Smells Familiar

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At the end of the class I noticed Ominis had walked out rather quickly. We both had advanced potions next so I thought this would be a good opportunity to speak to him about what the hell just happened.

"Ominis wait for me!"

I shouted above the other students, I needed to speak to him, I needed answers. Picking up my pace I tried to catch up with him, but he seemed to take no notice of me. He walked faster through the crowd where I eventually lost sight of him. Why was he ignoring me?

I headed to Professor Sharp's classroom where I would meet Imelda. Slytherin's and Gryffindor's both had the same advanced class this morning. Once I got there, I spotted her bickering with Gareth Weasley which was quite common considering they were both captain of their houses quidditch teams. You'd find them arguing over practise time slots every other day, but this conversation sounded a little different.

"Listen Weasley, go and find another cauldron to use, I'm not having you blow us to pieces with another one of your great 'ideas'!"
"Actually Imelda, I was coming to ask if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade sometime for a butter beer or two?"

Imelda's face reddened with the question.

"Oh, right. I-i I'll think about it now go away, Alora will be here any minute!"

Proud of his achievement, Gareth gave me a beaming smile as he turned to go back to his cauldron. I sat down on the stool next to her.

"What was all that about?"
"He's just asked me to go for a butter beer with him sometime, can you believe it? Like I'd ever do that."

She tried to pass the interaction off, but I could tell she was interested in his offer.

"Ohhh a date with Weasley, how romantic!" I mocked.
"Shut it you! Anyways enough about me, why did you leave so fast this morning? Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine" I lied
"I was just going to be late for class, although I do need to speak to you about something.."

The sound of Professor Sharp's voice stopped me abruptly from saying another word.

"Alright class, today we're going to be studying the most powerful potion in the world. Please gather around the cauldron at the front."

The cauldron was larger than any other in the room, copious amounts of steam came spiralling off it, you could tell how strong this potion was by that alone. We all gathered around, memorised by it's mother-of-pearl sheen, some of the girls started to get excited but I had no idea why? The liquid inside was genuinely very beautiful to look at, which made it even more dangerous.

"Now can anybody tell me what this smells like?"

Gareth being Gareth spoke first.

"It smells like freshly cut grass, honey and willow branches!"

Eric Northcott interjected.

"No it doesn't? It smells like chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties and roses"

Professor sharp then made us all go around the room explaining what we could smell, Imelda was next.

"I smell fizzing whizzbee's. Bertie Botts jelly beans and butter beer"

I tried to make eye contact with Imelda but her face was to the floor, why wasn't she looking at me? She seemed embarrassed?

"That's excellent Miss Reyes, Mr Sallow can you tell us all what you can smell?"

Sebastian nonchalantly took a step forward and inhaled deeply.

"I can smell vanilla, parchment paper and.."

He took another sniff.

"Pancakes sir."

Imelda's head shot up instantly and glared at me from across the room, as if trying to signal something to me. I couldn't quite understand what she was wanting me to notice? Each student took their turn explaining what they could smell until eventually it got to me.

"Miss Winters last but not least, what do you smell?"

Reluctantly I walked forward to inhale the potion before me.

"I can smell cedar wood, old books and.. green apples."
"Very good Miss Winters! Now, the potion you've all described is Amortentita, the strongest love potion in the world. You've all smelt what is most attractive to you."

Fuck! My face resembled a beetroot at this point. The room broke out with laughter as students teased each other on what they smelt. No wonder Imelda couldn't look at me before, she could obviously smell a certain red headed Gryffindor. But who could I smell?.. It can't be?

"We will only be studying this potion as it's too powerful and too dangerous to brew. Now go back to your seats and let's begin."

I hastily sat down on my seat as Imelda joined me, I dare not to look at her as I was petrified of what she was going to say. Facing the front of the class I did my best not to interact with her, but she turned to me discreetly.

"Sallow smelt you!" She whispered.

Still facing forward I tried to brush it off.

"W-what? That's absurd he didn't smell me"
"Yes he did its so blatantly obvious! And you smelt him too, don't even lie to me!"

I rotated on my seat to face her.

"Imelda, he couldn't have smelt me"
"Why not?"
"Because he doesn't even know who I am."

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