Forbidden tryst

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It was now Wednesday, the days were going by so fast I couldn't believe it. I had Herbology first with Professor Garlick, I really enjoyed this subject it was one of my favourite lessons. It was lightly raining this morning. The sound of the rain dropping on the greenhouse was music to my ears, it was so relaxing hearing the water hitting the glass roof of the greenhouse, I could listen to it all day. It made the atmosphere very soothing.

"Alora! Welcome my dear, please pick a pot!"

Professor Garlick was just a ray of sunshine on this gloomy day, I loved her as a teacher. She was so beautiful as well, her lengthy auburn locks were to die for!

"Good morning Professor, thank you" I smiled

The greenhouse was just filling up with the rest of the students as I got there. I noticed Ominis was stood by himself, so I took the pot next to him.

"Hey Ominis"
"Oh hello Alora, how have you been?"
"I'm okay thank you, and yourself?"
"Yes, I'm quite well thank you"

I could sense that the boy was acting a bit off with me, but wasn't sure why?

"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I've just been having a bit of trouble with you know what" he said discreetly

I knew exactly what. I wasn't going to lie, I was a bit annoyed he still hadn't found a way to tell Sebastian yet. But I suppose right now it didn't matter, we weren't that close at the moment, so we didn't need to tell him right now.

"Well I've got a 'date' with him tomorrow, but we still have time. For now"
"Just keep doing what you're doing, please. I've never seen him so full of life, it's like he's back at the start of fifth year all over again"

His reply made me happy but sad at the same time. This was so confusing for me, my emotions have never been so mixed in my entire life.

"Anyway enough about him, I have a question for you!"
"Oh Merlin what is it?" The boy said sarcastically
"What are your thoughts on Poppy Sweeting?"

The boys eyes widened at my question, I swear I saw him squirm a little too. His cheeks threatened to turn a shade of pink before me.

"Why would you ask that?" He said nervously
"Just answer my question will you"
"Well, I think she's a nice girl. Her voice is calming and makes me feel at ease when I'm around her. She's petite as well, which makes me think she's cute."

Poppy was right, he was sweet. I was surprised he actually opened up about her with me. He hasn't been like that with me in two years. A sense of nostalgia washed over me the more often we started speaking.

"Excellent" I beamed at him
"Excellent? Why excellent? Alora, what have you done?"
"Will you calm down! I haven't done anything, I'm just saying excellent because she feels the same way!"

Ominis froze at the table, he turned slowly to face me almost in surprise.

"She what?"
"She's told me that she likes you, more than a friend. But she was nervous because she didn't think you liked her back in that way"

A smile, yes a smile appeared on the boys pale face. I was shocked to say the least, he only smiles when he gets his own way or Sebastian gets in trouble. I could see the opportunity before me and decided to get the wheels of my plan in motion.

"I think you should ask her out" I said enthusiastically
"Oh please, slow down. I need to speak to her first before I can do that"
"That's the whole point of a date Ominis, you ask the person out and get to know them better"
"Hmm I suppose you're right. I'll have to think about it"

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