Chapter 9: Telling Raiden

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A month has passed since Lyn found out she was pregnant. At the village, Scorpion goes to visit Raiden and Kung Lao. He knocks on the door and sees Raiden's sister answer the door, "Hello are Raiden and Kung Lao home? I need to speak with them it's urgent." Raiden's sister calls her brother and Kung Lao, "Hey Raiden. Kung Lao you both have a visitor." They both show up to the door and are surprised to see Kuai Liang, Raiden greets him, "Hello grandmaster. How are you?" Kuai Liang answers, "I am doing well. How about the both of you?" Raiden hears about what happened at the festival, "I was wondering since your wife Harumi passed away. We are both really sorry for your loss." Scorpion appreciates the thought, "Thank you both. May I come in? I have something important to tell you regarding Lyn." The both of them look at each other. Kung Lao says worryingly, "Wait Lyn isn't...dead is she?" Scorpion tells him to not worry, "No she isn't dead she's perfectly fine." The both of them sigh in relief Raiden looks at Scorpion and asks him, "Okay well what happened to her? She's not in any kind of trouble is she?" Scorpion responds, "No. Well to put it this way, her pregnant." Kung Lao looks at him in disbelief, "Excuse me?!?! You've gotten her pregnant?!?! But she's engaged to your brother isn't she?!?!" Scorpion explains everything, "Well yeah well they were until her and I had an intimate moment. My brother knows and is willing to help her in anyway he can aside from me, Johnny, and Hanzo." Kung Lao and Raiden process the situation. Raiden's sister isn't of any help, "Oh my gosh she's pregnant?? Wow congrats to the both of you!" Raiden tells his sister, "Sister Kuai Liang got her pregnant and they aren't together she cheated on his Tomas with him." She reconsiders it, "Ohh that's bad. Wow so what are you both gonna do?" Scorpion replies, "I'm not going to have her get rid of it, I want her to keep it since it doesn't seem right to just give him or her away." They all thought it was a good idea he made that decision, "Your right it makes sense to do that." Raiden's sister seemed relieved. Back at Johnny's place, Hanzo, Tomas, and Johnny all help Lyn looki up baby clothes and baby food online. She starts having cravings, "I want pistachio ice cream for some reason." Johnny gives a funny look at Tomas and Hanzo. Tomas agrees, "Okay I'll get you the pistachio ice cream that's in the fridge." Smoke walks towards the fridge. Raiden teleports with Kung Lao, his sister, and Scorpion at his side and see Lyn sitting there, "Hey Lyn. How are you holding up? Kuai Liang told us everything." She sees Raiden greeting him with kindness, "Hello Raiden I'm doing well how are you? How much of "everything" did he tell you?" Raiden tells her, "Everything as in everything. I know you feel bad for what has happened and I can't blame you if I was in your position I would've felt awful." Lyn sits there on the couch, "Yes I do there is no bad blood between the three of us I assure you." Kung Lao wasn't convinced geting upset with Lyn, "Lyn you don't feel bad at all!! I can tell from just looking on your face that you fell for Kuai Liang more than your ex fiancé Smoke!! You wanted to have the grandmaster's kid didn't you? It was your plan! You hurt Smoke if I was him I wouldn't have forgiven you at all!! You don't even want this baby I guarantee it." Kung Lao aggressively walks towards her until Kuai Liang defends her "Kung Lao that's enough. You are hurting her she's been through enough I am as guilty as she is." Tomas turns around to see what is happening. Scorpion has an angry look in his eyes, "You will not hurt her let alone near her, this is my baby she is carrying." Tomas is shocked to see Kung Lao get upset, "Wow I've never seen him this upset." standing there shocked. He was listening to the whole conversation between him and Lyn while in the kitchen, "You know what Kung Lao? Your right! She didn't make great choices by sleeping with my brother or by lying to me. I made a mistake by kissing another person without her knowing and that's on me! Aside from that, I had intercourse with her behind everyone's back. I hear you loud and clear! But we realize that we were never meant to each other and we have to live with that everyday. After everything that's happened, I'm not going to abandon her. I still care about her I love her but I'm not in love with her. I came to terms with that and so has she. Lyn deserves my brother so I'm sorry that you're not going to see me and my brother fight over her affection!" Kung Lao couldn't believe what Smoke told him. He keeps his mouth shut and go upstairs to cool off. Raiden apologizes, "I'm really sorry about his behavior." Scorpion knows he means well, "It's okay Raiden I understand he just wanted to defend my brother that's all." Lyn starts to have tears in her eyes, "Kuai Liang, I want to have this baby. I feel it's the right thing to do." He looks at her, "Wait really? Wow that's amazing I can't wait to be a dad especially if it's unexpected." Everyone comforts Lyn since she was going through it. Kung Lao decides to go downstairs and apologize, "Look I'm sorry for my behavior, Lyn looks at Kung Lao, "Kung Lao don't waste your breath I know you were telling the truth. You were just doing right by Tomas I would've done the same." The both of them are glad they are on the same page. Johnny looks at the tub of ice cream that Tomas is going to give Lyn, "Damn girl!! Pistachio ice cream?! In that big tub??? Now that's a mood! Can I join?" Lyn says, "Sure you can all join." They all decide to sit with her on the couch and eat ice cream to make themselves feel better.

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