Family Secrets

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The morning after I woke up with a mild headache, which was nothing compared to the rest of the girls in the dorm. It seemed I was the sensible one last night?

"Please nobody let me drink that much again on a weekday, I don't know how I'm going to manage today at all." Violet groaned from her bed.

"Oh don't Vi, I feel so sick I can't even keep water down!" Priscilla moaned.

I was in hysterics looking at the state of us all, we looked like we'd been attacked by a few chomping cabbages and dragged back to the castle by our ankles.

"How do you feel Imelda?" I asked
"I actually feel better than I look, Gareth gave me one of his concoction's to try last night. It's supposed to get rid of hangovers, I'm guessing it worked because I feel okay so far which is great because I cannot be ill for quidditch practise later!"
"Wait what! Weasley actually made a working potion for once? Also you two were looking quite cosy last night" I teased.
"I know, I must have been drunk to even try the thing in the first place! But yeah it looks like it worked, and well erm.. lets just say he's growing on me"

Eventually we dragged ourselves out of bed and got ready for the day. It doomed on me that I was meeting Ominis tonight or was I? What if he doesn't show? I did my best to push the thought to the back of my mind and took the nearest floo to beast class.

"It's getting colder now isn't Alora! How are you feeling today? Last night was so fun!"

I never understood how Poppy was always so full of energy, no matter what time of day it was.

"Morning Pops, yeah I'm not looking forward to standing out here for an hour if I'm honest! I feel okay really, I enjoyed myself last night too."
"Pardon me saying, but Hector seemed rather keen on you last night don't you think?"

I looked at her startled, she doesn't miss a trick this girl.

"It was a bit random really wasn't it? I think he was just being polite though."
"That's not what l've heard"
"What do you mean? What have you heard?"

Poppy looked around the class to make sure no one was listening to her next sentence. She lowered her tone before speaking.

"You didn't hear this from me but, Evangeline Bardsley told me that she over heard Andrew Larson and Hector in central hall yesterday morning, apparently they were wondering if you were courting anyone."
"Why would they be bothered about if I'm  courting anyone?"
"Oh I don't know? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're one of the prettiest and most popular girls in the entire school, you literally saved Hogwarts! Why wouldn't they want to know?"
"Poppy you're very kind, but I don't think anyone wants to date me right now."
"Rubbish! You can't blame them from wanting to know, besides you haven't really been seen with anyone since well.. Sebastian".

My face suddenly got hot at his name being mentioned.

"Oh I'm sorry Alora I didn't mean to-"
"No it's fine don't worry about it, really"

I gave her hand a small squeeze and offered a warm smile in hopes she wouldn't feel like she'd upset me. Luckily Professor Howin had started the class, so the conversation had come to an end for now. We spent the lesson recapping about diricrawl feathers and their uses, then ended up chasing a few mischievous mooncalf's that had escaped their pen. That certainly got us warmed up for the morning. The rest of day was pretty standard, nothing too crazy had occurred which I was thankful for as I was still coping with the headache from the night before. My mind seemed to be elsewhere all day though, had I done the right thing asking Ominis to meet me?


"You look fine Alora you got this!" Imelda said reassuringly

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now