Chapter 13: Two months in

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On an afternoon walk, Lyn walks in the woods as her hair flows through the wind. Kuai Liang and Smoke see her and worry no one is watching her, "Is she all alone? If so, she shouldn't be by herself." Kuai looking at his brother as Smoke reminds him, "She will be okay. Lyn has learned how to defend herself she learned how to fight and be a warrior like father. He is the reason why she knows how to use majority of our weapons." Kuai Liang starts to relax, "I understand but she shouldn't be out there alone since our brother could be watching. If Harumi knew about this she would flip." Tomas comforts him, "Brother...we are all going to help her it's alright. She hasn't had a checkup for the baby yet maybe we should go to Johnny and ask him. Harumi would want you to move on and be happy that's all she wants from you." Lyn is walking until she hears something from a distance she turns around to see who it is and sees no one. She keeps walking until the sound gets closer and starts running, she keeps running until someone grabs her and falls to the ground. Lyn fights back until the person pulls his hood back and is revealed to be Johnny, Kung Lao, and Raiden messing with her, "Guys really? You both scared me! Don't do that again!" She hyperventilates until she passes out. Johnny, Kung Lao, and Raiden realize what they did and take her back to the temple. Once they have arrived, all of them ask to see the grandmaster, "We would like to see the Grandmaster it's an emergency." Raiden says as the soldiers take them to see Kuai Liang, they made sure to cover her pregnant stomach. The door opens with Raiden yelling, "Grandmaster!" Kuai Liang and Smoke see who it is, "Thank you give us a moment please?" They go to her bedroom and lay her on her bed, "We need a moment alone." The guards close the door so they can get privacy. Smoke stays with Lyn while Kuai Liang asks the three of them, "What happened to her?" Johnny and Kung Lao stutter as Raiden speaks up for all of them, "Grandmaster....both Johnny and Kung Lao thought it would be funny to mess with her by scaring her I was in on it too." Smoke listens upset after hearing what Raiden said, "I told them it wasn't a good idea but they did it anyway. I carried her back it was the right thing to do." Kuai Liang looks at the three of them, "You three are lucky that she isn't showing yet. I can't believe you guys tried to scare her again after last time." Kung Lao looks at him confused, "Wait what happened last time?" Smoke doesn't want to answer, "Well she was walking by herself as usual until Hanzo thought it was a good idea to sneak up on her." Johnny says out loud, "Oh that's why she was attacking me and used all of her might to break free." Scorpion looks at Johnny to ask him for a favor, "Johnny I need you to do something for me. When you go back to your place can Lyn go with you for a doctors appointment for the baby?" Johnny is honored by the request, "Of course! I'll take her she just has to spend the next couple of months with me." Scorpion and Smoke agree so she is safe. After their talk, Lyn wakes up and sees the five of them standing there, "Ohh what happened?" Johnny tells her, "Well Kung Lao, Raiden and I thought it would be funny to scare you but we realized it was a mistake. You were hysterically crying and hyperventilating for the past couple of minutes until you passed out. We made sure nothing happened to you and the child and you both were breathing so Raiden carried you back to the temple. We walked with him and told the Grandmaster that you were unconscious and took you to your bedroom plus you might have to live with me for the next couple of months for a pregnancy check up and here we are." Smoke stares at Johnny for a little bit, "Are you finished?" Johnny replies, "Yeah I'm done." Lyn looks at Scorpion and Smoke confused. Smoke tells her, "Lyn we need you to stay at Johnny's place for a little bit it's for the best." Lyn tells them, "But your brother Bi-Han is still out there what if he knows about that I'm carrying your brother's child?" Smoke assures her, "No he doesn't know and we are going to keep it that way. We promise nothing will happen to you." Lyn agrees and packs her things for a couple of months so she can stay with Johnny for the time being. She arrives to his place expecting a normal house but sees his mansion for the first time and is in awe of how big it is, "Wow!!!! This is beautiful!!!" Johnny says, "Right?? It's a big place with a bedroom all to yourself as well as a shower." She is excited to see the inside, right as they walk in, she sees Geras greeting the both of them, "Welcome back you two." Johnny and Lyn walk in the door with her stuff. She stares off into space for a moment and realizes that Smoke and Scorpion aren't by her side. Johnny Cage sees her with tears streaming down her face, "Hey. It's alright. I know it's hard and it's a big change but the guys will be alright after all they are Shirai Ryu." Lyn feels a little bit better after Johnny tells her that, Geras chimes in, "Johnny Cage is right you should trust what he is saying. It is wise of him and keep doing what you have been doing before in keeping yourself healthy." Lyn wipes her tears as she admits to Johnny, "I feel so bad for cheating on Tomas, Kung Lao was right and I didn't want to admit it until now!" Johnny stands there comforting her, "Look I'm not upset with you. Smoke isn't either not even Kuai Liang don't beat yourself up for it." Gears comforts her, "Lyn. You are the writer of your story it is your path that you choose. Just know that you can admit to your mistakes and move forward." Lyn looks at Geras and takes his word for it. Johnny admits, "Well it's a good thing that we are discussing this because while you were asleep Lyn I taught the brothers how to use electronic devices." Lyn looks at him, "Wait you taught them how to use a phone? How did you do it?" Johnny assures her, "Oh nothing too big I just taught them how to answer by pressing certain buttons. I put their numbers in your phone so you can talk to them whenever you feel lonely." Lyn thanks Johnny, "Thank you Johnny!! You have no idea how grateful I am for you! You too Geras. You made me feel better." Geras shows his gratitude towards, "Of course Lyn. When Johnny is gone for his movie shootings or any type of vacations I will watch you." Lyn feels a little better after getting it off of her chest . Geras tells her not to worry, "You shouldn't worry and be upset like that since it's bad for the child." Johnny makes her comfortable on the couch and offers her water and food. Lyn's phone starts ringing and sees that it's Tomas calling her and answers, "Hello?" Tomas hears Lyn on the other line, "Hello Lyn can you hear me?" Lyn responds with, "Yeah I can. How are you doing?" Smoke doesn't know what to say at first, "Oh....well....I'm doing pretty good I'm sweaty from working out. How are you?" Lyn responds, "I'm good. Im sitting on the couch with Johnny and Geras they were talking to me about how I can move on from my mistakes after everything I put everyone through. I'm just glad that you forgive me I just want to know if we are ready to give it another try or we just stay separated." Tomas tells her, "Well it's just the fact that we were engaged and I was ready to settle down with you and have kids but you and my brother were together behind my back and now your having his kid. It makes me feel like I don't deserve you!" Lyn came to the realization that she messed up, "I do and I was thinking about it a lot with Johnny and Geras just now and even a month ago as well. You had all of this time to just move on to be with someone else who makes you happy. Why do you forgive me after everything that I put you through? It doesn't change the fact you cheated on me either." Tomas thinks about his answer as Kuai Liang walks in and sees Smoke talking to Lyn on the phone and comforts him, "I'm really sorry to put you through this brother part of this is my fault. I take full responsibility." Tomas starts crying because he wants to get closure from the damage that has been inflicted upon him. Lyn hears him crying and cries with him, "Smoke. You will always hold a place in my heart no matter what." Johnny gets up from the couch to give her tissues and Geras gives her a pillow to squeeze. Scorpion hugs his brother tight, "I'm going to make things right. Can you please mute it for a second?" He whispers to him, "Once the baby arrives, I need you, her, and Hanzo to get far away from the Shirai Ryu Temple as possible." Tomas looks at him, "But what about you? The child is going to need you! You are his or her father." Kuai Liang tells Tomas, "I understand I need you to promise me if I don't make it and Bi-Han kills me or anyone else, they have you. I'm doing this for you." Tomas assures him, "I promise. I know you still have feelings for her and that's okay. Are you sure you can take Sub-Zero by yourself? He might know about Lyn since something is off with one of our male initiates." Kuai Liang considers that he could be right. Tomas looks at his brother and asks him, "Can I unmute Lyn now? She might be lonely."  Kuai Liang gives him the okay, "Sure but just don't tell her anything we just talked about." Smoke nods his heads and unmutes Lyn and asks her, "Hello Lyn you still there?" Lyn tells him, "Yeah I am. I'm glad we are talking again Smoke it's just been hard after what I've done. But you didn't answer my question as to why you forgive me." Smoke gives her his answer, "Well the reason why I forgive you is because you're truthful and you weren't willing to hide anything at all. I could tell there was something off because he usually goes to me not anyone else which came as a shock to me. I loved you for how strong and confident you are and admired your beauty. Your compassion for others is what mainly drawn me to you, for my brother it's the same thing but I'm not sure if it's deeper than that I haven't asked him. I'm having you stay with Johnny because we don't know if our brother is going to attack and we don't want him to know about you." Lyn was taken aback by his response, "Thank you for that. I'm happy that we are all on the same page about this topic. I hope Bi-Han doesn't find out about my pregnancy and that it's his brother's kid. With everything Ive done, I had to learn to forgive myself which is a big step I hope you understand that." Tomas assures her, "He won't that's why I sent you to Johnny place for the next couple of months. I feel forgiveness is a big thing when it comes with something like this I'm glad you took that into consideration." Lyn asks him, "Your right. Where's your brother?" Tomas told her, "Oh he's training everyone to the bone right now and Hanzo is working up a sweat. I'll call you later tonight." Lyn tells him, "Okay I'll talk to you later. Bye." They both hang up on each other and feel a lot of relief after what they talked about. Lyn looks at Johnny and Geras and are very proud of her. Later that night after making all the trainees tired, Kuai Liang is seen walking in the hallway to go take a shower, after he is done, he grabs the phone that Smoke used to call Lyn and decides to call her, she picks up the phone, "Hello? Hey Smoke what's up?" Kuai Liang admits, "Hey Lyn this isn't Tomas. It's me Kuai Liang." She freezes and stutters, "Oh...hey.....umm what's up? I thought you were Smoke for a second. He was on the phone with me earlier if you were next to him or you were just wondering." Kuai Liang stands there in silence, "Um brother I don't know how to start up a conversation or ask her how she is doing." Smoke starts laughing and tells him, "Just check up on her on how she is doing and how she is liking Johnny's place. Be sure to ask if she is having any trouble with contractions." Kuai Liang is embarrassed to ask her, "So out of curiosity did you start having contractions?" Lyn thinks about his response, "Oh not really. I read somewhere that I'm not suppose to be getting those until later on in pregnancy around the end of the second trimester going into the third. I do know for a fact that I'm looking at baby names right now so if it's a boy I'm naming him KJ (Kuai Johnny) and if it's a girl Harumi named after your late wife." He hears his late wife's name as tears begin to dwell up in his eyes. Lyn heard him crying and starts to worry, "Scorpion are you okay? I'm sorry for mentioning her name im not trying to hurt you by saying her name and would never replace anyone..I wanted to name our kid after her because she holds a place in our hearts." Kuai Liang wipes his tears and expresses how he feels, "Lyn how could I be mad? I want to remember her and I would love to have our daughter named after her." Lyn smiles, "Okay I'll name her after Harumi if it's a girl. I hear her heartbeat I know you will be a great father. I'm going to go to my check up in the next couple of weeks. I have to get some rest I'll call you later." Kuai Liang agrees and both of them hang up the phone. Johnny looks at her, "So you and him getting along? That's good at least you both would be great parents." Lyn smiles and looks at Johnny, "Thank you Johnny and Geras for making me feel better." Johnny and Geras show their gratitude towards Lyn. Later that night, Lyn gets ready for bed after moving into Johnny's home and lays there until she can sleep but hears something from the kitchen. She gets out of bed and grabs her staff to see who broke into her home by walking directly into the hallway cautiously and hides for a moment. She sees a person wearing a hood. Lyn sneaks up on the unknown figure and attacks with all of her might until she grabs them by the hood and reveals to be Kung Lao. She was startled, "Kung Lao?! Why are you in a hood and what are you doing in Johnny's house? This is the second time you have done this!" Kung Lao responds, "Oh Johnny invited me just for fun really sorry for scaring you just now. I gotta admit you're pretty strong." Johnny and Geras both see Lyn and Kung Lao in the living room for some reason but we're stunned to see all of the damage they both created. Johnny gets upset, "What happened? Kung Lao why did you have to scare Lyn like that? That's not cool! Both of you go back to bed." Lyn and Kung Lao go back to bed and wait until they both got tired so they can forget what happened. In Japan, Kuai Liang thinks about his conversation with Lyn and starts to worry about her. Smoke looks at his brother and asks, "Are you worried about her? It's okay if you are I am too. She is with Geras and Johnny nothing will happen to her I promise." Kuai Liang looks at his brother, "Tomas, im so sorry I betrayed you I deserve what is happening." His brother holds back his tears, "Kuai do not deserve bad things to happen to you. You should know this but I cheated first not Lyn if anything I should be ashamed of myself and be the one to apologize and move on not her." Scorpion tells him, "We will talk about this in the morning right now you need to rest we can call her tomorrow if that's okay." The brothers both agree to call Lyn tomorrow to talk to her about their conversation that they had.

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