Game, set, match

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It was finally Friday. I honestly couldn't be happier to see the end of this week. I was actually excited to finally let my hair down tonight. It was such a gorgeous morning, the sun was shining straight through the lake and into the gigantic windows of the common room, creating a blueish glow across the area, it really brought the room to life. It was beautiful. The whole house was in good spirits, as today was the first quidditch match of the season. Walking around the common room the atmosphere was electric, people were laughing and chatting with each other over today's big game. I've never seen so many people in a good mood before.

"I honestly cannot wait for the party tonight girls!" Violet said excitedly
"I think people are more excited for the match Vi, but whatever floats your boat" Imelda joked
"Do you all know what you're wearing later?" Priscilla added
"For the match or the party?" I asked
"For the party silly! We'll all be wrapped up warm for the match, it may be sunny but it's freezing out there!"
"I don't really have any 'party' clothes" I replied
"Don't you worry about that girl, I have just the dress for you! We look the same size, so it should fit perfectly!" She exclaimed
"Do you have shoes?" Violet added
"I have a few flats, some boots maybe? And wedges, but thats about it" I replied
"Well then, we're going shopping! You need some heels because we're dressing up tonight! We HAVE to make an entrance!" She giggled

Oh fuck, was I ready for this? I loved the both of them but I didn't know if I was ready for them to take me shopping.

"I'm not sure girls, will wearing heels not be a bit too much?"
"Nonsense! We don't dress up to blend in girl, we want to stand out!" Priscilla added

I looked at the pair of them, a smirk was creeping up on my face as I saw how thrilled they both were about the whole thing. I guess it would be nice to have a bit of fun with my looks for once?

"Okay fine, We'll go shopping this afternoon!"

The two girls squealed with excitement as I agreed to go shopping with them. I haven't seen Augustus Hill at Gladrags for a while, so it will be nice to pay him a visit I suppose.

"Just make sure you're not late to the match ladies, it starts at 4pm remember! I want my cheerleaders there to see us win!" Imelda laughed
"We wouldn't miss it Imelda!" I smiled at her
"Right, I need to get going girls, I have charms with Ronen and I don't want to be late. I'll see you all later!"

I bid my goodbyes to my friends and set off to the DADA tower. Today was going to be a good day.


As I reached the statue outside the charms classroom, I was greeted with a face I hadn't seen in a few days.

"Alora! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been my friend?"
"Hello Natty, I'm very good thank you. How are you?"

Over the past few years, myself and Natty have been like passing ships. We were still friends and held a lot of love for each other, but her mother had a lot of control over her studies so she was always in her classes or had her head in a book. Nevertheless I will always hold a special place in my heart for this girl. It's not everyday you can say one of your friends took the cruciatus curse for you is it?

"I'm very well thank you, I had a lot of fun in the Three Broomsticks on Monday, but my mother wasn't too pleased about me going out"
"Oh no, wasn't she?"
"I suppose she's just worried about me not taking my NEWTS seriously, which is ridiculous. I am 18 now. She cannot stop me forever." She rolled her eyes
"Exactly! It's probably just a mother thing. She definitely has nothing to worry about with you, you'll pass with flying colours I'm sure" I smiled warmly at her
"Thank you, that's very kind of you. Come on, let's head into class before Professor Ronen tells my mother we're la-"
"Alora! Hey sorry Natty, can I borrow your friend a moment?"

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now