapped around her hips.

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