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"I don't know what you're talking about?" he replied, a smug expression plastered on his face

As annoyed as it made me, I couldn't keep the smile from creeping up on my lips.

"Sebastian Sallow, do not lie to me!" 
"This may or may not be Weasley's room" he spoke quickly

I reached over and grabbed the picture from the bedside table. I turned over and shoved it in his face, pointing out who was in it.

"And that 'may or may not be' the entire Weasley family! Who else would keep this next to where they sleep? This is his bloody bed!"

Sebastian let out a loud sigh before retreating from the argument.

"OKAY FINE, you got me! It's fucking Weasley's bed alright?"
"Sebastian I can't believe you! We need to get out of here right now!"

I immediately got up leaving the brown haired boy in the bed. He watched me intently as I shamefully tried to put my clothes back on as fast as possible.

"Oh come on don't be like that, we were having such a nice cuddle!" He chuckled

I tried to keep my composure, I really did see the funny side. But Gareth was my friend and I felt awful about it.

"I'm glad one of us finds this funny"
"Hilarious actually" he smirked
"why would you even bring me here to do what we did in his bed?"

Sebastian got out from under the sheets and stood up, my eyes lingered on his perfectly shaped chest and chiseled abs a little too much. He looked so damn good, it was so hard for me to keep a stern face when he so effortlessly looked like that.


He walked closer to me, now inches apart. His arms snaked around my waist pulling me in closer. He stared down at me with two pools of honey, drowning me as I looked up at him.

"Because what?"

A devilish smile appeared on his mouth, his voice low and husky as he whispered slowly to me.

"Because no one dances with my girl, and gets away with it"

I couldn't keep it in any longer, a loud snort slipped out of me as I failed miserably to hold in my laughter.

"You're literally impossible Sebastian!"
"Well at least I make you laugh" he smiled innocently

He was right, he did make me laugh. I loved that about him, we shared a short kiss before finishing off getting ready to leave the room. Whilst Sebastian got rid of all evidence of us ever being there, I silently waited for him. I still couldn't believe I was no longer a virgin, I finally had sex, even if it was in Gareth's bed.

"He can't find out about this you know"
"Why not?"
"Because he's my friend! It's terrible what we've done" I exclaimed
"Will you calm down he won't find out. Everything is back the way it was now anyways. It was like we were never here"

I exhaled deeply, turning towards the door. I was hoping and praying we wouldn't bump into him once we left.

"Okay come on let's go back to the party"

Before I could get to the door Sebastian grabbed my hand, bringing me to a halt.

"Hey, wait a sec"

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now