Restricted Access

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*Smut Warning*

I woke up the next day with mixed emotions. The date was like something out of a fairy tale I'd read about when I was a little girl, but the weight of the unspoken truth between us felt like it was slowly starting to cast a shadow over me. I needed to tread very carefully. 

"So how did the date go?" Imelda asked eagerly
"It was perfect Imelda" I hesitated
"Where did he take you?"
"We went to the forbidden forest of all places" I softly laughed
"What! You had a perfect date in the forbidden forest? Your not normal Lora" she joked

Hearing her say it out loud like that did sound make it sound kind of crazy. But it felt sort of nostalgic to me.

"It wasn't like that! He'd set up a table and chairs, candles lit the sky around us and there was a picnic basket and a music box. It was enchanting Imelda" I sighed
"Woah it sounds like he wasn't messing about then was he?"

The girl could see the mix of emotions dancing across my face as I sat there.

"What's wrong?"
"It's just last night, he was telling me everything about himself. I had to sit there and pretend I didn't know anything, it was hard Imelda. And then I spoke about myself and it just makes me upset because he should already know all of this."
"Has Ominis still not spoke to him?" She questioned
"No. He's telling me to keep doing what I'm doing, but if I carry on the rate I'm going.. it's just going to get so complicated"

Imelda grabbed my hand and held it to comfort me.

"Listen, it was just a first date. Don't beat yourself up about it too much. You'll figure it out soon enough Alora. Just enjoy the magic while you can, and when the time is right, the truth will find its way" she smiled warmly at me
"Thanks Imelda" I smiled back at her

My mind suddenly came back to the necklace that had been sitting in my drawer for some time now. I needed answers on it, I decided in that moment that I was going into the restricted section tonight for sure. My thoughts were then interrupted when a I heard a knock at our dorm door.

Imelda turned to me as we both shared a look of confusion between us.

"Who the hell is that?" Imelda asked
"I'm not sure.. no one ever knocks on our door"

Imelda slowly got up and walked towards the door. She glanced back at me before she did so.

"Just open it" I whispered to her

The girl nodded and proceeded to open it slightly, she peaked through the gap to see who was on the other side.

"Oh, it's you" she rolled her eyes as she opened the door fully
"Good morning to you too!" He said sarcastically

Sebastian stood in the frame, uniform on properly, hair immaculately done. He was actually ready on time to go and eat breakfast in the Great Hall. This was a first.

"Sebastian what are you doing here?" I asked
"I just wanted to come get you and head to breakfast together" he smiled
"Is this you asking me to come, or telling me?" I laughed

The boys face changed to a more playful expression, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"It's both, now come on I don't have all day"

I squinted my eyes at him as he demanded my presence.

"What happened to please? Have you forgotten your manners?"
"Is it manners Alora? Or do you just want to see me beg."

A smirk threatened to now appear on my face.

"It's both" I smiled

The boys face turned to a more sinister manner. His eyes locked onto mine as he spoke.

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