I think i've seen this film before

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"Alora wake up for god sake! We're going to be late for breakfast!"

Imelda Reyes shouted at me from the door. Opening one eye I groaned in response to her yelling, she took that as her queue to leave without me. I never imagined I'd have an angry Scottish girl as my alarm clock, yet here we are.

The reflection of the sun shone through the black lake and into my window on that cool September morning, casting a blueish hue across the room. Hopefully it would be a nice day today. I was awoken even more by the sound of the girls in my dorm rushing to get ready for first day of 7th year.

"Does this skirt go better with this tie?"
"Have you seen my hairbrush!"

I shared a dorm with Violet McDowell, Priscilla Wakefield and of course, Imelda. We all got along quite well really, as much as Imelda could be a bitch, we did actually become quite close after fifth year. Violet and Priscilla were the best of friends and so popular with everyone, but mostly with the boys. You could find them together almost everywhere, but all in all I really enjoyed sharing a room with them these past few years.

I quickly got a shower and made some sort of effort with myself as it was the first day back after the summer break. I put on my grey pleated skirt, just above the knee, black tights, a white shirt, my green plaid blazer, matching tie and black shoes. My hair resembled a lions mane so I gave it a brush, trying my best to keep it tamed and decided to add a bit of makeup. I had to look semi presentable at least. Luckily Violet and Priscilla had waited for me, so we all headed to the great hall together for breakfast.

Walking into the great hall I was instantly hit with the smells of fresh pastries, full English and fruits of all kind. It always amazed me how good the food was in this place.

"Guys over here!"

Over the commotion of the room we clocked Imelda shouting us from the Slytherin table, so we all took a seat with her and some of her quidditch team mates.

"I saved you some pancakes before they ran out, don't say I never do anything nice for you"

Imelda winked as she pushed the plate over to me.

"Thank you Imelda I'm absolutely starving this morning"

I smiled back as I started to tuck in.

Minding my own business eating my pancakes, I overheard Violet and Priscilla gossiping between themselves which was nothing new, until I heard something that struck a chord within me.

"Have you heard about Adelaide Oaks? Apparently she was spotted kissing Sallow in the courtyard"
"That's nothing new to me, I heard he went to Hogsmeade with Samantha Dale"

I immediately lost my appetite after hearing this. I tried to not make it obvious because I was clearly not meant to hear the conversation in the first place. His name alone made me feel weird. He never spoke to me after fifth year, after everything I'd done for him, after everything we'd been through, it was like he turned into a ghost. We last spoke at the end of the year, then after that he left Hogwarts for a few months. When he came back something was different, he never gave me an explanation as to why he stopped speaking to me, but I wasn't going to make myself look like an idiot trying to make an effort with him. He stopped looking in my direction completely now.

During sixth year he made his reputation known for being a player. He'd grown rather tall, towering over most people in the school now. His shoulders had gotten broader and his arms had gotten bigger which meant his shirts now fit him perfectly, you could tell he was the athletic type. His freckles reminded me of a constellation scattered across his olive tone skin, complimented by curls of chocolate that sat immaculately on his head. All the girls in school could agree on how attractive he was and boy did he know it too. I always tried to ignore how it made me feel, hearing about him with other girls. We had nothing to do with each other anymore and that was it, but it never made it any easier.

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