Chapter 8: Processing The News

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The four of them look at Lyn in shock after finding out she's pregnant. Scorpion has tears in his eyes, "No that's not possible." Lyn doesn't lie to him, "Kuai Liang it's real." Scorpion can't process it, "I don't know what to do. I thought I was careful! You said you couldn't get pregnant since you're an immortal dragon." Everyone gasps except as Tomas says aggressively, "Lyn first you cheat on me with my brother and now you're carrying his child? You didn't say anything about being immortal and that you can have kids I thought you couldn't. I haven't been this upset in my life." Tomas punches Kuai Liang across the face as he falls to the ground, "I can't believe you I trusted you with my life I feel hurt and betrayed by you." Lyn tells Smoke, "Do not hit him there is no point." he turns his head to look at Lyn angry. Johnny never knew she was immortal, "'re an immortal dragon? How is that possible? I thought immortals couldn't have children." Lyn starts crying of not knowing what to do. Johnny walks up to her, "Hey Lyn it's okay. Well it wasn't okay that you cheated on Tomas but at least you know you're sorry for it. I'm going to help you get through this." Tomas thinks to himself for a moment and agrees, "He's right Lyn. We aren't going to leave you. I noticed Kuai Liang brings out something in you that I couldn't. Brother I'm sorry for punching you it wasn't the answer." Scorpion puts his hand on his shoulder, "It's okay brother do not be sorry I deserved it. If I was in your shoes and you and Harumi did this without me knowing I would be upset too." Hanzo even agrees to help her with raising the child. "I'll help you too and we will protect you." Scorpion promises her, "I won't leave you not only is this your child, this is my child, it's our child and I'm going to be there for him or her." Lyn wipes her tears away starting to feel better, "Thank you. Tomas I'm really sorry for hurting you."Tomas has something to admit, "Lyn I should tell you something to I haven't been quite honest with you either I'm sorry. I accidentally kissed someone behind your back." Everyone looks at Tomas very upset he didn't tell anyone sooner. Lyn forgives him, "Tomas I actually deserve that after what I did. We may never get back together but just know I'm not mad at you." Smoke is relieved to be Lyn's friend. Hanzo looks at Lyn and asks, "So since you're pregnant does that mean I'm get a sibling?" Kuai Liang and Lyn don't knowing how to answer that, "I mean yeah technically speaking. Biologically speaking no since you aren't blood related." Hanzo continues, "Oh cool I can't wait! I hope it's a boy so him and I can spar together!" Lyn asks him, "But what if it was a girl?" Hanzo responds, "Well if it's a girl I honestly wouldn't mind it. She'll definitely be stronger than me or she'll be just like you I'm not sure about the abilities who knows. I'm happy for you." Kuai Liang turns his head towards Lyn and gives her a smile as well as Tomas. Johnny and the other are happy that she isn't crying anymore, "There's that smile." Johnny tells her. Lyn looks at Kuai Liang, "Well I have been craving dumplings for a little bit since you guys first arrived. I was wondering if one of you guys can make some but I can make them it's okay." Scorpion and Smoke tell her, "No! I'll make it for you" they say in unison. Both brothers race to the kitchen to grab the pan from underneath and the dumplings in the freezer to make for Lyn. The both of them realize that racing over who gets done first isn't the answer,  "Tomas we shouldn't be racing we should be working together to make these for her." Tomas stops, "Your right brother we should be working together not against each other." Both brothers make up to make Lyn dumplings so she can eat. As they are done in the kitchen, Tomas puts the plate of dumplings on the counter for everyone to eat while Kuai Liang makes Lyn a plate to which he hands her and begins eating.

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